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10<br />

Maschietto, et al.<br />

polmonare hanno indotto all’utilizzo di terapie<br />

mirate, tra cui gli antagonisti del recettore dell’endotelina<br />

e gli inibitori delle fosfodiesterasi di tipo 5,<br />

la prostaciclina e suoi analoghi anche nei soggetti<br />

con sindrome di Eisenmenger. I miglioramenti in<br />

termini di capacità di esercizio, classe funzionale e<br />

situazione emodinamica senza una compromissione<br />

della saturazione d’ossigeno con l’impiego di<br />

Bibliografia<br />

1. Wood P. The Eisenmenger syndrome or pulmonary<br />

hypertension with reversed central shunt. Br<br />

Med J 1958; 2: 755-762.<br />

2. Eisenmenger V. Die angeborenen Defecte der<br />

Kammerssheidewand des Herzens. Z Klin Med<br />

1897; 32 (suppl 1): 1-28.<br />

3. Granton JT, Rabinovitch M. Pulmonary arterial<br />

hypertension in congenital heart disease. Cardiol<br />

Clin 2002; 20: 441-457.<br />

4. Kidd SA, Lancaster PA, McCredie RM. The incidence<br />

of congenital heart defects in the first year of<br />

life. J Paediatr Child Health 1993; 29: 344-349.<br />

5. Kidd L, Driscoll DJ, Gersony WM, et al. Second<br />

natural history study of congenital heart defects.<br />

Results of treatment of patients with ventricular septal<br />

defects. Circulation 1993; 87 (suppl 2): 138-151.<br />

6. Steele PM, FusterV, Cohen M, et al. Isolated atrial<br />

septal defect with pulmonary vascular obstructive<br />

disease long-term follow-up and prediction of outcome<br />

after surgical correction. Circulation 1987; 76:<br />

1037-1042.<br />

7. Neumayer U, Stone S, Somerville J. Small ventricular<br />

septal defects in adults. Eur Heart J 1998;<br />

19: 1573-1582.<br />

tali terapie hanno messo in discussione il dogma<br />

che la sindrome di Eisenmenger sia una situazione<br />

stabile non passibile di trattamento alcuno.Tuttavia<br />

sono necessari ulteriori ricerche per stabilire se<br />

siano in grado di far regredire il rimodellamento<br />

vascolare e per determinare l’eventuale efficacia di<br />

regimi terapeutici combinati e l’utilità di un trattamento<br />

farmacologico precoce.<br />

8. McLaughlin VV, Archer SL, Badesch DB, et al.<br />

American College of Cardiology Foundation Task<br />

Force on Expert Consensus Documents; American<br />

Heart Association; American College of Chest<br />

Physicians; American Thoracic Society, Inc;<br />

Pulmonary Hypertension Association. ACCF/AHA<br />

2009 expert consensus document on pulmonary<br />

hypertension a report of the American College of<br />

Cardiology Foundation Task Force on Expert<br />

Consensus Documents and the American Heart<br />

Association developed in collaboration with the<br />

American College of Chest Physicians; American<br />

Thoracic Society, Inc.; and the Pulmonary<br />

Hypertension Association. J Am Coll Cardiol 2009;<br />

53: 1573-1619.<br />

9. Simonneau G, Galiè N, Rubin LJ, et al. Clinical<br />

classification of pulmonary hypertension. J Am<br />

Coll Cardiol 2004; 43 (12 Suppl S): S5-S12.<br />

Review.<br />

10. Simonneau G, Robbins IM, Beghetti M, et al.<br />

Updated clinical classification of pulmonary hypertension.<br />

J Am Coll Cardiol 2009; 54 (1 Suppl): S43-<br />

S54. Review.<br />

11. Stewart S. Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. A<br />

Pocketbook Guide. London:Taylor & Francis, 2005.<br />


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