PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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On Ground Floor<br />

S. E. Cor. Fourth and Walnut.<br />


Agency Holland-America Lino. New Tork<br />

via . Boulogne-sur-Mer to Rotterdam. New<br />

Twin-Screw Steamers.<br />

Keiter—Continued.<br />

•—Ueo supt registry division P O res Pleasant<br />

Ridge<br />

—Gertrude with The John Shillito Co h flat<br />

3, 214 E Liberty<br />

—Henry salesman 108 E 13th h flat 3, 214 B<br />

Liberty<br />

—^Jos blksmith bds 1261 Harrison Av<br />

—Jos lab h rear 1912 Pleasant<br />

—Louis bds s w c 2d and Elm<br />

—P Howard student h 1811 Josephine<br />

—Peter (Peter R & Go) 108 E 13th h 1811<br />

Josephine<br />

—Peter driver h 2906 Jefferson Av<br />

—Peter & Co shirts 108 B 13th<br />

—Rosa wid Clarence h 1509 Linn<br />

Cil^See also "Renter"<br />

Reith Annie cigarmkr h 1822 Race<br />

—Bernardlna wid Herman h 700 Reading<br />

Rd<br />

—Chas shoemkr h 700 Reading Rd<br />

—Clarence C eagr h 2004 Gentral Av<br />

—Eva wld Bernard h 1822 Race<br />

—Prank lab h rear 308 14th<br />

—Geo woodwkr h 700 Reading Rd<br />

—Henry woodwkr h 700 Reading Rd<br />

—Juila cigarmkr h 1822 Race<br />

—Marie dressmkr h 700 Reading Rd<br />

•—Mary wid Prank h 1062 Gutter<br />

—May cigarmnkr h 1822 Race<br />

K'g'See also "Rieth"<br />

Reitman Abraham engraver h 529 Clinton<br />

—Alex cigarmkr h 920 Cutter<br />

—Geo civil engr h 529 Clinton<br />

—Michael salesman h 529 Clinton<br />

Reitmann Ghas foreman 1010 Gest h 1030<br />

Oehler<br />

—Edward driver rms 421 E 2d<br />

—Henry packer h 2026 Western Av<br />

•—Jacob woodwkr h 632 Neave<br />

—John woodwkr h ns Werk Rd w <strong>of</strong> Glenmore<br />

Av<br />

—Mary wld Jacob h 2026 Western Av<br />

—Michael packer h 1231 Harrison Av<br />

C^See also "RIetman"<br />

Reitz A J (R, Kirk & Go) 233 Main h 1033<br />

Sunset Av<br />

—Anna wid John P h 838 E 3d<br />

—Anthony painter bds 1208 Preeman Av<br />

---Chris J printer wks Cohen & Go<br />

—Conrad mach hand h rear 1812 Logan<br />

—Conrad Jr barber 1908 Blm<br />

—Frank barber h rear 1812 Logan<br />

—Frank waiter 2401 Grandview Av W H<br />

—Geo Henry bds nwc Spring Grove Av and<br />

Pali^iew Av W P<br />

—Hfirry G .shoemkr h 538 E Liberty<br />

—John P clk 29 Main h 233 E 12th<br />

—John J butcher h 538 E Liberty<br />

Reitz, Kirk & Go (A J R & A A K) wh<br />

cheese 235 Main<br />

IKDdRSED<br />

BY Ttfk LEADING<br />





Reitz—Continued.<br />

—P J (P J R & Co) 121 B Pront h 1033r<br />

Sunset Av<br />

—P J & Go com mers 121 E Pront<br />

—Stella M music tchr h 1033 Sunset Av<br />

Reitzel Wm foreman 1723 Powers h 1560 Elm.<br />

Reitzes Israel carp h 127 Green<br />

—Louis cabmkr h 214 Webster<br />

—Mollie clk 1^10 Cutter h 127 Green<br />

—Samuel mach h 214 Webster<br />

Reiver Oscar piano. finisher bds 1322 Spring-<br />

REKABT GEO. G.,<br />

Jeweler and Expert Watchmaker: Diamonds,<br />

Watches, Jewelry, &e.; Repairing<br />

