Controlled Radical Polymerization Guide - Sigma-Aldrich

Controlled Radical Polymerization Guide - Sigma-Aldrich

Controlled Radical Polymerization Guide - Sigma-Aldrich


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Applying ARGET ATRP to the Growth of<br />

Polymer Brush Thin Films by Surface-initiated <strong>Polymerization</strong><br />

14<br />

ATRP<br />

Sample handling with ARGET ATRP is also simplified since it is sufficient<br />

for the polymerization to be conducted in a sealed jar under air, because<br />

the small amount of oxygen present will be consumed by the excess<br />

reducing agent. However, to prepare polymer brush surfaces by<br />

conventional ATRP the system must be enclosed in rigorously<br />

deoxygenated flasks or entirely conducted in a glove box.<br />

The tolerance of the polymerization to low levels of oxygen also allows<br />

samples to be removed from a polymerization vessel during the reaction<br />

without terminating the polymerization. Samples can even be analyzed<br />

(e.g., ellipsometric thickness) and returned to the polymerization reaction<br />

if a thicker layer is required. Conventional ATRP would require an<br />

extensive process for re-initiation including transfer to a new deoxygenated<br />

reaction flask with fresh polymerization solution.<br />

Research utilizing ARGET ATRP for surface initiated polymerization is<br />

continuing to grow. Matyjaszewski and coworkers first demonstrated the<br />

technique by synthesizing PnBA brushes and PnBA-block-PS copolymer<br />

brushes. 21 More recently, chemically functional polymer brushes such as<br />

epoxy-functional poly(glycidyl methacrylate) 13 and hydroxyl-functional<br />

PHEMA15 have also been prepared by ARGET ATRP. In addition, PMMA<br />

brushes via ARGET ATRP have been grown from a variety of substrate<br />

materials including silicon wafers, 15 high-surface-area porous silica, 22 and<br />

imogolite nanotubes (an aluminosilicate clay). 23<br />

Our group has had significant success in simply adapting existing ATRP<br />

protocols into ARGET ATRP protocols, especially those run at ambient<br />

temperature using polar solvents (e.g., methanol and water), by simply<br />

applying the following ′algorithm′:<br />

Monomer and solvents quantities are kept identical<br />

Replace Cu(I) salts with CuBr2 and greatly reduce the overall copper<br />

concentration. (Typical [monomer]:[Cu] = 5000:1)<br />

Keep the same ligand species, but increase the amount of ligand.<br />

(Typical [ligand]:[Cu] = 10:1)<br />

Add reducing agent (typically ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate), in<br />

large excess over copper. (Typical [reducing agent]:[Cu] = 10:1)<br />

To conduct ARGET ATRP in the most ideal manner (achieving the best<br />

control and the lowest polydispersity), further optimizations need to be<br />

made. For example, a stronger chelating ligand (e.g., Me6TREN or TPMA) 1<br />

may need to be used and the concentration and nature of the reducing<br />

agent should be optimized. However, in surface-initiated polymerization<br />

a simple recipe produced by the algorithm above is often sufficient to<br />

grow a brush layer, where polydispersity and good re-initiation efficiency<br />

are not of critical importance. A typical polymerization procedure for<br />

PMMA brushes, developed using this algorithm, is given at the end of<br />

this article.<br />

It should be noted that if an ARGET ATRP brush growth protocol<br />

produces brush layers which are too thin, as measured by ellipsometry<br />

or other techniques, this could occur for two quite different reasons:<br />

The polymerization is too fast, causing high levels of termination. In<br />

this case, the polymerization can be slowed by using less polar<br />

solvents or less active reducing agents.<br />

The polymerization is too slow. In this case, the polymerization can be<br />

accelerated by using more polar solvents (e.g., adding water to the<br />

solvent mix), more active reducing agents, or adopting more rigorous<br />

oxygen exclusion.<br />

These two scenarios can be differentiated by growing samples for a<br />

range of times, making obvious the difference between early<br />

termination (constant thickness with increasing time) and slow<br />

propagation (slowly increasing thickness).<br />

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Conclusion<br />

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In this short article, we have reviewed the fundamental principles of<br />

ARGET ATRP and discussed the advantages of this technique over<br />

conventional ATRP. We have focused on the application of ARGET ATRP<br />

for surface-initiated polymerization to prepare polymer brushes. Using<br />

ARGET ATRP in this application reduces the experimental complexity of<br />

brush growth, in particular by requiring less rigorous inert atmosphere<br />

conditions. The synthesis of a range of useful polymers (both surfacetethered<br />

and free) by ARGET ATRP has been demonstrated in literature,<br />

and this useful technique is likely to grow in importance for controlled<br />

polymer synthesis both inside and beyond the chemistry laboratory.<br />

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