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Związki flawonoidowe oraz alkaloidy chinolizydynowe zidentyfikowane dotychczas w badanych gatunkach 29Piśmiennictwo1. Antonyuk V.A., Lutsik M.D., The annual cycle of lectin activity specific to carbohydrates ofthe D-galactose group in perennials, Ukr. Bot. Zh. 43 (4) (1986) 21-25.2. Arstamonova N.A., Nikonov G.K., Nusipbekova K., Nosulchak V.A., Flavonoids from Genistaaethnensis, Khim. Prir. Soedin. 5 (1987) 756-757.3. Bankovskij A.I., Frolova V.l., Zheleznova E.S., Chemical study of the alkaloids of Genistaaethnensis, Med. Prom. S.S.S.R. 11 (12) (1957) 23-27.4. Bernasconi R., Gill St., Steinegger E., Chemotaxonomic-phylogenetic classification of the genusGenista based on the determination of alkaloids. I. Quantitative distribution of alkaloids in26 species and varieties of Genista. 8. Alkaloids of the Leguminosae, Pharm. Acta Helv. 40(4) (1965) 246-256.5. De Castro O., Cozzolino S., Jury S.L., Caputo P., Molecular relationships in Genista L. Sect.Spartocarpus Spach (Fabaceae), Plant. Syst. Evol. 231 (2002) 91-108.6. Faugeras G., Paris R.R., Alkaloids and polyphenols from legumes. XVI. Genista aethnensisflavonoids. Isolation of genistoside, Plant. Med. Phytother. 3 (1) (1969) 20-27.7. Faugeras G., Paris R.R., Alkaloids of Genista radiata - separation of retamine and d-sparteine, Compt. Rend. 259 (25) (1964) 4864-4864.8. Faugeras G., Paris R., Chemotaxonomy of Leguminosae, Genista, Mem. Soc. Bot. Fr. 2(1966) 75-101.9. Faugeras G., Paris R., Rene R., Alkaloids and polyphenols from legumes. XVI. Genista aethnensisflavonoids. Isolation of genistoside, Plant. Med. Phytother. 3 (1) (1969) 20-27.10. Faugeras G., Paris R., The alkaloid content of some Genista species and other legumes, Abh.Deut. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Kl. Chem., Geol. Biol. 3 (1966) 235-236.11. Gill St., Steinegger E., Occurrence of alkaloids in Genista species, Pharm. Acta Helv. 39 (9)(1964) 565-574.12. Gulubov A., Venkov A., Alkaloid composition of Genista tinctoria, Nauch. Tr., PlovdivskiUniv., Mat., Fiz., Khim., Biol. 11(1) (1973) 87-89.13. Hajkova T., Homola V., Alkaloids of Genista germanica, Cesk. Farm. 13 (4) (1964) 181-183.14. Harborne J.B., Chemosystematics of the Leguminosae. Flavonoid and isoflavonoid patterns inthe tribe Genisteae, Phytochemistry 8 (1969) 1449-1456.15. Knoefel D., Schuette H.R., Horst R., Quinolizidine alkaloids. Constitution and configurationof tinctorine from Genista tinctoria, J. Prakt. Chem. 312 (5) (1971) 887-895.16. Nakov N., Akhtardzhiev Kh., Flavonoid content of some representatives of the genus Genistain Bulgaria, Probl. Farm. 10 (1982) 46-52.17. Nakov N., Akhtardzhiev Kh., Flavonoids in Genista sagittalis, Pharmazie 38 (3) (1995) 202.18. Nakov N., Biologically active substances in some representatives of the genus Genista L.,Farmatsiya 35 (1) (1985) 19-22.19. Nakov N., Boichinov As., The alkaloid content of Genista species in Bulgaria, Farmatsiya, 17(3) (1967) 34-37.20. Palamarchuk A.S., Bondarenko V.E., Antimicrobial activity and chemical composition ofGenista tinctoria, Rastit. Resur. 12 (2) (1976) 229-232.

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