PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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On Grotmd Floor<br />

S. E. Cor. Fourth and Walnut.<br />


Asrency Cunard Steamship Line. New Tork<br />

and Boston via Queenstown to Liverpool.<br />

Also Mediterranean service to Gibraltar. Naples<br />

and Flume.<br />

KichardH—Continued.<br />

—Wni A letter carrier Sta D, P O b 1200<br />

Eden Park Court<br />

—^Wm E (Bingham & Richards Mfg Co) 1st<br />

fl 224 E Sth res Bellevue Ky<br />

—^Wm E flreman h 832 E Pearl<br />

r-Wm P h ,1 Park Pl<br />

Richardson Addle wid Martin h 1011 Ford.k6i^<br />

A.V<br />

—Albert lab h ^24 W 3d<br />

:—Albert lab h 414 Richmond<br />

—Albert salesman 1116 Lincoln Av h 3004<br />

Pfirk A^v<br />

—Albert C bartdr h 514 E 12th<br />

—Alex lab h 427 David<br />

—Alfred lab bds rear 2930 Alms Pl<br />

—Angle A h flat 26 sec Reading Rd and<br />

Rockdale Av<br />

—Mrs Annie assorter h shantyboat ft <strong>of</strong><br />

Evans<br />

—Anna G steno 1507 Union Trust Bldg res<br />

Glendale<br />

—Archie medicines 526 John and phys 1610<br />

Main h 1432 Main<br />

•^Aiigustin mach hand res Lemuel G Richardson's<br />

Turkey Bottom Rd<br />

—BiF trav salesman 201 Ws^Inut<br />

—Bert lab rrns 312 Perry<br />

—Mrs Bettle L laundress h 554 W 6th<br />

—'Chas B bkpr The Peters Cartridge Co h<br />

38TT Is3,l)6ll£i Av<br />

—Chas G (The Ohio Press) 4th fl 113 W 4th<br />

h flat 7. 24 E 7th<br />


County Auditor, Ofllce, Court House;<br />

Residence, Glendale<br />

—Chemical Go Wm Richardson prop rm 3<br />

. 616 Vine<br />

—Clarence lab h 574 W 6th<br />

—-Clay foreman rma 422 Carlisle<br />

-r-Cordie lab rms 430 W Oth<br />

—-Cynthia nurse 2130 Auburn Av<br />

•r-D, G clk freight claim dept CGC&StLRy<br />

h 1671 Bruce Av<br />

—Daisy bds flat 6, 519 Smith<br />

—David h 416 Strafer<br />

^—Edward lab bds 257 Page<br />

—Edw'ard ,P porter h 630 W Court<br />

—Emma wld Prank h 324 W 3d<br />

—Frank rms 324 E Front<br />

—Prank O lab h rear 906 Hopkins<br />

—Geo A press asst h 559 Delta Av<br />

—Geo T grainer h 938 Livlngston-<br />

—Grace tchr Avondale School h 2484 Observatory<br />

Av H P<br />


Manufacturers' Supplies, 220 W. 2d:<br />

'Phone Main 2411<br />

—Harry carp h 1126 Vine<br />

—.Harry lab h 529 W Sth<br />

-^Harry C motorman h 1432 Main<br />





7TH.&ELMSTS.<br />

Richardson—Continued.<br />

—Harry W adv agt Walnut Street Theater<br />

res Bellevue Ky<br />

—Harvey lab h 240 St Peters<br />

—^Harvey mgr .526 John<br />


(THE). B. ;B. RlclWFdSon, President and<br />

General Manager; Color Printers and<br />

Manufacturers <strong>of</strong>'Folding. Boxes and Labels<br />

<strong>of</strong> Every Description, s.e.c. Harrison<br />

Av. and Patterson; 'Phone West 138<br />

Richardson Horace M prop H M Richardson<br />

Steel & Iron Go 220 W 2d res Norwood<br />

