Evaluation of the Third Semester

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Learning Unit: Chemical Phenomena in the Environment.

Frequencies per Frequencies per


Credit Value



Third 64 4 3

Didactic Basis:

In the Learning Unit Chemical phenomena in the environment, the student uses the tools for the quantification

of chemical phenomena in the environment, through their symbolic representations to evaluate their risks,

consequences and benefits in daily life. It is part of the basic training curricular structure of the UANL general

baccalaureate curriculum and belongs to the field of Experimental Sciences. The integral formation of the

student is promoted through autonomous learning, collaborative work, the use of technology in information

management, reflective, positive, critical thinking and decision-making, so that the student assumes a proactive

role. A Learning Guide is used, which includes a series of activities that will allow to develop and strengthen

the proposed competences, in addition the teacher will take care of the learning process, applying different

strategies and types of evaluation, such as diagnosis, formative and summative . It is essential that during this

course the learning achieved by the student is clearly demonstrated, this through the evaluation process. This UA

is consistent with the Learning Unit Matter and its transformations, where chemical phenomena that

manifest themselves in nature and in everyday life were approached from a qualitative approach; and is a

precedent for the UA Tópicos Selectos de Química. The purpose is to approach them from a quantitative

approach through four didactically sequenced stages: Chemical reactions and their representation; where the

different types of chemical reactions and their symbolic representation are distinguished; Aqueous solutions; in

which the properties of aqueous solutions are addressed from their composition; Acid-base solutions; where the

behavior of acids and bases based on the concentrations of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions of the

solutions are explained; finally, Carbon Chemistry; where carbon is described as an element of organic

compounds based on their properties and chemical behavior. This Learning Unit contributes to strengthening

the basic disciplinary competencies corresponding to the field of Experimental Sciences and the generic and

general competencies that make up the profile of the graduate of the Nivel Medio Superior.


Concise Content

Number of sessions

First Stage Chemical reactions and their representation 16

Second Stage Aqueous solutions 16

Third Stage Acid-base solutions 16

Fourth Stage Organic compounds 16

Total 64


Material Prepared by Professors and Academy Coordinators, overseen

by Discipline Area Heads

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