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download - ICAK Italia - Kinesiologia Applicata

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Sudeck’s Dystrophy<br />

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Dr. Ivan Ramšak D.I.B.A.K.<br />

After a very painful personal experience with Sudeck’s<br />

Dystrophy, I devised a therapeutic program for dealing<br />

with this condition.<br />

Dopo un’esperienza personale molto dolorosa con la<br />

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peutico per trattare questa condizione.<br />

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thetic Dystrophy Syndrome (RSDS) is reported to ������������ ���������� ��������� ����<br />

occur after 5% of all traumatic injuries. It may occur ������������������������������������� -<br />

following fractures to the extremities, joint sprains or ��� ��� �������� ������������� ��� ���� ��<br />

following surgery. It has also been reported following a fratture alle estremità, distorsioni delle articolazioni<br />

immobilization and frostbite. It is thought to be caused o dopo operazioni chirurgiche. E’ stata riscontrata anby<br />

a dysfunction of the sympathetic nervous system, ������������������������������������<br />

which is involved in the regulation of blood supply to ritiene che sia causata da una disfunzione del sistema<br />

the affected part.<br />

The 3 phrases of symptomatology of Sudeck’s<br />

nervoso simpatico, che è coinvolto nella regolazione<br />

della fornitura del sangue alla parte interessata.<br />

Dystrophy occur as follows:<br />

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Phase 1<br />

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Severe pain when resting or when moving; the skin Fase 1<br />

becomes swollen, shiny, bluish-colored, and there is Acuto dolore durante il risposo o movimento; la pelle si<br />

perspiration over the area.<br />

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Phase 2<br />

ne nell’area interessata.<br />

The color of the skin becomes pale and swelling di- Fase 2<br />

sappears but pain persists.<br />

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-<br />

Phase 3<br />

pare ma persiste dolore.<br />

Extremities feel stiff, pain free, atrophic and useless. Fase 3<br />

Therapeutic measures are only possible in phase 1 and<br />

2: In phase 1 by immobilizing and treating with ice, in<br />

phase 2 through intensive physiotherapeutic excercises.<br />

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I suffered a traumatic Patella subluxation of my left<br />

knee at age 36, tearing the Medial Retinaculum and<br />

parts of the Vastus Medialis. I was operated on the<br />

very next day in Villach, Austria by a surgeon who is<br />

also a friend of mine. The injured structures were sewn<br />

back together in layers and I had to remain in the hospital<br />

for 5 days.<br />

In the days that followed my release from the hospital,<br />

I lay at home and was haunted with thoughts “Will<br />

I ever be able to walk or play soccer again?” “Will I<br />

now have to live the rest of my life with pain?” and<br />

so on. Then I began to notice that the more I stayed<br />

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due fasi:<br />

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ghiaccio;<br />

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All’età di 36 anni subii una sublussazione traumatica<br />

alla rotula del ginocchio sinistro, strappando il Retinaculum<br />

Mediale e parte del Vasto Mediale. Venni operato<br />

il giorno successivo a Villach, Austria, da un chirurgo<br />

che è anche un mio amico. Le strutture lesionate furono<br />

suturate insieme a strati e dovetti restare 5 giorni in<br />

ospedale.<br />

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-<br />


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