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denoted by tr(A), the determinant is denoted by det(A) and the spectral radius of A is<br />

denote by ρ(A), i.e., ρ(A) is the maximum among the absolute values of the eigenvalues of<br />

A. The operator vec stacks all columns of a matrix into a column vector, vech denotes the<br />

operator that stacks only the lower triangular part including the diagonal of a symmetric<br />

matrix into a vector, and vech 0 is the operator which stacks the sub-diagonal elements<br />

(excluding the diagonal) of a matrix. The (mn × mn) commutation matrix M mn is<br />

dened such that, for any (m × n) matrix A, M mn vec(A) = vec(A ′ ). D m and L m denote<br />

the duplication matrix and elimination matrix dened such that , for any symmetric<br />

(m × m) matrix A, vec(A) = D m vech(A) and vech(A) = L m vec(A). Denote T m be a<br />

m × m(m + 1)/2 matrix such that T m vec(A) = diag(A) for any m × m matrix A. Let<br />

also P m be a ( m(m−1)<br />

2<br />

× m 2 ) matrix such that vech 0 (A) = P m vec(A), for any symmetric<br />

(m × m) matrix A. The Kronecker product of A and B is dened by A ⊗ B = {a ij B}.<br />

The Euclidean norm of the matrix, or vector A, is dened as ‖A‖ = √ tr(A ′ A), and the<br />

spectral norm is dened as ‖A‖ sp = √ ρ(A ′ A).<br />

2 The model and EbE estimation<br />

2.1 The model<br />

Let ε t = (ε 1t , · · · , ε mt ) ′ denote a (m × 1) vector of random variables and let x t =<br />

(x 1t , · · · , x rt ) ′ be a r-dimentional vector of exogenous variables. Assume the existence<br />

of the (m × m) positive denite matrix H t such that<br />

E(ε t |F t−1 ) = 0, E(ε t ε ′ t|F t−1 ) = H t , (1)<br />

where F t = σ{ε u , x ′ u; u, u ′ ≤ t} implies the information set at time t. Note that H t is<br />

the conditional covariance of ε t given F t−1 the information set until time t − 1.<br />

We consider the following model<br />

⎧<br />

⎨ ε t = H 1/2<br />

t η t<br />

(2)<br />

⎩ H t = Ω + Aε t−1 ε ′ t−1A ′ + BH t−1 B + Cx t−1 x ′ t−1C ′<br />

where A = (a kl ) 1≤k,l≤m , B = diag(b 1 , · · · , b m ), C = (c kl ) 1≤k≤m,1≤l≤r and Ω = (ω kl ) 1≤k,l≤m<br />

is a positive denite (m × m) matrix.<br />


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