PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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Bapp—Continued.<br />

—John G postal clk R M S res Dayton<br />

Ky<br />

—John L (Jos Meyung & Co) 15 W Liberty<br />

also fruits 1417 Race ,<br />

—Jos butcher h rear 442 Bank<br />

Jos lab h 4130 Lakeman<br />

^-Jos secy Cigar Makers' Union No 4, 1316<br />

Walnut res Mt Healthy<br />

—Jos F condr h 2910 Sander<br />

—Mrs Laura h 1401 Main<br />

—Leonard foreman shoemkr 320 E 3d h 2120<br />

Gladstone Av<br />

—Leonard A shoemkr h 2120 Gladstone Av<br />

—Lizzie forelady 1671 Central Av h rear 215<br />

Woodward (Franklin)<br />

—Louis prescription pharmacist nwc Chapel<br />

and Woo'dburn Av<br />

—Malvina tailoress h 429 Armory Av<br />

—Margaret wld Jos h 111 Pindlay<br />

—Margaret wid Philip h 1751 Queen City<br />

Av<br />

—^Mary wld Fred h 446 W McMicken Av<br />

—Otto E mach h 214 W Elder<br />

—Peter barber h 111 W 12th<br />

—Peter lab rms lli Gano<br />

—Peter A shoemkr h 1845 Reading Rd<br />

—Robt bartdr rms 110 14th<br />

—Rosa h rear 215 Woodward (Franklin)<br />

—Samuel mach h 622 Richmond<br />

—Walter L. (Rapp, Zettel & R) 607 Johnston<br />

Bldg h 2427 Ingleside Pl<br />

—Wm driver h 339 Kilgour<br />

—Wm foreman sheet dept The Twinlock Co<br />

h 208 Mulberry<br />

—Wm lab h 1202 Poplar<br />

—Wm A drug clk swc Plum and Longworth<br />

h 1911 Baymilier<br />

—Winnie shoeftr h rear 215 Woodward<br />

(Pranklin)<br />


(Geo. W. R., John Z. & Walter L. R.><br />

Architects and Superintendents <strong>of</strong> Buildings,<br />

Offlce, 607 and 608 Johnston Bldg;<br />

Telephone Mam 1477<br />

gS'See also "Ropp"<br />

Rappold P & J (Frank & John) saloon 317<br />

W 6th<br />

-Frank (P & J R) 317 W Oth h 655 Carlisle<br />

Av<br />

—Geo E bartdr 317 W 6th<br />

—John (P & J R) h 317 W 6th<br />

—Kate wid Geo h 317 W 6th<br />

—Louis cupolatdr h 218 Pike<br />

—Philip bartdr h 317 W 6th<br />

Rappoport Jacob E steno 1404 Traction Bldg<br />

h 625 Richmond<br />

—Loretta clk h 625 Richmond<br />

—Louis ladies' tailor 913 Race h 625 Richmond<br />

—Louis G ins afet rm 51, 330 W 9th h 625<br />

Richmond<br />

Rardin C A solicitor contract dept 314 Vine<br />

res Butler Ky<br />

—Prank P steno chief engr's dept CCG&StL<br />

Ry res Ludlow Ky<br />

—J baggagemaster B&OSWRR res Loveland<br />

—'Nellie. 0 steno :^00 Pike res Newport<br />

Rardon Abigail McMath steno The Rardon-<br />

Robinson Shoe Co h 3769 Rosedale Av<br />

—^Edmund F treas and gen mgr The Rardon-Robinson<br />

Shoe Co 317 Walnut h<br />

3769 Rosedale Av<br />

—Plorence klndergartner Lincoln <strong>Public</strong><br />

School h 3769 Rosedale Av<br />


R. K. LeBlond, President; Clinton G.<br />

Robinson, Vice President and Sales<br />

Manager; C. J. McDiarmid, Secretary;<br />

Edmund P. Rardon, Treasurer- and General<br />

Manager; Manufacturers o"f y,Women's<br />

Medium Grade Shoes, 317 Walnut;<br />

Phone Main 2014<br />

—^ose steno 38 W 3d res Loveland O<br />

