What is History / by Edward Hallett Carr - Universal History Library

What is History / by Edward Hallett Carr - Universal History Library

What is History / by Edward Hallett Carr - Universal History Library


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Modern H<strong>is</strong>tory which I quoted in my first lecture, referred to h<strong>is</strong>tory as 'a progressive<br />

science'; and in the introduction to the first volume of the h<strong>is</strong>tory wrote that 'we are bound<br />

to assume, as the scientific hypothes<strong>is</strong> on which h<strong>is</strong>tory <strong>is</strong> to be written, a progress in<br />

human affairs'. In the last volume of the h<strong>is</strong>tory, publ<strong>is</strong>hed in 1914 Dampier, who was a<br />

tutor of my college when I was an undergraduate, felt no doubt that 'future ages will see no<br />

limit to the growth of man's power over the resources of nature and of h<strong>is</strong> intelligent use of<br />

them for the welfare of h<strong>is</strong> race'." In view of what I am about to say, it <strong>is</strong> fair for me to<br />

admit that th<strong>is</strong> was the atmosphere in which I was educated, and that I could subscribe<br />

without reservation to the words of my senior <strong>by</strong> half a generation, Bertrand Russell: 'I<br />

grew up in the full hood of Victorian optim<strong>is</strong>m, and ... something remains with me of the<br />

hopefulness that then was easy.' In 1920, when Bury wrote h<strong>is</strong> book The Idea of Progress,<br />

a bleaker climate already prevailed, the blame for which he laid, in obedience to the<br />

current fashion, on 'the doctrinaires who have establ<strong>is</strong>hed the present reign of terror in<br />

Russia', though he still described progress as 'the animating and controlling idea of<br />

western civil<strong>is</strong>ation'." Thereafter th<strong>is</strong> note was silent. Nicholas I of Russia <strong>is</strong> said to have<br />

<strong>is</strong>sued an order banning the word 'progress': nowadays the philosophers and h<strong>is</strong>torians of<br />

western Europe, and even the United States, have come belatedly to agree with him. The<br />

hypothes<strong>is</strong> of progress has been refuted. The decline of the west has become so familiar a<br />

phrase that quotation marks are no longer required. But what, apart from all the shouting,<br />

has really happened? By whom has th<strong>is</strong> new current of opinion been formed? The other<br />

day I was shocked to come across, I think, the only remark of Bertrand Russell I have ever<br />

seen which seemed to me to betray an acute sense of class: 'There <strong>is</strong>, on the whole, much<br />

less liberty in the world now than there was a hundred years ago.' I have no measuring-rod<br />

for liberty, and do not know how to balance the lesser liberty of few against the greater<br />

liberty of many. But an any standard of measurement I can only regard the statement as<br />

fantastically untrue. I am more attracted <strong>by</strong> one of those fascinating glimpses which Mr A.<br />

J. P. Taylor sometimes gives us into Oxford academic life. All th<strong>is</strong> talk about the decline<br />

of civil<strong>is</strong>ation, he writes, ‘means only that university professors used to have domestic<br />

servants and now do their own washing- up'.' Of course, for former domestic servants,<br />

washing-up <strong>by</strong> professors may be a symbol of progress. The loss of white supremacy in<br />

Africa, which worries Empire Loyal<strong>is</strong>ts, Africaner Republicans, and investors in gold and<br />

copper shares, - may look like progress to others. I see no reason why, on th<strong>is</strong> question of<br />

progress, I should ipso facto prefer the verdict of the 1950s to that of the 1890s, the verdict<br />

of the Engl<strong>is</strong>h-speaking world to that of Russia, Asia, and Africa, or the verdict of the<br />

middle-class intellectual to that of the man in the street, who, so cording to Mr.<br />

Macmillan, has never had it so good. Let us for the moment suspend judgement on the<br />

question whether we are living in a period of progress or of decline, and examine a little<br />

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