' ' • NOVEMBER, 1 969 - the DHO

' ' • NOVEMBER, 1 969 - the DHO

' ' • NOVEMBER, 1 969 - the DHO


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Downhill runs went dash—dot—dash<br />

Before we learnt how not to crash.<br />

And <strong>the</strong>n in time by trial and error<br />

Tours became a passion, no longer a terror.<br />

We learnt our telemarks, Christies and jumps<br />

To ski almost anywhere among hideous bumps.<br />

We skied through <strong>the</strong> woods, we skied between rocks,<br />

We skied on <strong>the</strong> glaciers amongst icy blocks.<br />

We learnt how to parallel, we learnt how to swing<br />

We've even tried wedeling to keep up with <strong>the</strong> thing.<br />

We want to be with it and not left behind<br />

Like some few exceptions among our kind.<br />

We've tried long ski and short,<br />

We've tried clip boots and tights,<br />

We've even tried grass-ski-ing and ski-ing with lights.<br />

But after all this, and admitting it's fun<br />

There's nothing like doing a deep snow run.<br />

So come ski with me and really have fun.<br />

To start with, an easy one—Shoulder and Cowsheds<br />

With steep little slopes to get rid of <strong>the</strong> cobwebs.<br />

After this we'll get going and far<strong>the</strong>r afield<br />

We'll ski down <strong>the</strong> bushes and over <strong>the</strong> fields;<br />

Through trees and round chalets until we're near bust<br />

We'll ski in good powder and breakable crust;<br />

We'll ski in 'pudding' and lovely spring snow<br />

Until one or <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r no longer can go.<br />

Then we'll stop off for lunch at 'Gletscher or Grund<br />

To stoke up with calories for <strong>the</strong> afternoon's round.<br />

Off to White Hare in beautiful powder.<br />

As shouts of 'slow down!' become louder and louder.<br />

Then back to Scheidegg for a run down Oh God<br />

And back home over Shoulder, Hundschopf and Bannwald.<br />

The o<strong>the</strong>r alternative is a day's tour<br />

With usually ten but preferably fewer,<br />

To Faulhorn, Wildgerste or Goppenstein.<br />

The wea<strong>the</strong>r's occasionally foul but usually fine<br />

You'll ski over crevasses and round seracs,<br />

Over ridges and by <strong>the</strong> most awful cracks.<br />

You'll suffer from vertigo, squids and <strong>the</strong> heights,<br />

You'll be scared stiff at some of <strong>the</strong> sights.<br />

You'll be consoled, cajoled and told<br />

'. . . lean out from <strong>the</strong> hill, forget <strong>the</strong> cold,<br />

Keep that rope tight . . . don't stand still<br />

If you don't shut up, you'll bring down <strong>the</strong> hill!'<br />

I'll let you down crevasses and get you in slides<br />

But put <strong>the</strong> thrills and scares aside,<br />

I'll always bring you safe and sound<br />

Back home to pay <strong>the</strong> umpteenth round!<br />

And after all is said and done<br />

We've had a good time and some damn good fun,<br />

And perhaps some good ski-ing and a day to remember.<br />

So maybe you'll come again one day as a member<br />

To do something different and off-piste with me,<br />

I'd love to have you come ski with me.<br />

Paul L. Heller

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