PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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On Ground Floor<br />

S. E. Cor. Fourth and Walnut.<br />


Agency United Fruit Line steamers from<br />

Philadelphia. New York and Boston to Jamaica.<br />

Winters—Continued.<br />

—'Wm carp bds 251 Pike<br />

—Wm G porter h 316 Ann<br />

—Wm H glasswkr h 4028 Bastern Av<br />

—^Wm P mach h 4247 Virginia Av<br />

—Mrs Wilmer H h 803 Bank<br />

—Wilmer H jr pressman h 803 Bank<br />

gS'See also "Winter"<br />

Wlntersmith E B bds 320 Broadway<br />

WIntersohle Pred W furniture repairer b<br />

3243 Observatory Av<br />

—Mae J saleslady 40 W Sth res Covington<br />

WINTON DR. C. F..<br />

Physician and Surgeon, Offlce, Lancaster<br />

Bldg, 22 W. 7th; Telephone Canal 2685;<br />

Residence, 2519 Ingleslde Av., East Walnut<br />

Hills; "Telephone North 2597—^Y<br />

—David stonemason rms 549 B Sth<br />

—Henry butler 431 Porest Av Avondale<br />

Winton Place M B Church nwc Epworth<br />

Av and Edgewood Av W P<br />

Winton Place <strong>Public</strong> Sehool sec Winton Rd<br />

and Hand Av W P<br />

Winton Place Town Hall nec Bdgewood Av<br />

and Epworth Av<br />

WIntring Bernard biksmlt-h h 1036 State Av<br />

—Edward P stockkpr 25 E Pearl res Latonia<br />

Ky<br />

Wintz Anna shoewkr bdf 555 B 13th<br />

—Prank A stockkpr 1501 Freeman Av b 2304<br />

Victor<br />

—John J packer h 237 Calhoun<br />

—Jos h 2304 Victor<br />

—Jos Jr packer h 1812 Race<br />

Wintzinger Anna clk h 1686 Queen City Av<br />

—Edward J h 1686 Queen City Av<br />

—Plorence (wld Albert) confr 1189 Harrison<br />

Av<br />

—Geo A glass engraver 1686 Queen City 5V.V<br />

—Louisa wld PhlUp h 1686 Queen City Av<br />

—PhlUp grocer 1686 Queen City Av<br />

,—Rose wld Frank h 1618 Hughes<br />

'Wln?enrled Louis tailor h 408 E 12th<br />

—Tbferifesa wld John h 408 E 12th<br />

Wliikig Andrew b 130 Winkler<br />

^Chas J butcher h 2827 Sidney Av<br />

,—Conrad J butcher b 1109 Queen City Av<br />

—Edward bartdr h 5024 Eastern Av<br />

—Mabel clk 22 W 4th h 5024 Eastern Av<br />

—Mayme with The John Shillito Go h 5024<br />

Bastern Av<br />


Proprietor The Lindenwald; Plneet Kentucky<br />

Whiskies; Well Known Brands <strong>of</strong><br />

Cigars; Nothing But Plrst-Class Refreshments,<br />

Served at Reasonable Prices,<br />

end <strong>of</strong> Bast End Car Line, Llnwood;<br />

Telephone East 394<br />

—Tony jr saloon 556 B Sth<br />

—Walter brasswkr h 1109 Queen City Av<br />






* 7^^ AND ELM STS.<br />

Wloland Blizabeth wld Prank res Bodmans<br />

German Protestant Widows' Home<br />

Wioloczkl Illija. lab bds 215 Pindlay<br />

Wlot J & Co plumbers 2007 Madison Rd<br />

—Jerome (J W & Co) 2007 Madison Rd h<br />

933 Churchill Av<br />

—Louis plumber h 933 Churchill Av<br />

Wipfel Carrie saleslady nwc Walnut and<br />

Pearl res Covington<br />

—Geo polisher h 509 W McMicken Av<br />

—Leo brewer h 509 W McMicken Av<br />

