Main Street Magazine Spring '23

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In the brisk October evening, I emerged

wishing I had taken one more shot.

I walked down a street I barely

recognized and up to a white house

that produced a muffled mix of noise. I

felt eyes dance over me as the people

loitering outside gazed at my nun

costume which was accompanied with

a leather riding crop in the shape of a

cross. Rounding the porch corner and

pushing the screen door aside, I took a

deep breath, and exhaled, to inhale the

feeling of eight-month-old nostalgia.

through the

gates to the


By Katelyn Clark, photos by Se Choi

The feeling of

excitement surged

through my body,

anticipating the dance I

knew too well.

Stepping into the kitchen surrounded

by smoke circles and loud chatter, I

contemplated ditching the friends I

was meeting there. My brooding was

interrupted by bouncing fairy wings, a

big smile, and a hug: Josie. Within her

first breath, I knew she was absolutely

obliterated, babbling about some

strange drag Catwoman they picked up

off the street on the drive over and her

love for my costume.

My eyes drifted past her face and

around the room as images from the

night I spent here eight-months prior

invaded my mind. The house had

passed hands since I had last seen

it, but it had the same spirit flowing

through. The show in February had

been such a blur, mostly due to my lack

of self-control when it comes to water

bottle vodka. The night had blended

into one soupy bowl of oatmeal, and

yet I left with an overwhelming sense

of grand discovery. Metal wasn’t dead.

I had seen it pulsating through a

cleared-out basement. I had thrashed

to its antagonizing guitar and had

befriended strangers in the midst of its

wrath. That night felt electric; each band

was perfect in my eyes. Even though I

spent half of the night with my cheek

pressed against a metal pipe, I felt like

I had boar witness to the birthing of the

Messiah. And if my drunken memory

served me right, I wanted more than

anything to feel it again.


I ended the one-sided conversation

with Josie abruptly by commenting on

how we had already missed the first

three bands. She was standing just

in front of the holy gates. Dirt, paint,

and dust covering each crevice of the

wood made you wonder if it had ever

been just a white door. I gripped our

group’s hands as I pulled them down

the stairway through the entrance to

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