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Table 4. Results of PCR-SSCP analysis and identification of 16S rDNA<br />

sequencing of aji-narezushi and iwashi-nukazuke<br />

Sample Medium<br />

No. of<br />

isolates<br />

Identification of 16S<br />

rDNA sequencing<br />

Aji-narezushi<br />

As-1 MRS 7 Not amplified (yeasts)<br />

MRS 2 Lactobacillus acidipiscis<br />

MRS 1 Lactobacillus plantarum<br />

GAM 2 Lactobacillus paralimentarius<br />

GAM 7 Lactobacillus acidipiscis<br />

GAM 1 Lactobacillus plantarum<br />

As-2 MRS 8 Lactobacillus plantarum<br />

MRS 2 Not amplified (yeasts)<br />

GAM 3 Lactobacillus plantarum<br />

GAM 7 Lactobacillus acidipiscis<br />

As-3 MRS 10 Not amplified (yeasts)<br />

GAM 2 Lactobacillus casei<br />

GAM 7 Lactobacillus acidipiscis<br />

GAM 1 Tetragenococcus halophilus<br />

Iwashi-nukazuke<br />

In-1 MRS-HS 10 Not amplified (yeasts)<br />

GAM-HS 10 Tetragenococcus muriaticus<br />

In-2 MRS-HS 10 Not amplified (yeasts)<br />

GAM-HS 10 Not amplified (yeasts)<br />

In-3 MRS-HS 10 Not amplified (yeasts)<br />

GAM-HS 8 Tetragenococcus halophilus<br />

GAM-HS 2 Tetragenococcus muriaticus<br />

MRS, de Man, Rogosa and Sharpe agar; GAM, Gifu anaerobic medium<br />

agar; HS, high salt (containing 100 g L −1 NaCl).<br />

SSCP analysis. These agar plates were incubated under anaerobic<br />

conditions.<br />

As summarised in Table 4, the V3 region of some isolates from<br />

MRS agar plates was not amplified. Although MRS agar is regarded<br />

as a medium for LAB, the cells of the isolates were observed as<br />

oval yeast shapes under a microscope. Particularly in the iwashinukazuke<br />

samples, all isolates from MRS-HS agar were yeasts.<br />

The diversity of bacterial flora was not very high in the ajinarezushi<br />

samples. The predominant LAB isolated from all three<br />

samples using GAM agar plates was Lb. acidipiscis. In the case<br />

of samples As-2 and As-3, Lb. acidipiscis was also detected<br />

as predominant by the non-culture-based PCR-DGGE analysis<br />

(Table 3). On the other hand, Lb. versmoldensis, which was shown<br />

to be predominant in sample As-1 by the PCR-DGGE analysis, was<br />

not detected by the PCR-SSCP method. Kröckel et al. 24 reported<br />

that Lb. versmoldensis grows better in MRS broth than on MRS agar<br />

and that its colonies on MRS agar are small. Furthermore, a lag<br />

phase of up to 4 days could be observed when it was transferred<br />

from MRS agar to MRS broth. 24 It is considered that the growth<br />

rate of Lb. versmoldensis is slower than that of other LAB such as Lb.<br />

acidipiscis. These results suggest that isolation of Lb. versmoldensis<br />

under cultivation method conditions is difficult and the population<br />

of Lb. versmoldensis was not reflected in the viable cell counts in<br />

Table 2.<br />

Lactobacillus plantarum was detected in samples As-1 and As-2,<br />

though this bacterium was not detected by the PCR-DGGE analysis.<br />

The composition of GAM agar, which contains liver extract, may<br />

be suitable for growth of Lb. plantarum. Lactobacillus plantarum<br />

is isolated not only from fermented vegetables but also from<br />

www.soci.org C An et al.<br />

fermented meat and fish. 14 Furthermore, it is well known that<br />

Lb. plantarum has beneficial activities in fermented foods, such<br />

as high lactic acid production, acid tolerance and bacteriocin<br />

production. 14 Other LAB species, Lb. casei and T. halophilus, were<br />

isolated from sample As-3.<br />

In iwashi-nukazuke sample In-1 the predominant bacterium was<br />

identified as T. muriaticus, while no bacterial colony was detected<br />

in sample In-2. These results are in agreement with those of the<br />

PCR-DGGE analysis (Table 3). However, in the case of sample In-3<br />

the predominant isolate was identified as T. halophillus, which was<br />

not detected by the PCR-DGGE analysis.<br />

As reported above, different results were obtained from the<br />

non-culture-based PCR-DGGE method and the culture-based PCR-<br />

SSCP method. It is considered that the PCR-DGGE method is more<br />

useful than the PCR-SSCP method to determine the predominant<br />

bacteria and check the growth of starter strains. However, a greater<br />

variety of microflora was expressed in the PCR-SSCP method than<br />

in the PCR-DGGE method. The non-bacterial (rice chloroplast)<br />

band in the PCR-DGGE analysis may hide the bacterial band.<br />

Therefore further study of the PCR-DGGE analysis using the V3 and<br />

other LAB-specific regions is necessary. Furthermore, biochemical<br />

investigation of the LAB strains isolated from aji-narezushi and<br />

iwashi-nukazuke is now in progress.<br />


We studied the bacterial flora of traditional fermented fish<br />

products, aji-narezushi and iwashi-nukazuke, using non-culturebased<br />

PCR-DGGE and culture-based PCR-SSCP methods. In the<br />

PCR-DGGE analysis, Lb. acidipiscis and Lb. versmoldenis were<br />

detected as the predominant bacteria in aji-narezushi. However,<br />

Lb. versmoldensis could not be isolated using GAM and MRS agars.<br />

The PCR-DGGE analysis showed that the predominant bacterium<br />

in iwashi-nukazuke was T. muriaticus rather than T. halophilus.<br />

Some of our results differed from those of previous studies using<br />

cultivation methods. Further studies on the detection, isolation<br />

and biochemical and fermentation properties of LAB, particularly<br />

Lb. versmoldensis,inaji-narezushi are necessary.<br />


ThisstudywassupportedbyafundfromtheMinistryofAgriculture,<br />

Forestry and Fisheries for research and development projects<br />

promoting the new policies of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries<br />

(No. 2041).<br />


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2 KudaT,TanibeR,MoriM,TakeH,MichihataT,YanoT,et al, Microbial<br />

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populations occurring in products and manufacturing processes<br />

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4 Chang CM, Ohshima T and Koizumi C, Changes in composition of<br />

lipids, free amino acids and organic acids in rice-bran-fermented<br />

sardine (Etrumes teres) during processing and subsequent storage.<br />

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5 Riebroy S, Benjakul S and Viessanguan W, Properties and acceptability<br />

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www.interscience.wiley.com/jsfa c○ 2010 Society of Chemical Industry J Sci Food Agric 2010; 90: 1796–1801

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