Main Street Magazine Spring '23

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girl hi, or gir




I remember this one night; it was so college. A party at the Cottages was dying down, and at this

point it was routine to chill in the hot tub. During that time, while under certain influences, I had

a drawn-out conversation with this guy. From my perspective, the conversation went well, so we

exchanged contact with the theoretical idea that a new friendship was in the works. A few days

later, I see him in Holloway Commons and we’re both like, “Oh hey!” But then a dark turn was taken.

The next time I see him, I’m pondering, calculating my thoughts, “Should I wave to him? If I make

eye contact with him, he’ll see me and wave, right?” WRONG. No eye contact, no wave, no hello. I

was deeply hurt and in full belief we were above that level. “Why didn’t he wave at me?” I wondered.

But, as I dug deeper into my thoughts, I realized I sometimes exude similar behavior to others as

he did to me. I then came to the conclusion that there are numerous factors to consider whether or

not you should wave to someone, “Waving Culture” to paraphrase.

why do we wave?

Typically, we wave at someone that we know. How do we meet people at college? Well, there are

so many ways, whether it’s from a party, a class, a club, a Tinder date — the list goes on. But with

all the people that you meet, you’re obviously going to have varying experiences that will influence

your desire to wave to someone. However, if you’re a big people pleaser, or lack in the social anxiety

category, then you might just wave to every person you know even if it was a brief interaction. You’re

so brave for that.

when to wave at someone,

what do you have on them?

Picture this, you’re walking along the

sidewalk on Main Street and you see a

familiar face, uh oh…girl, BE CALM.

There are some common sense

considerations to determine your

decision to wave at that person.

If you’ve had at least one or two

lengthy conversations, the back

and forth was enjoyable, and/

or you’ve been seeing this

person often lately, say hi!

Now, if it’s been a while

since you’ve seen that

person and your last

interaction with them

was subpar, I would

probably keep

my hands in my

pockets and just

say “hey”. If you

ignore them, I

don’t think it

would be that

big of a deal if

you don’t think

you’ll see them

too often, or if

anything, ever

again, but I can

get to that part


Digging a

bit deeper, if

you’ve had a

falling out with

this person,

like a falling

out as in


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