t^See also "Reardon" and "Riordan"<br />

Raresheid Chas W bkpr The Alms & Doepke<br />

Co h 512 MUton<br />

—Lillian student h 512 MUton<br />

—Mary D wld Geo W h 512 Milton<br />

Kasbach Peter brewer h 4233 Virginia Av<br />

Kasberry J M trav salesman 124 W 3d<br />

T M E<br />

Merchants National Bank<br />

Ingalls Bldg, 4th and Vine Stf.<br />

Transacts all forms <strong>of</strong> Modern BankiHig.<br />

.•M#M«M9M#M#M#.<br />

Finely Equipped Safety Deposit Department<br />

Rasch Alma J clk nee Spring Grove Av<br />

and Sassafras h 1716 Chase Av<br />

—Arthur lab h 557 Milton<br />

—Arthur G clk swc 4Lh and Plum h 1716<br />

Chase Av<br />

—Carl F steno h 1716 Chase Av<br />

—Pred woodwkr h 526 Dandrldge<br />

—Fred L stockkpr 708 Walnut h 1716 Chase<br />

Av<br />

—Ida L saleslady 1200 Vine h 557 Milton<br />

—Louis T clk h 1416 Mansfleld<br />

—Louisa R wld Pred h 1726 Blue Rook<br />

—Metha wld Louis T h 557 Milton<br />

—O C h nee Forest Av and Wilson Av<br />

—Oscar A mach h 1714 Highland Av<br />

—Walter G student h nee Forest Av and<br />

Wilson Av<br />

Rasche Anthony (R Bros) 2008 Plum h 814<br />

Bank<br />


(Marcus & Anthony) Proprietors .Mohawk<br />

Tannery 2008 Plum nr. Mohawk<br />

Bridge<br />

—Ghas M clk 2008 Plum h 814 Bank<br />

—Frank bkpr 2008 Plum h 814 Bank<br />

—Herman driver h llll Pendleton<br />

—Marcus (R Bros) 2008 Plum h 30 Pindlay<br />

—Otto H clk 2008 Plum h 30 Pindlay<br />

—^Ru^olph salesman 114 B 3d h 30 Pindlay<br />

Raschig Else A tchr Woodward High School<br />

h 618 Prospect Pl<br />

—Prank L civ engr nee Harriet and Rich-r<br />

mond h 618 Prospect Pl<br />

—H H principal 10th Dist School h 618 Prospeet<br />

Pl<br />

—Ralph A clk h 618 Prospect Pl<br />

Rasfeld Elmer A porter b 412 E 13th<br />

—Gustave wagonwkr h 1247 W 7th<br />

—Henry coal 412 E 13th<br />

—Kate housekpr h 1117 Pendleton<br />

Rash Jonas houseman rms 548 George<br />

—Wm lab h 548 George<br />

Rashid Asa G clk 230 Sycamore h 232 Sycamore<br />

Rasing Henrietta wid John b 3829 Spring<br />

Grove Av<br />

Rasinsky Ghas E asst engr engr dept B <strong>of</strong><br />

P S h 525 Hopkins<br />

—Mrs Rebecca h 2914 Cleinview Av<br />

Raskin Becky bds 1512 Plum<br />

Rasmussen Andrew saloon 347 W Sth<br />

Rasner Beverly freight handler rms 487 E<br />

Front<br />

Rasor Cornelius W janitor nee Reading Rd<br />

and Blair Av<br />

Rasp Barbara wid Jacob h 3748 Spring<br />

Grove Av<br />

—Elizabeth dressmkr h 411 Armory Av<br />

—J W trav salesman 654 Main<br />

—Jacob lab h 3748 Spring Grove Av<br />

Rassel Jacob cigarmkr h 24 E Liberty<br />

—Lizzie seamstress h 24 B Liberty<br />

West ern Cbrlstian Ad-vocate, (Weekly)<br />

Chriglljan Apologlwt. (German Weekly)<br />

Hana nnd Herd, (German Monthly)'<br />

Splendid Advertising Mediums. Send for Rates<br />

(Ue$tern metboaist Book eoncern<br />

JENNINGS & GRAHAM, Agents,<br />

220 and 222 W. Fonrth Street.

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