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23<br />

both troops and police.<br />

9.6.3 Preparations for Operations An expedition against the Chins on modified scale was now sanctioned.<br />

against the Siyins It was determined to deal first of all only with the Siyins and to inflict on<br />

them such a crushing blow as not only to cripple them for the future, but<br />

also to terrify the Tashons into giving up the rebels Shwe Gyo Byu and his followers, and the Shan captives. The<br />

month of November was spent in arranging for the expendition. Captain Raikes and his assistant Mr. Hall busied<br />

themselves with obtaining intelligence regarding the Chins, their villages, and the route to their country. The<br />

General[Faunce] was engaged in massing troops at Kambale, and arranging for the better defence of the valleys. Hill<br />

coolies were collected in Assam and sent for the expedition. Assam troops were sent through Manipur to the base of<br />

operations, and the 42nd Gurkhas, who were on their way to Assam via Manipur, were detained to increase the force. A<br />

levy of Military Police, composed chiefly of Punjabis, was sanctioned to garrison the Yaw valley against the<br />

depredations of the Southern Chins, the Chinbokes, and Chinmes. The plan of campaign decided on was to march first<br />

against the Koset, the head village of the Siyins, and from this centre to deal with the surrounding villages of the tribe.<br />

At the urgent representation of the Political Officer the Kanhows were now included in the punishment which was to be<br />

meted out to the Siyins. The route selected for the advance of the column from Kambale was along the Chin path which<br />

descended from the summit of the Letha range on the immediate right of the Segyi stream...<br />

9.6.4 Commencement of On the 7th December[1888] the Siyins commenced the fighting by mortally wounding<br />

the operations. Lieutenant Palmer, R.E., who was in command of the Madras Sappers. He was shot<br />

through the stomach from an ambush close to the stockade and died the next day and was buried at Kambale...On<br />

Christmas day a determined attack was made on the working party, which was under the direction of Lieutenant Butcher<br />

of the 42nd Gurkhas. The Chins were in great force, and we now know that the Tashons and Siyins were fighting side by<br />

side on this occasion. The Chins swooped down from the heights on to the party, which was working on a narrow spur,<br />

and attacked them from all four sides, fighting under cover of heavy undergrowth... Whilst disputing every stage of our<br />

advance into their hills, the Chins showed considerable tactical ability by taking offensive in the plains and attacking<br />

Shan villages and our posts in the rear of the advancing column...<br />

9.6.5 Advance into the Hills _ On the 30th December[1888] Sir George White arrived at Kambale and accompanied<br />

the force, which continued steadily advancing up the hills, the Sappers assisted<br />

by coolies making a road in the track, along which were constructed rough stockades, in which the troops slept and<br />

rations were stored. The troops found their route always heavily stockadeed and the stockades generally held by the<br />

enemy, who never ceased to ambush when opportunity occurred, both day and night...<br />

9.6.6. Encounter with Siyins _ On 27th January[1889] the road-making party was again confronted by Chins. The<br />

working party was sent back to the stockade and the troops, now unencumbered,<br />

attacked the enemy, who retired slowly, making a stubborn resistance, till they reached formidable and skilfully placed<br />

stockades, where they made a stand. Sir George White, at our stockade, hearing heavy firing in front, joined the<br />

attacking party with a small enforcement of the 42nd Gurkhas, and at once ordered, and took prominent part in the<br />

charge, which was “brilliantly led by Lieutenant-Colonel Skene, D.S.O.“[He was later killed in action in Manipur. tzd] Sir<br />

George White, in a telegram* to the Chief Commissioner of Burma, described the action as follows:-<br />

‘Enemy** yesterday attacked our working party on road above this and held our covering party, 40 British and 100<br />

Gurkha, from 9 till 2, when I arrived and ordered their positions to be charged. We carried all, driving them entirely<br />

away, getting off ourselves wonderfully cheaply. Only one Norfolk dangerously wounded. Enemy in considerable<br />

______________________________________________________<br />

* Telegram No. 82, dated the 28th. January 1889.(Footnote 3, Carey & Tuck, p. 28)<br />

** The resistance forces consisted of 1,200 Sizangs, 400 Kamhaus(Tedim) and 30 Sukte.(Vumson p. 118 & Thawng Khaw Hau, p. 51).<br />

- Auhtor‘s note: Among the Sizangs were also several men from the Sizangs‘ neighbouring villages such as Dimlo, Pimpi, Suangpi,<br />

Phunom, Thangnuai, Zung and Vaiphei warriors, etc. See Appendix L.

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