—Howard M laundryman h 1011 Foraker Av<br />

—Inez saleslady The Fair rms 31 Garfleld Pl<br />

—J G rms 521 Elm<br />

—^J C secy The Queen City Supply Co swe<br />

Pearl and Elm res Ludlow Ky<br />

—J Homer brakeman bds 1547 Gladstone Av<br />

—J M pres The Citizens Motor Car Co n e e<br />

7th and Main h 731 N Crescent Av<br />

—J S atty rm 10 448 Main also supt Free<br />

<strong>Public</strong> Employment Offlce 122 Garfleld<br />

Pl h 1 Eastbourne Terrace<br />

—:J Walker lab h 1.120 Bremen<br />

—Jacob foreman h n w c Liberty and SthAv<br />

—Jas barber h rear 621 W Court<br />

—Jas lab bds 1964 N Main<br />

—Jas E flreman h 658 Freeman Av<br />

—Jas L clk The Hall's Safe Co res GlendaU<br />

—Jerry lab h 529 W Sth<br />

—John carp h 423 Collins Av<br />

—John lab h 3569 Irving<br />

—John waiter h 26 W 13th<br />

—John E pres The Ebbert & Richardson Co<br />

sec Sth and Sycamore h 2632 Kemper<br />

Lane<br />

—John W shoemkr h 559 Delta Av<br />

—Jos sawyer h 4789 Eastern Av<br />

—Julius A shoemkr h 559 Delta Av<br />

—Lavlna h rm 81. 225 E 4th<br />

—^Lemuel.G far h ws Turkey Bottom Rd a<br />

<strong>of</strong> New Richmond Pike<br />

—Linton L porter h 721 Barr<br />

—Lola bds 534 George<br />

—Lucian lab rms 430 W Oth<br />

—Margaret wld Richard J h 614 B 12th<br />

—Martha J h 2414 May<br />

—Martha M wid Geo W h 2316 W 6th<br />

—Mary steno 642 Carr h 630 W Sth<br />

—Mary wld John h 529 W Sth<br />

—Maurice porter h 832 W 7th<br />

—Okie waitress h 819 W 9th<br />

—Oliver porter rms 232 Post SQuaro<br />

—Ore bartdr h 430 W 4th ,<br />


G. C. Richardson, President; J. M. Richardson,<br />

Vice President; W. S. LaRue.<br />

Secretary; W. H. Richardson, Treasurer;<br />

Manufacturers <strong>of</strong> Paper; Offlce and<br />

Mills, Lockland, O.; Telephone Wyoming<br />

No. 80: Take Millcreek- Valley Cars<br />

at Fountain Square<br />

—Polly wid Silas h e s Marmet Av n <strong>of</strong><br />

Bear<br />

—R E pres and gen mgr The Rlchardson-<br />

Hauser Printing Co sec Harrison Av<br />

and Patterson h 86 W McMUlan<br />

—Mrs Rhoda h 740 Barr<br />

—Russell waiter h 115 E Sth<br />

—S M cashr Citizens Nat Bank sec 4th<br />

and Main h flat 6 s e c Park Av and<br />

Cross Lane *<br />

—Samuel lab h 826 VanHorn<br />

—Samuel H clk 1501 Preeman Av h 935<br />

CUnton<br />

—iSarah wld Fleming h 723 fc Oth<br />

—Mrs Susie h 638 Main<br />

—Thos lab bds P Clay Chandler's Poplar st<br />

H P<br />

—W F watchman h 1320 Bremen<br />

—Wiley M lab bds Andrew McDlne's shantyboat<br />

w s mouth <strong>of</strong> Millcreek<br />

—Wm bricklyr rms 511 Sycamore<br />

—Wm clk h flat B 913 Race<br />

—Wm lab h e s Marmet Av n <strong>of</strong> Bear<br />

—-Wm mach h 650 Delta Av<br />

—Wm prop Richardson Chemical Go rm »<br />

616 Vine res Covington<br />

—^Wm stockkpr rms 1410 Central Av

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