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Acta Ioannis Pauli Pp. II 43ter and Paul: "Grâce, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesusour Lord". 1As I did when I visited Singapore almost 10 years ago, sonow I wish "to encourage and confimi you in faith and to deepen thebonds of faith and charity which link you with your brothers and sisters inChrist throughout the world". 2Your pilgrimage is an expression of your union with the Successor ofPeter in the service of the Gospel. It is also a confession of the apostolicfaith, according to which the Church is the Èride of the Divine Redeemerand is his instrument for the salvation of all peoples. "Ali are called to belongto the new People of God; indeed the whole of mankind is called tosalvation by the grâce of God". 3This is the task which has been entrustedto you as Successors of the Apostles; it is the message which you preach"in season and out of season". 4It is the great concern of your daily ministry.Together here today, we have an opportunity to give thanks to Godfor all that he accomplishes through you in communicating the grâce of rédemptionto the peoples of your part of the vast continent of Asia.2. In your countries, the Catholic Church forms a small minority of thepopulation; moreover, the social and cultural climate often makes evangelizaronand interreligious dialogue diffîcult. But the Lord himself says:"Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you theKingdom". 5Taking our Saviour's words to heart, the particular Churchesof Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei show a consciousness of being heirs tothis promise by proclaiming the Gospel's power to transform human heartsand by a constructive présence in the fields of éducation, social solidarityand health care, as well as by increasingly lending support to the Church'suniversal mission of evangelization.In this you give eloquent expression to that missionary vocation which"belongs to the very nature of Christian life". 6Your local communities,with their rich blend of ethnie and cultural diversity, are in a unique positionto spread knowledge of Christ to those of your Asian brothers and sisterswho still do not know him. Your communities are renewed and drawenthusiasm from their missionary outreach, since "faith is strengthened1234561 Tm 1:2.Homily, Singapore, 20 November 1986, 2.Cf., Lumen gentium, 13.2 Tm 4:2.Lk 12:32.Redemptoris missio, 1.

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