Motorisation pour portail coulissant LineaMatic - Hormann.fr

Motorisation pour portail coulissant LineaMatic - Hormann.fr

Motorisation pour portail coulissant LineaMatic - Hormann.fr


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ENGLISH1About These InstructionsDear Customer,We are glad that you have decided on a quality product <strong>fr</strong>omour company.Read through all of the instructions carefully: they containimportant information about the product. Pay attention to andfollow the instructions provided, particularly the safetyinstructions and warnings.Please keep these instructions in a safe place and make surethat they are available to all users at all times.1.1 Intended useThe sliding gate operator is designed and intendedexclusively for the operation of smooth-running sliding gatesin the domestic, non-commercial sector. The maximumpermissible gate length and maximum weight must not beexceeded.Please note the manufacturer's specifications regarding thegate and operator combination. Possible hazards as definedin EN 12604, EN 12605, EN 12445 and EN 12453 areprevented by the design itself and by carrying out fitting inaccordance with our guidelines. Gate systems used by thegeneral public and equipped with a single protective device,e.g. force limit, may only be used when monitored.1.2 Further applicable documentsThe following documents for safe handling and maintenanceof the gate system must be placed at the disposal of the enduser:• These instructions• The enclosed test manual1.3Warnings usedCAUTIONIndicates a danger that can lead to damage or destructionof the product.The general warning symbol indicates a dangerthat can lead too injury or death. In the text section, thegeneral warning symbol will be used in connection with thecaution levels described below. In the illustrated section, anadditional instruction refers back to the explanation in thetext.CAUTIONIndicates a danger that can lead to minor or moderateinjuries.WARNINGIndicates a danger that can lead to death or serious injuries.DANGERIndicates a danger that leads directly to death or seriousinjuries.2 Basic Safety InstructionsPlease pay attention to all our safety and warning notices.Note:The test manual and instructions for safe handlingand maintenance of the gate system must be placed at thedisposal of the end user.2.1 Fitter qualificationFitting, maintenance, repairs, and disassembly of the slidinggate operator must be performed by a specialist. Accordingto EN 12635, a qualified person is a person with suitabletraining, specialist knowledge and practical experiencesufficient to correctly and safely fit, test, and maintain a gatesystem.ff In the event of a failure of the sliding gate operator, aspecialist must be commissioned immediately for theinspection or repair work.2.2General safety instructionsWARNINGDanger of injury due to incorrect fitting and handlingIncorrect fitting or handling of the operator may triggerunwanted gate travel. Persons or objects may be trappedas a result.ff Follow all the instructions provided in this manual.Danger of injury during repairs and adjustment workA malfunction in the gate system or an incorrectly alignedgate can cause serious injuryff Do not use the gate system if repair or adjustmentwork must be conducted.• If you comply with these fitting instructions, as well as thefollowing conditions, you can assume that the operatingforces are complied with according to DIN EN 12453:–– The centre of gravity for the gate must be in thecentre of the gate (maximum permissible deviation± 20%).–– The gate is easy to move and does not have anygradients/slopes (0%).–– A Hörmann DP1 (article no.: 436 288) or DP3 (articleno.: 436 388) sound-absorbing seal is fitted to theclosing edge(s).–– The operator is programmed for a slow speed(Changing the starting point for slow speed whenopening and closing on page 13).–– The reversal limit at 50 mm opening width has beenchecked and maintained over the entire length of themain closing edge.–– The distance between the supporting rollers in selfsupportinggates (maximum width 6200 mm,maximum opening width 4000 mm) is max. 2000 mm.• Before installing the operator and in the interests ofpersonal safety, make sure that any necessary repairs tothe gate are carried out by a qualified service engineer.6 TR10A058-C RE / 10.2008

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