E - Buletin Gaharu Volume 1 Nomor 2 Tahun 2016

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Aji Prasetio Putranto, S.Pd., M.A. Widyaiswara Pertama pada Pusdiklat Kemensetneg

The notion of the 21 st century

learning as the replacement

of the traditional learning

has been an interesting

topic to discuss forthese

past few years. Despite

the popularity of

the term “21 st century

learning”, some trainers

in training and development

centers have not

applied the method because

of some reasons,

and one of them is lack of

knowledge in Information

and Communication Technology

(ICT) skills. Indeed, it is

undeniable that the correlation

between the term of 21 st century

and technology cannot be separated.

What are the characteristics of the 21 st century

learning? Does it only deal with the technology?

In the case of the development of civil servants,

Training and Development Centers are responsible

to become initiators in promoting the 21 st century

learning. Training and Development Centers

should create a curriculum which blends thinking

and innovation skills, modern learning technologies,

and life skills (Sternberg and Subotnik, 2006).

Trainees are expected to be innovative in the classroom,

and they can use multiple sources, including

technology to find and gather the information

they need. Text books or modules are no longer

the major source of information. The focus is no

longer on learning by memorizing and recalling

information, but on learning how to learn.

In order to meet the needs of the 21st century

learner,the curricula for the trainings should adopt

a 21 st century curriculum that contains thinking

and innovation skills, modern learning technologies,

and life skills. Wagner and Keegan (2006) recommends

a curriculum built on a different set of

“3 R’s” that is Rigor, Relevance and Respect. Rigor

does not mean content that is difficult for trainees

to master, rather it concerns what trainees are able

to do as a result of their learning. Relevance means

helping students understand how their learning

connects to their work settings.

Respect means promoting

respectful relationships

among trainers

and trainees.

When we talk about

the design of curriculum

in the government’s

Training and

Development Centers

in Indonesia, we have

to refer to The Institution

of State’s Administration

(LAN). Normally,

they have their own standard

to design the curricula

of the Civil Servant’s trainings,

especially the compulsory trainings

for the civil servants in Indonesia,

for example the Leadership Trainings for the

echelons. Training and Development Centers in

Indonesia have to obey their curricula and even

the way the trainers deliver the lesson are already

set in the curricula. The government have to make

sure that the curricula are designed to meet the

21 st century’s criteria as mentioned previously.

If they did not make the curricula based on the

frameworks of 21 st century learning, obviously the

trainers and the trainees will not make the best result

on learning and facilitating.

According to Shear (2014) interacting with digital

learning environment that support the development

of deeper learning skills such as problem

solving, critical thinking, and inquiry is very crucial.

Trainers are expected to ask questions about

the effectiveness of technology-based learning

system to promote 21 st century training. Furthermore,

trainers should be one step ahead from

their trainees in term of mastering the technology

as learning tools. In my training session in

Malaysia a month ago, the trainees were trained

to use google docs to teach writing courses, so

everyone (including the trainer) could monitor the

development of the collaborative learning in writing

course. The use of google docs are very handy

both for the trainers and the trainees per se, so

in this case the use of technology is quite effec-

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