Norway Yearbook - 1973

Norway Yearbook - 1973

Norway Yearbook - 1973


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177<br />

Tabell 201. Lager av viktigere varer. 1 Tonn Stocks of principal commodities.' Tons<br />

_<br />

Vare<br />

Commodity<br />

1970 1971 1972<br />

31/12 31/12 31/3 30/6 30/9 31/12<br />

Hvete 'Wheat 164 961 141 187 223 357 216 664 181 086 185 822<br />

Rug Rye 22 010 25 544 25 311 26 506 31 945 28 504<br />

Klippfisk Klipfish 11 595 14 159 11 962 16 444 18 560 12 676<br />

Sildhermetikk Canned herring 7 881 8 931 10 183 10 877 9 558 9 886<br />

Sukker Sugar 6 627 8 371 7 544 11 043 9 310 10 834<br />

Kaffe Coffee 9 023 6 629 6 696 7 456 7 993 7 346<br />

Råtobakk Tobacco, raw 7 335 6 111 6 269 5 758 6 273 6 121<br />

Ull og tops Wool and wool tops 1 039 1 122 998 858 875 1 242<br />

Bomull Cotton 816 434 546 538 465 275<br />

Ullgarn Wool yarns 1 042 933 887 823 821 818<br />

Bomullsgarn Cotton yarns 1 133 1 117 983 1 008 994 923<br />

Kull Coal 328 722 292 287 210 679 174 569 272 920 310 007<br />

Koks, sinders og koksgrus Coke 307 748 305 337 255 376 260 121 254 134 247 626<br />

Bensin Petrol 159 277 137 233 167 348 128 094 141 611 142 983<br />

Brenseloljer Fuel oils 852 691 821 493 657 100 584 247 880 107 722 089<br />

Jernmalm Iron ore 420 864 764 480 1 059 392 740 535 631 759 529 403<br />

Svovelkis Pyrites 77 688 78 717 102 816 98 956 70 013 60 573<br />

Sement Cement 218 289 176 610 216 825 251 681 146 524 181 153<br />

Ferrosilicium Fe Si 75% Ferrosilicon 17 768 55 756 49 682 56 157 56 069 49 274<br />

Stangstål Steel bars and rods • 126 069 128 014 135 615 116 131 105 615 124 961<br />

Kilde : Statistisk månedshefte. Source: Monthly Bulletin.<br />

Note : 1- Se tabell 200, note 1.<br />

Note: See table 200, note 1.<br />

Tabell 202. Landbrukets salgs- og innkjøpssamvirke<br />

Agricultural sales and purchasing co-operatives'<br />

Samvirke<br />

Co-operatives<br />

Distriktsorganisasjoner<br />

District cooperatives<br />

Medlemmer<br />

Members<br />

Oppgjør til<br />

produsent<br />

Paid to<br />

producers<br />

Omsetning<br />

Gross sale<br />

.<br />

1971 1971 1971 1970 1971<br />

Mill. kr. Mill. kr. Mill. kr.<br />

Salgssamvirket Sales co-operatives<br />

Meierisamvirket Dairy co-operative 6 66 000 1 729,7 465,0 636,0<br />

Slakterisamvirket Slaughterhouse co-operative . . 12 115 600 896,0 1 673,1 1 878,7<br />

Eggsamvirket Egg marketing co-operative 13 6 000 106,2 95,9 103,6<br />

Hagebrukssamvirket Horticultural co-operative . 10 8 120 115,2 165,0 183,8<br />

Potetmjølfabrikkene 2 Potato-flour factories' . . . 8 3 000 26,5 24,2 23,4<br />

Potetbrenneriene 2 Potato distilleries 8 2 000 7,9 12,7 14,1<br />

Pelsdyrsamvirket Fur marketing co-operative . . . 33 4 450 161,2 168,8 126,3<br />

Skogeierforeninger Timber marketing associations<br />

20 54 200 531,9 450,0 531,9<br />

Innkjøpssamvirket Purchasing co-operatives<br />

Felleskjøpene Purchasing pools 7 100 000 . 1 087,7 1 224,8<br />

Landbrukets Emballageforretning og Gartnernes<br />

Felleskjøp The Agricultural Packing Material<br />

3<br />

and Gardeners' Purchasing Pool 7 1 300 . 44,3 47,8<br />

Landteknikk A/L Agricultural Technics Ltd. . . . 36 250 . 94,0 113,4<br />

Kilde : Landbrukets Sentralforbund. Source: The Federation of Agricultural Co-operative Associations.<br />

Noter : 1 Omfatter medlemmer av Landbrukets Sentralforbund. 2 Oppgavene gjelder for året 1/10-30/9, henholdsvis<br />

1970/71 og 1971/72. 3 Avdelinger/filialer.<br />

Notes: Including only members of The Federation of Agricultural Co-operative Associations. 2 Data refer to 1110-3019, 1970171<br />

and 1971172 respectively. 3 Branch offices.

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