—Leo jr boxmkr h 509 W McMicken Av<br />

—Louis X carver b S09 W McMicken Ar<br />

Wipfli Albert locksmith h 3092 Colerain Av<br />

Wipper Adolph prop Standard Dairy Co 28<br />

W 12th<br />

—^Arthur B dentist 106 Odd Fellows' Temple<br />

res Norwood<br />

—Edwin W macb h 804 Delhi Av<br />

—Pred C clk CCC&StLRy Prelght Office b<br />

2903 Garfleld Av nr Edwin Av<br />

—Preeman H freight agt h 415 DorchesterAv<br />

—Geo foreman mill room nec Oth and Harriet<br />

res Hartwell<br />

—Harry J elk CCC&StLRy nec 4th and<br />

Vine h 1632 Western Av<br />

—Henry J postal clk R M S h 2903 Garfleld<br />

Av nr Edwin Av<br />

—^Mrs Jessie L b 2415 Ashland Av<br />

Wira Bdward driver h 949 Carr<br />

—Emil driver h 949 Carr<br />

—Jos driver h 949 Carr<br />

—Millie h 949 Carr<br />

Wire Clarence N bkbinder h 1428 Bastern Av<br />

—Otis G mach rms 426 Central Av<br />

—^Wm M barber 1428 Eastern Av<br />

Wires P J asst supt The Auto Ozone Co 701<br />

W Oth h 547 W 7th<br />

WIrkner Anna wld Wentz h 3029 Jefterson<br />

Av<br />

WIrmel Andrew shoectr h 1712 Queen CityAv<br />

—Anthony butcher h 3576 Colerain Av<br />

—Chas corem'kr h 1327 Blam<br />

—Chas BE engr h 3284 McHenry Av<br />

—Chas L paper carrier h 1787 Baltimore Av<br />

^Edward elk rms 1038 Rlttenhouse<br />

—Emma wid Peter h 1242 Bates Av<br />

—P John molder h 1429 Clay<br />

—Prank A engr b 1787 Baltimore Av<br />

—Prank A tailor b 1429 Clay<br />

—John blksmith h 2626 Scioto<br />

—John M engr h 1046 State Av<br />

—Jos M engr h 1703 Western Av<br />

—Josephine h 1007 Cutter<br />

—Mrs Kate with The John ShlUlto Co b<br />

312 W McMicken Av<br />

—^Lena wld Martin b 3021 MeMlcken Av<br />

—M Elizabeth.wId..Geo h 432 Klotter Av<br />

—Maggie wld Chas V19% Milk<br />

—Mary wld Adam h 1058 Intermediate Av<br />

—^Wm shoe laster h 1712 Queen City Av<br />

—Wm watchman b 2612 Cook<br />

—Wm J bkpr 656 State Av h 743 Mt Hope<br />

Av<br />

—^Wm J clk h 312 W McMicken Av<br />

Wirsch Christine M b 2813 Price Av<br />

—I'rank salesman h 1624 Potter Pl<br />

—Michael W driver h 2813 Price Av<br />

WIrscbIng TUUe b 2710 Vine •<br />

Wirsing Chas C foreman mach 308 Elm b<br />

941 • Wells<br />

—E C wall paper 3602 Warsaw Av h 955-<br />

Wells •<br />

—Geo macb b 941 Wells<br />

Wirth Rev A E pastor First German Presbyterian<br />

Church h 910 York<br />

—A Stanley buyer 622 Sycamore b 21*<br />

Goe<strong>the</strong><br />

—Adam lab h 415 W 6th<br />

—Adam wltb The John ShlUlto Co b 1180<br />

Gest<br />

—Anna C dressmkr b 2133 Hatmaker<br />

—Anton shoemkr h 213 Goe<strong>the</strong><br />

—Chas steno 416 Blm b 4203 Columbia Av<br />

—Christ glasswkr b 4203 Columbia Av<br />

—Elizabeth wld Andrew h 1532 Harrison Av<br />

—Elizabeth wld Christ b 2564 Euclid Av<br />

—Fred G brewer b 1818 Race „,„ »<br />

—Geo prop Geo Wirth Machinery Co 21^ J»<br />

2d b 2S64 Euclid Av

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