La Resolución de Conflictos y la Ética

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P O R : A D R I A N A O R E L L A N A B .<br />

El s is t em a ed uc at iv o<br />

c o st ar r icen se se enc ue ntra en<br />

un enf re ntam ient o ent re el<br />

d e se o <strong>de</strong> ev ol uc ionar e<br />

in n ov ar v er s us el ap e g o a <strong>la</strong><br />

e st ruct ur a y rut in a d es a rr ol l a d a<br />

d urante l o s úl t im o s a ñ o s .<br />

Es c om ún enc o ntrar que l as<br />

e sc uel as se r igen ba j o l a s<br />

m ism as re gl as <strong>de</strong> d ie z a ñ o s<br />

a t rá s , p ue s se re s ist en a<br />

g e nera r un c am bio en <strong>la</strong><br />

e st ruct ur a <strong>de</strong> t r ab a j o . E st a es<br />

<strong>la</strong> re al id a d q ue v iv en<br />

e st udiantes q ue est á n s ien d o<br />

f o rm ad o s c on l as pe rcep c io n es<br />

c ul t ur al es d e l p a s a d o .<br />

<strong>La</strong> e d uc ac ión h oy en dí a <strong>de</strong>b e<br />

t om ar un n uev o r um bo,<br />

c o ntem pl ar el cam b io en el<br />

pe nsam ient o <strong>de</strong> sd e l o s l í <strong>de</strong> re s<br />

<strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> e d uc ac ión p a ra así<br />

e d uc ar s er es pen s ant es y<br />

c r í t ic o s .<br />

P a ra q ue el cam b io s e a<br />

a s ert iv o , es nec es a r io que se<br />

g e nere c on <strong>la</strong> p art ic ip ac ión<br />

d el rec ur s o h um an o , com o<br />

in d ic a An t ún e z (20 0 0 ) p ue <strong>de</strong><br />

o r ie ntarse a f in al idad e s<br />

e d uc at iv as , <strong>de</strong> ge st orí a , <strong>de</strong><br />

r el ac ión d el c urrí cul o , <strong>de</strong><br />

c o ntrol so c ial y <strong>de</strong><br />

in t e r iorizac ión <strong>de</strong>l pr oy ect o <strong>de</strong>l<br />

c ent r o e d uc at iv o . <strong>La</strong><br />

r en ov ac ión p ue <strong>de</strong> in ic ia r c on<br />

un a spect o esp ecí f ic o , y<br />

genera r c a <strong>de</strong>n a s <strong>de</strong> cambios<br />

h ac ia nuev o s ám bit o s <strong>de</strong>l<br />

c e n t r o e d ucativ o .<br />

Es im p ort an t e q ue se e d uq ue<br />

p a ra ser p a rt e <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> s oc ied a d ,<br />

no aq uel l a e st r ic t amente<br />

d ic t a d a , s ino que contem pl e<br />

<strong>la</strong> d ife renc ia c ión <strong>de</strong> c a da se r<br />

h um a no .<br />

<strong>La</strong> <strong>Resolución</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Conflictos</strong> y <strong>la</strong> <strong>Ética</strong>

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