Anno II - marzo 2007 - Oneness Meditation Center Treviso

Anno II - marzo 2007 - Oneness Meditation Center Treviso

Anno II - marzo 2007 - Oneness Meditation Center Treviso


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nizzata. Quando la luce viene da ciascuno di noi, prevede<br />

lui, tutte le religioni moriranno di morte naturale. Lo<br />

Shakti Sthala è disegnato in modo da essere una centrale<br />

di energia, perché questi tipi di esperienze spirituali “dirette”<br />

diventino possibili per tutti in tempi brevi.<br />

64.000 è il punto di svolta<br />

Quando sarà raggiunta la massa critica di 64mila illuminati,<br />

il resto dell’umanità si avvantaggerà di questo campo<br />

morfogenetico che aiuterà la realizzazione di tutti. È<br />

The <strong>Oneness</strong> Temple<br />

The main building in Golden City is the <strong>Oneness</strong><br />

Temple, an enormous marble three floor<br />

building, three times the Taj Mahal. Its completion<br />

is an important stage of Bhagavan’s vision:<br />

it is a real jewel that will influence conscience<br />

across the world, helping mankind to enter into<br />

the <strong>Oneness</strong> Age.<br />

The name of the temple is “Shakti Stahl”, or<br />

“<strong>Oneness</strong> Temple”, and every detail of its design<br />

has a meaning. It has been designed using<br />

a form of ancient sacred geometry part of<br />

the Vedic science known as “vaasthu” (a sort<br />

of Feng Shui). Dimensions, correspondences,<br />

and geometries embody the proportions used<br />

to build the Egyptian and Mayan pyramids.<br />

Bricklayers are working full time to cover the<br />

outer part with marble and it seems that the<br />

temple will be finished by the end of the year.<br />

The building is part of a definite plan: to have<br />

8,000 enlightened people meditating in it at any<br />

given time. This will create a very strong morphogenic<br />

field of enlightenment that will be<br />

directly transmitted to the conscience of people<br />

in the rest of the world.<br />

8,000 people meditating together will influence<br />

the morphogenic fields across the globe,<br />

helping man to reach a state of awakening.<br />

Quantum physics and the 8000<br />

The reason for this specific number is explained<br />

by the work of John Hagelin, a quantum<br />

physicist and director of the Institute of<br />

Science, Technology, and Public Policies of<br />

the University of Peace in Fairfield, Iowa, Usa.<br />

The number 8,000 is approximately the square<br />

root of 1% of the world’s population which at<br />

present is of 6.5 billion people. 8,000 corresponds<br />

to the number calculated by his collaborators,<br />

in years of research on the field effect<br />


of Transcendental <strong>Meditation</strong>, that is necessary<br />

to influence the morphogenic fields of human<br />

conscience across the globe and start changing<br />

the paradigm. This can be obtained if a large<br />

number of people meditate together, as in the<br />

<strong>Oneness</strong> Temple, thanks to the dynamics of<br />

wave amplification.<br />

For all religions<br />

Considering that “vaasthu” foresees that a finished<br />

building should be immediately lived in<br />

it is expected that once it is completed, Bhagavan’s<br />

ability to transfer states of enlightenment<br />

to the masses will increase exponentially.<br />

The temple has been conceived and built so<br />

that who enters and walks through the building<br />

is “automatically” purified: each level of the<br />

temple works on different chakras and as you<br />

go up towards the central room you experience<br />

different states of conscience. At the centre of<br />

the meditation room of the Shakti Sthala, on<br />

the last floor, the largest area without columns<br />

in the whole of Asia, there will be an empty<br />

throne to symbolise the fact that it is a temple<br />

for all religions.<br />

This is how Bhagavan describes it «Yes, it is a<br />

very strange temple, and there will be a strange<br />

throne there, an empty throne. And when<br />

people from any faith will come and worship<br />

they will see their God or a sign of their God’s<br />

presence on the throne. It will only be visible to<br />

them. They can pray in any fashion they want.<br />

And they will see their God on the throne.<br />

That’s what is so unique about it. »<br />

And this is how he explains the phenomenon<br />

called “Phala Deeksha”: «In Phala Deeksha the<br />

God whom they worship appears before them.<br />

They can have a dialogue with that God and ask<br />

them for whatever they want or any clarifications<br />

stato detto che al momento Bhagavan sta manifestando<br />

una piccola parte del suo potere, questo perché è necessario<br />

procedere per fasi. Più il campo morfogenetico<br />

sarà forte, più il suo potere sarà rivelato, fino a quando<br />

tutte le strutture della separazione umana crolleranno<br />

di fronte a questa crescente marea. Ci si aspetta che il<br />

completamento del World <strong>Oneness</strong> <strong>Center</strong> permetterà<br />

lo sprigionarsi di un potere molto maggiore di quello<br />

possibile al momento.<br />


they need about their life. It is a great dialogue between<br />

man and God. And God may grant them<br />

their wish, and if he does not grant it he will give<br />

them a reason for not granting it. So it is a one to<br />

one relationship between man and God. ».<br />

Coming back to the empty throne a Christian<br />

will see Christ, a Buddhist will see Buddha, a<br />

Hindu will see his own favourite god, a Muslim<br />

will simply see a Being of Light without shape<br />

or form. From the perspective of cosmic union,<br />

it makes no difference whether the gift of<br />

God-realization comes through Sri Bhagavan<br />

or Christ or Allah or Krishna, or whatever image<br />

of God or wholeness one believes in. The<br />

last thing Bhagavan wants to do is to create yet<br />

another religion. Once our guiding light comes<br />

from within, all religions will die a natural<br />

death, he predicts. The Shakti Sthala is designed<br />

to serve as a power station providing energy so<br />

that these types of “direct” spiritual experiences<br />

will become possible for everybody within a<br />

very short period of time.<br />

64.000 Is the turning point<br />

When the critical mass of 64 thousand enlightened<br />

people will be achieved it will be<br />

possible for the rest of mankind to exploit this<br />

strong morphogenic field to help them in their<br />

journey to awakening.<br />

Apparently Sri Bhagavan is only manifesting<br />

a tiny fraction of his power at the moment<br />

because it is necessary to proceed in stages. As<br />

the morphogenetic field of awakening gets<br />

stronger, more and more of his power will be<br />

revealed, until all structures of human separation<br />

will collapse in the face of this rising tide.<br />

It is expected that the completion of the Shakti<br />

Sthala will allow a much greater release of power<br />

than is currently possible .<br />


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