PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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Bifenberick—Continued.<br />

—R P at secy's <strong>of</strong>llce CH&DRy h flat 24<br />

Roanoke Plats<br />

—R P member Board <strong>of</strong> Trustees Commissioners<br />

<strong>of</strong> Water Works City Hall h flat<br />

24 Roanoke Plats<br />

R p jr, U S A h flat 24 Roanoke Flats<br />

BlfTe Chas T bartdr h 404 John<br />

Rlfrelmacher Leo confr 250 Warner<br />

Riffle Harry agt at 221 W Sth h 916 Race<br />

—Jas P clk swc 6th and Gentral Av res<br />

Covington<br />

—^Wm stockkpr 419 George res Covington<br />

Rlfkin B cap mfr 219 B Pearl h 942 W 7th<br />

—BenJ shoemkr h 1038 Clark<br />

—Henrietta bkpr h 942 W 7th<br />

—Ike porter h 1604 Central Av<br />

—Mary capmkr h 942 W 7th<br />

—Nellie saleslady 942 W 7th<br />

—Yetta steno 29 W Pearl h 942 W 7th<br />

Riga Albert T baker h 2901 Burnet Av<br />

-—Clifford painter h 2131 Barnard<br />

—Harry P mach hand h 2242 Victor<br />

-^acob blksmith h 2131 Barnard<br />

—Jos tinner h 2131 Barnard<br />

—Peter baker h 2901 Burnet Av<br />

RIgby A E eleotrotyper rms 125 Garfleld Pl<br />

—Arthur eleotrotyper h 2018 Freeland Av<br />

—Edward S motorman h 2549 Western Av<br />

—^Mabel E forelady h 2549 Western Av<br />

Rigdon Adelaide h 2626 Park Av<br />

—Albert boxmkr h 1704 Columbia Av<br />

—Clarence lab h 1704 Columbia Av<br />

—David lab h 1704 Columbia Av<br />

—Emily A wld Isaac h 2626 Park Av<br />

—Harry coal gauger sec Front and Harriet<br />

h 2626 Park Av<br />

—R Lee dentist 704 Andrews Bldg res Highlands<br />

Ky<br />

^Roland plumber rms nwc 7th and Race<br />

—Taylor lab h 607 W 3d<br />

—^Wm lab h 1704 Columbia Av<br />

RIgert Thos lab h 608 W 3d<br />

Rlgg Jos R trav salesman 212 Vine<br />

—W T bkpr h 648 W Oth<br />

—Wm D printer h 648 W Oth<br />

Rlgge Rev Jos F. S J asst pastor St Xavler<br />

Church h s w c 7th and Sycamore<br />

Riggers Henry baker h 3001 Henshaw Av<br />

Riggine BenJ P painter h 3639 Hersehel<br />

Av<br />

—Minnie wid BenJ h 3639 Hersehel Av<br />

Biggies Sadie saleslady 13 W 4th res Madisonville<br />

Riggs Rev A B pr<strong>of</strong>essor Lane Theological<br />

Seminary h 5 Lane Seminary Grounds<br />

—A C clk CGC&StLRy Freight Offlce res<br />

Erlanger Ky<br />

—Albert R clk City Water Works h 5 Lane<br />

Seminary Grounds<br />


Physician and Surgeon; Residence, 1510<br />

BaymUler; 'Phone West 1182—Y; Hours:<br />

8 to 10. a. m., 5 to 8 p. m.; Offlce, n.w.c.<br />

7th and John; 'Phone Canal 584;<br />

Offlce Hours: ^g * § " p! S<br />

—Alphonso Jr elect'n h 1510 Baymilier<br />

—Arthur J ladles' tailor 1822 Josephine<br />

—Arthur W foreman metile dept 1511 Union<br />

Trust Bldg res Latonia Ky<br />

—BenJ P stair bldr h rear 255 McCullough<br />

—Adjutant Carrie In charge Salvation Army<br />

Relief Dept 114 E Sth<br />

—Ohas A draftsman .712 Traction Bldg res<br />

