Concurso Vestibular 4 de dezembro de 2010 1 - Uniube

Concurso Vestibular 4 de dezembro de 2010 1 - Uniube

Concurso Vestibular 4 de dezembro de 2010 1 - Uniube

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26 <strong>Concurso</strong> <strong>Vestibular</strong> ­ 4 <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>zembro <strong>de</strong> <strong>2010</strong>Língua InglesaQuestão Nº 56(Par a os q ue f izer am o pç ão p or est amodalida<strong>de</strong> no ato da inscrição)Indonesia Volcano Clouds Trigger EvacuationsBy AP / SLAMET RIYADI Thursday, Nov. 04, <strong>2010</strong> ­ TimeMagazineThough more than 75,000 people living along Merapi´s fertileslopes have been evacuated to crow<strong>de</strong>d emergency sheltersfar from the crater, some have refused to move while othersreturn to their villages during periods of calm to check on theiranimals and homes.Após a leitura <strong>de</strong>sse fragmento, po<strong>de</strong>­se concluir que aprincipal razão da existência <strong>de</strong> tamanha população na regiãodo Monte Merapi é porque:A) As encostas férteis do Monte Merapi são um atrativo paraos habitantes.B) Em caso <strong>de</strong> erupção, a existência <strong>de</strong> abrigos tranquilizaos habitantes.C) Nos períodos <strong>de</strong> calma, os habitantes po<strong>de</strong>m cuidar <strong>de</strong>seus animais e casas.D) Em caso <strong>de</strong> erupção, os habitantes são evacuadosimediatamente.E) Longe da cratera do vulcão, não há perigo para oshabitantes.(MOUNT MERAPI, Indonesia) — Eruptions at Indonesia’s<strong>de</strong>adly volcano appeared to be intensifying on Friday, as cloudsof gas and ash casca<strong>de</strong>d down the mountain, putting fire toslope­si<strong>de</strong> homes and starting a chaotic midnight evacuation.A rescue worker told TV One that at least one man was killed inthe latest blast and news showed more than a dozen injuredbeing carried into a hospital on stretchers.Mount Merapi, which means “Fire Mountain,” is one of theworld’s most active volcanoes. But even those who have<strong>de</strong>dicated a lifetime to studying it have been baffled by its erraticbehavior since its first Oct. 26 eruption, which has been followedby more than a dozen other powerful blasts and thousands ofvolcanic tremors. “We have no i<strong>de</strong>a what to expect now,” saidSurono, a state expert on volcanos, adding that he has neverseen the needle on Merapi’s seismograph working with suchintensity.Though more than 75,000 people living along Merapi’s fertileslopes have been evacuated to crow<strong>de</strong>d emergency sheltersfar from the crater, some have refused to move while othersreturn to their villages during periods of calm to check on theiranimals and homes.Activity at Merapi has at times briefly forced nearby airports toclose and the Transportation Ministry reiterated Thursday thatflight paths near the mountain had been shut down for safetyreasons.Merapi has killed at least 45 people since Oct. 26 — with sevennew <strong>de</strong>aths ad<strong>de</strong>d to the toll in the last 24 hours. MountMerapi’s “danger zone” was wi<strong>de</strong>ned for the second time in asmany days Friday. Subandrio, a state volcanologist, said peopleliving in villages and emergency camps within 12 miles (20kilometers) of the crater were told to clear out.Indonesia, a vast archipelago of 235 million people, is proneto earthquakes and volcanos because it sits along the Pacific“Ring of Fire,” a horseshoe­shaped string of faults that linesthe Pacific. The volcano’s initial blast occurred less than 24hours after a towering tsunami slammed into the remoteMentawai islands on the western end of the country, sweepingentire villages to sea and killing at least 428 people.Questão Nº 57A sentença que permite inferir que houve um aumentoinesperado da ativida<strong>de</strong> vulcânica do Monte Merapi é:A) Mount Merapi´s “danger zone” was wi<strong>de</strong>ned for the secondtime in as many days Friday.B) Activity at Merapi has at times briefly forced nearby airportsto close.C) “We have no i<strong>de</strong>a what to expect now”, said Surono, astate expert on volcanoes.D) Mount Merapi, which means “Fire Moutain”, is one of theworld´s most active volcanoes.E) [...] he has never the seen needle on Merapi´sseismograph working with such intensity.Questão Nº 58Leia os 03 (três) primeiros parágrafos do texto e analise asafirmações que se seguem.I) O Monte Merapi é um dos vulcões mais ativos do mundo,II)III)IV)portanto, perigoso.A retirada das pessoas aconteceu, <strong>de</strong> forma tranquila, àmeia­noite <strong>de</strong> sexta­feira.O comportamento do vulcão Merapi, nas primeirasexplosões, contrariou as previsões dos cientistas.O alerta para que se mantivessem afastados da zona <strong>de</strong>erupção teve a<strong>de</strong>são da população.V) Nuvens <strong>de</strong> gás e cinza foram expelidas pelo vulcão,queimando casas nas encostas.Estão <strong>de</strong> acordo com os 03 (três) parágrafos iniciais asafirmações:A) I e II, apenasB) I, III e V, apenasC) II, IV e V, apenasD) IV e V, apenasE) III, IV e V, apenasCurso <strong>de</strong> Medicina

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