Main Street Magazine Spring '23

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l bye?

why-you-broke-away-from-each-other, definitely ignore them. If they’re someone

who you might see occasionally at functions, or you have mutual friends, and

you heard they were talking bad about you, why on Earth would you waste an

ounce of your kindness on that person, girl hi? More like girl BYE! As for those

weird situations when you’re in the middle of a fight with your friend whom

you value, a smile wouldn’t hurt, but whether you wave to them or not doesn’t

matter. Hope y’all will be able to communicate your issues at a different time.

when to wave at someone,

what’s your deal?

Picture this, it’s 9:30am on a Tuesday morning. You have class at 9:40am and

you just walked out of HoCo after consuming some scrambled eggs, tater tots,

and some lightly brewed Flying Squirrel coffee. You’re heading to Ham Smith

for class and see a familiar face on the path along Hood House. You should, of

course, still take into consideration your relations with that person, but if I were

in that position, suddenly something super interesting popped up on my phone

and I HAVE to see omg. If they still put the effort in to wave to you, they’re a real

one. If you weren’t sure where you were at (waving-wise) with that person and

#that happens, you better wave to them every other time you see them, NO

excuses. Speaking of, if they wave to you first, do you have social anxiety? If you

do that’s okay, let’s breathe. If you don’t feel like you’re up to socializing with

anyone, then keep your head down and carry about your day. If you ignored a

closer friend, you could shoot them a text later or next time you see them. Bring

it up and have a laugh about it.

Other times, you might not have seen the person at all. This happens a lot

in HoCo. I’m in there only to get my food, sit down, and eat. I don’t have time

to mess around. The air in there puts everyone at a much higher risk of

disassociation, so don’t feel any pressure to wave at anyone in there.

the f irst waveless encounter…

The first time you put your foot down and choose not to wave at someone

because you don’t value your friendship enough to say hello, the tides change.

Some might give you a glare, some might be too scared to look in your direction

again, and others are unbothered, but choosing that decision was a very grown

move for you to make. Let’s celebrate that!

Now being on the opposite end is when it gets a bit messy, and is the main

reason why I decided to create this guide. That is when you see someone

who you would definitely wave to, and you’re waiting for them to initiate the

interaction, just looking at them, but it’s crickets. Well…it’s over, but you

probably weren’t that close anyway. Hopeful, at most, and that happens. Like all

they were doing was considering the factors that I’ve been discussing this whole

time. It’s not that deep boo boo.

reviving your waving


If you’ve had a relationship come to a close due to no hello, how are you, or

wave gestures, what are the chances it can be brought back? If it was one

of those situations where it was never that serious, y’all might’ve grown two

centimeters close at most, so the end of that relationship done brought you

back two centimeters. Surely you can get those two centimeters back at LEAST.

This most likely could happen out of pure luck whether you randomly see

them at a party, you have a class with them that semester, or a mutual friend

unknowingly brings you two together when hanging out. Just have fun with it!

If less than 1, you don’t need to say hi

If between 1 to 5, waving wouldn’t hurt but

no pressure to.

it’s really not that deep...

If greater than 5, shoot them a wave likeee

All of this might appear to be a bit too calculated and over thought to some.

Like why on Earth would anyone need this? Just say hello, no matter what the

person’s result is on the opposite end, your life will hardly change. Well, yes! But

as an overthinker, I forget about that fact in the moment, however it might be

one of the most important ones to remember. No one really cares. Say hello or

don’t, you have freedom of speech.

By Matthew Kurr

Photos by Tinotenda Duche


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