Newport<br />

-Chas J stair bldr h 4236 WiUlamson Pl<br />

—S'*'"S"ce porter rms 1024 Central Av<br />

—E P foreman Monfort & Go res Newport<br />

—Edward N painter h 506 W Liberty<br />

—Emma h 519 Clinton<br />

—Plorence h 602 Carlisle Av<br />

—G L clk L&NRy Freight Depot res Newport<br />

—Henrietta steno sec Oth and Cutter re«<br />

Erlanger Ky<br />

•^Howard E flreman bds 345 Baum<br />

—Jas lab rms 324 E Pront<br />

—Jos.S driver h 737 Kenyon Av<br />

THE<br />

Merchants National Bank<br />

Ingalls Bldg, 4th and Vine Sts.<br />

Issues Letters <strong>of</strong> Credit available all over<br />

<strong>the</strong> World.<br />


RIGGS L. R.,<br />

Physician; Rupture Specialist; Offlce<br />

Hours; 9 a.m. to 12 m., 2 to 4 p.m.;<br />

Sundays, 10 a. m. to 12 m.; Office. 4 B.<br />

Sth; Residence, 1355 Burdett Av<br />

—M N printer wks Monfort & Co<br />

—O H phys 4 B Sth<br />

—Sampson bricklyr h 1510 BaymUler<br />

—T A carp rms 247 Pike<br />

—^W B car counter C&O Ry Bridge rea Covington<br />

Right Frank M cashr 54 Central Av h flat<br />

3 n e o ShilUto Pl and Elm<br />

C7See also "Wright"<br />

Righter L W h 103 W Court<br />

—M E cigars .1234 Vine h 103 W Court<br />

—W B mach h 808 Poplar<br />

Righthouse Albert engr h 517 E 3d<br />

Rightmire Chas L surveyor h 4245 Dane<br />

—O G wall paper 4022 Hamilton Av h 4245<br />

Dane<br />

—Oliver S dentist 4140 Hamilton Av h 1512<br />

Lingo<br />

—Verna steno 1649 Blue Rock h 1512 Lingo<br />

Rigney Gathrlne A saleslady 438 Race h 267<br />

Pike<br />

—John carp rear 16 E 9th<br />

—John J helper h 267 Pike<br />

—Jos ironwkr h. 5Q4 jLiobk<br />

—Jos M city flreman h 236 Lawrence<br />

-Katie forelady h 1215 W Oth<br />

—Katie laundress rms 804 W Court<br />

—Lizzie h 1215 W Oth<br />

—Mary h flat 15 rear 530 E Pearl<br />

—Mary h 1038 John<br />

—Michael sergt <strong>of</strong> police h 723 Burns<br />

—Michael J molder h 1137 Carson Av<br />

—Robt T city flreman h 1216 W Oth<br />

—Stephen B foreman 741 W Oth h 267 Pike<br />

Rigor Edward lab h rear 1066 Gutter<br />

Rtht Pater butler h 682 Glenwood Av<br />

Rils Anna tchr Cin'ti Art Academy h flat<br />

24, 2106 Grand<br />

Rlker Ghas R elec'l engr swc 4th and Plum<br />

bds 1010 Locust<br />

—E Emmet depot agt U S Ex Co's<br />

Warehouse cor Oth and BaymUler b<br />

flat 4. 907 Baymilier<br />

—Morton W mach h 1010 State Av<br />

—Ralph h 907 Baymilier<br />

—Wm H supt 239 Mill h 253 Piedmont Av<br />

Rlkh<strong>of</strong>f (jhas H bkpr sec Oth and Evans rea<br />

Norwood<br />

Rile Everett porter rms 311 Smith<br />

Rilea Dott C clk h 1634 Main<br />

—^J W confr 1634 Main<br />

—Jas A grocery 565 Hopkins<br />

—Mayme wid Roy h 1634 Main<br />

—^Wm clk 241 Walnut h 3228 Linwood Av<br />


For HOT WATER<br />


STEAM<br />


Tel. Main 87.<br />

204-5-6-7<br />

Traction Bldg.<br />


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