Main Street Magazine Spring '23

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coffee shop on main street:

an abundance of damp espresso

grounds and crumbled receipts,

physical expressions of the afternoon rush

surround a plastic-lined coffee cup.

its lid stained with a

crescent of pink lipstick,

the fine lines of the painted

lips distorted into a frown,

their impressions enshrined into

a plaque of single use plastic.

a forgotten memorial to

an awkward first date,

(girls dont wear lipstick to a coffee

shop unless it's a date.)

the pink color complimented

the flush of her cheeks

when he made her blush.

feeling the hot blood rush to her face

when he stepped aside from the register

without paying for her drink.

she fumbled in her jean pockets

in search of a few dollars,

placing the change in

the tip jar for the barista

while avoiding her speculative gaze.

she sipped on coffee flavored

with sugar-free syrup

during long pauses

in faltering conversation.

an earnest attempt to get rid of

the funny taste in her mouth

as he slid his large hand up her thigh.

funeral parlor in my hometown:



my childhood bedroom:


row the boat ashore


in the red brick school

on the riverbend,

children gather near a walnut piano.

giggling in between

off-pitched notes

as their classmate paddles

the imaginary oar in hands

around the streams of laughter.

now michael lies forever in a walnut casket

as i recall childhood memories of a boy

whom i no longer spoke to,

the pain of losing a friend twice over.

grasping onto sentiments worn by

the heedless passage of time,

like the prayer cards in the trash bin,

creased under the pressure of shaking


we see him row beyond

the curve of the riverbend.

out of sight from weeping eyes

as his parents close

the heavy lid on his eternal rest.

together again in a somber reunion,

singing the hymn

of our childhoods.


row the boat ashore


a swarm of gulls

fortune seekers in flight

rummage in search of

forgotten riches

across a sprawling field

littered with spring flowers and

garbage from family barbecues.

a sign of warmer days to come.

the daffodils bend their heads

towards the unbounded sea

their perfect reflection distorted

by ripples of current.

a certain type of sadness

lingers in the salty air

with the changing of the seasons.

the faint afternoon moon

guides the ceaseless

motion of the undertow,

the flux softening the blunt edges

of a shattered glass bottle,

fool’s gold for the children

gathering sea glass on the beach.

their little fingers sift through

bits of plastic and seashells.

a school of fish swims past the cove,

their iridescent bodies float

with the rise and fall of the waves.

shimmers of refracting sunlight

expose the idyllic facade,

garbage mistaken for

creatures of the sea.

melted candle wax scented

with eucalyptus leaves,

photos of celebrity crushes torn from

stolen nail salon magazines,

stuffed into white trash bags.

broken eggshells lie at my feet,

an empty nest.

we are a family born from

the floods of the valley.

i watched you gather

sticks gemstones and sweetgrass

in the wake of the storm,

water still beaded on your feathers.

we began weaving a home,

the chimes of bells and

false memories worked into

the plaiting of fallen branches.

my childhood now

strewn in boxes

on the hardwood floor.

my mother’s song rises

with the north country wind

(seedlings blossom into sunflowers)

as its gusts flow

through my virgin wings.

horizons fade into the mist of

the sublime expanse

as i begin to follow

the scar of the river to the coast.

leaving behind everything

i have ever loved.

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