<strong>of</strong> Pine Watches a Specialty, 1513-<br />

Vine; Residence. 2359 Guy<br />

Rekate Gustav printer wks Roessler Bros<br />

Reker Bern.ard J foreman 23 E Canal h flat<br />

1, 229 E Liberty<br />

—Edward plater h 223 Orchard<br />

—Pred mach hand h 1324 Pendleton<br />

—Geo h 1324 Pendleton<br />

—Geo teamster h 801 Bank<br />

—Geo H stockkpr 1003 Walnut h 801 Bank<br />

—John lab bds IS E 13th<br />

—Minnie wld Bernard h 409 E 13th<br />

Rekers Clarence packer 65 Main<br />

—Henry shoemkr h 1527 BaymUler<br />

Rekow Olivia clk 13 W 4th res Covington<br />

Rektenvalt Frank mach bds rear 837 W<br />

Liberty<br />

Relecom M M P lace importer h 104 Huntington<br />

Pl<br />

Releford Samuel hodcarrler bds 632 Wayne<br />

Reliable Art Co (Wm S Pulllnger & Ernest<br />

A Lindsey) rm 47, 621 Main<br />

Reliable Dairy Go (The) L W McCray pres!<br />

R P Lingo V pres H L McCray secy and<br />

treas sec Linn and Clinton<br />

Reliable Dry Gleaning Co (The) P Conver<br />

mgr 1605 Preenaan Av<br />

Reliable National Laundry Co Meyer Vai»<br />

Cleeff prop 795 E McMillan<br />

Reliable Wall Paper & Paste Go Edward<br />

Gleason pres Edward Gleason Jr secy<br />

and treas 1014 Walnut<br />

Reliance Electric & Mfg Go, Henry Kaetker<br />

mgr 832 W Oth<br />

Reliance Engineering Co (The) mechanical<br />

and electrical engineers 3ll 4th Nat Bk<br />

Bldg<br />

Reliance Hotel Staff Capt E S Trumble mg;r<br />

27 Opera Pl<br />

Reliance Ins Go <strong>of</strong> Phila 1217 1st Nat Bk<br />

Bldg » _<br />

Reliance Life Ins Co <strong>of</strong> PittsbiA-gh T T<br />

Armstrong gen agt 1404 1st Nat Bk Bldg<br />

Reliance Motor Car Co (The) Stanley A<br />

Hooker pres W M Reynolds secy and<br />

treas 3125 Reading Rd<br />


Jaiiies J. Hooker, President; B. W. Putnam,<br />

Vice President; Lting S. Doggett,<br />

Treasurer; Geo. H. BuchanaUi Secretary;<br />

S. A. Hooker. General Manager; Dyers;<br />

<strong>of</strong> Yarns and Cotton Piece Goods, 212 to<br />

218 E. 3d; 'Phones Main 2974 and 2975<br />

Relief Steam Trap Co Peter Light prop lOOff<br />

E 3d<br />

Rellar BenJ driver h 1781 Sycamore<br />

—BenJ Jr musician h 1857 Walker<br />

Reller Dennis teamster h 211 Ludlow<br />

—Pred B produce h flat 2, 304 E Pearl<br />

—Otto student bds 2409 Clifton Av<br />

Reiman Theo W metalwkr h 1057 Preemao<br />

Av<br />

Relph Richard T designer nee 7th anal<br />

Plum h 3211 Vine<br />

Remaklus Philip barber h flat 8, 924 Elm<br />

Rembold Mrs Amelia seamstress h 31 Peete<br />

REMBOLD C. H.,<br />

Secretary and Manager The Clnclnnatr<br />

Times-Star Co., n.e.c. Oth and Wahiut;<br />

Residence, 497 Howell Av., Clifton<br />

—Chas W trav agt <strong>Cincinnati</strong> Times-Star a<br />

2424 Symmes<br />

—John letter cat-rier P O h 55 Mulberry<br />

—Leona clk 622 Sycamore h 55 Mulberry<br />

—Lo«Hse P wid Henry h 969 Martin<br />

—Pauline seamstress h 2424 Symmes<br />

Rembrandt Studio lOth fl 31 E 4th

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