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of faith, but not to play with me; it was all or nothing. That same day my life started falling to<br />

pieces and I couldn’t understand it. By the following Thursday I was in tears and asking God<br />

what I had done wrong. Holy Spirit gently reminded me of my prayer of faith.<br />

From that point on my life has not been the same. I was unemployed for six years; I had<br />

decided that I was going to pursue the perfect will of God for my life. Every time I went for an<br />

interview, God would say no to the job offer. It was a frustrating time for me and I was broken<br />

even further. It was an awesome time for growth and deepening, a true account of repentance.<br />

I had decided to pursue a career as a life coach, teaching people leadership, which was my<br />

interest in life. God opened other doors involving teenagers (this was not my idea of fun). I got<br />

involved with teens in crisis and started working with them. After six years of waiting for God to<br />

open doors for me and guide me into <strong>His</strong> perfect will for my life, He did. I got the call to full time<br />

ministry and was surprised to hear it would be at the local Afrikaans high school. It was amazing<br />

to see God at work. I was not known at the school, I was English, and the headmaster was not<br />

acquainted with me. When he was told that I was to work at the school, his casual reply was<br />

“when can he start”. It was definitely a God thing.<br />

I started there in 2006 and have spent the last two and a half years in the school, ministering to<br />

teens and being where God wants me to be. It has been a tough journey, faith is not easy, and<br />

it is not meant to be. Soon after I started at the school God spoke to me and told me the<br />

following: “I have seen your struggle, you have spent six years in the wilderness, eating manna<br />

and quails and you sought to be in my perfect will, not wavering. I now know that I can trust<br />

you”. These words are more valuable to me than any other words can ever be.<br />

The crux of this testimony is that serving the Almighty God is an absolute; an absolute joy, an<br />

absolute pleasure, an absolute thrill and an absolute commitment. It starts with true repentance<br />

– a changing of how you think about God and what He has done for us. Once we have come to<br />

repentance we can start to know and prove what God’s desire (will) is for us, <strong>His</strong> perfect,<br />

pleasant and pleasing will. It requires absolute obedience to the Word of God, a total<br />

surrendering of yourself (spirit, soul and body) to the Almighty Father and to <strong>His</strong> desire for your<br />

life.<br />

It requires a pursuing of Holiness, the absolute standard that God has set for us. God’s desire is<br />

that we live spotless and blameless before Him in love (Eph 1:4-7) and this requires that we<br />

pursue it. My life has not been the same since I truly came to repentance in 1999 and my desire<br />

is that it will continue to change and my desire to pursue holiness will increase daily. God is an<br />

awesome God and one that we must earnestly desire and seek the Word says. Finally, faith is<br />

vital. The Word says it clearly in Heb 11:6 – Without faith it is impossible to please Him; for he<br />

who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently<br />

seek Him.<br />

Hennie Barnard<br />

Ek het groot geword in ‘n tradisionele Christelike huis. Ek was ‘n plaaskind, en my ouers het<br />

geboer. Ek het twee fantastiese ouers, ‘n ouer suster en jonger broer. Ek was ‘n saggeaarde<br />

kind – so het my ma altyd gesê. Toe loopbaankeuses gemaak moes word het ek beluit om ‘n<br />


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