Main Street Magazine Spring '23

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By Ty



As we ponder the future, we conjure up images of flying cars, robots, and

even food in pill form. But where will our collective imagination take us? Will

it be a utopia like Meet the Robinsons, or will it resemble the apocalyptic

world of The Matrix? One thing is certain: computer science has advanced

at an unprecedented pace over the past few decades. From the creation

of the computer and the smartphone to the recent emergence of artificial

intelligence (AI), our generation has been swept up in this rapidly evolving

world of ones and zeros. Human curiosity will never be sated. Our insatiable

demand for ease, access to information, and of course, novelty, has created

a market for technology that shows no signs of slowing down. Have we ever

stopped to ask ourselves if these technologies are truly necessary, or if they

should even exist in the first place? With AI, we can generate entire essays

and detailed art dedicated to any topic we choose. We can obtain answers to

virtually any question, from the mysteries of quantum physics to the simplest

of tasks like using an Easy Bake oven. It seems that we have achieved the

world we always wanted — one where we can access answers to any question

with just the click of a button. But have we sacrificed something in the

process? Have we lost the satisfaction of working hard to find the answers,

the joy of discovery, and the thrill of learning from our mistakes? These are

important questions we should be asking ourselves as we move forward into

an increasingly digital world. Maybe AI can answer some of them for us.


I believe that the invention of the internet and smartphones was essential for

our evolution. They have streamlined communication and made information

readily accessible at our fingertips. However, while this technology has given

us a sense of freedom in our lives and made knowledge virtually unlimited, we

have also become enslaved by it. We are consumed by endless entertainment

tailored to us by an algorithm that knows us better than we know ourselves.

We rely on the bundle of collective knowledge that we have instant access

to, but we must not allow it to completely replace the natural processes in

our brains. At what point do we stop being the masters of technology and

become its servants? I urge everyone to take a moment to reflect. How much

time do we spend each day looking at our phones? How much time is spent

scrolling endlessly on platforms that provide customized entertainment? How

much time is wasted on consumption rather than creation? It is important to

maintain a balance between using technology as a tool and not allowing it to

control our lives.

In modern times, it seems as though our ability to be creative has waned, and

we struggle to come up with truly original and unique ideas. We have more

capacity than ever to harness our creativity with limitless information at our

fingertips. At the same time, however, we tend to form communities where

we all share the same ideas and personalities, and we only interact with

people who agree with us. By avoiding challenges and struggles, we limit our

potential to grow, to know ourselves and what we are truly capable of. To truly

be ourselves, we must get to know who we are, the beautiful and the ugly.

We must understand what makes up the true colors of our energy, light and

dark, and use it as the paint on the canvas of the universe. We can make art

without comparing it to others or thinking it is supposed to be a certain way

when in reality, art is a reflection of ourselves, of our physical, mental, and

spiritual capabilities.

True art is human.


We can accept it for all its beautiful flaws because it is a part of us. When

creative energy is mixed with the muddled truths of others, our colors turn

muddy and lose their vibrancy. However, if we come together and collaborate

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