Main Street Magazine Spring '23

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Are you looking for some new original music to listen to? Look no further than Cozy Throne. Cozy Throne is a locally based band that

plays shows across New Hampshire. Performance locations can vary from nearby basement concerts to our very own Stone Church! The

band has been performing together since early 2020, and has seen some changes in members. Currently on the roster is vocalist Amara

Phelps, drummer Lindy Snell, bassist Harry McCallum and guitarist Ben Ferrari. Amara and Lindy are the only two remaining original

members, with Ben and Harry joining within the last few years. Cozy Throne boasts 286 monthly listeners on Spotify, and climbing! They

have two released singles and an EP called I’ll Tell You What Freedom Is. This past February they released their single “Circle the Drain”

and have more planned for the upcoming year. If you’re looking for emotive and fast paced tunes with heart for your car ride to class (or to

anywhere for that matter), then you’re in luck.

You may know all these things, but the important questions are still left unanswered. I was lucky enough to snag an interview with the four

members of Cozy Throne and get down to the nitty gritty. Below I have curated some thought-provoking queries to shake it up and let you

get to know the band (and their music) in a new way! If you find yourself interested to hear more, follow them on Instagram @cozythrone to

keep up with performance and release dates!

What is your favorite pre or post performance

ritual? “I gotta chug a monster,” (Harry). Though not a purposeful

ritual, the set list is usually decided right before performing. “If another

band is playing before us, we are deciding the set list then… We wanna

see the energy in the room and decide,” (Amara).

What song of yours would you play as an opening

theme of a sitcom? “Gambit.” Close seconds go to “Corvette

Corvette,” “Panic Pack,” and “I Pee My Pants Sometimes.”

One person in the band is tasked with making

dinner for everyone. Who is cooking? Amara, but out

of necessity. “Amara makes the best pasta I’ve ever eaten in my entire


What would you name the band if you were a

group of superheroes? The Squeeners. Honorable mentions

include The Immaculate Spectacklian (Ben), The Power Rangers

(already taken), The Rizz Society (Liam).

If your album I’ll Tell You What Freedom Is was a

color, what color would it be? “Definitely orange. Orange

is the Cozy Throne color. It is very loud and brash.”

In a f ight between your songs Gambit and Circle

the Drain, who is going to win? “Gambit wins,” “Circle The

Drain” is crying in the corner. “She’s posting

on her Instagram story ‘don’t hit me up.’”

“‘Gambit’ is absolutely swinging.”


What is one venue you really

like performing at?

The general consensus is

that Stone Church is a band

fave, UNH students are in luck! “I

enjoy performing at UNH,” (Amara).

“Any miscellaneous college

basement,” (Harry).

If you are all caught in a horror movie, who

is the last one alive? Who dies f irst? (The

following answers are my unedited interview notes. They speak

for themselves). Harry. Ben is offended. Ben is the first to die.

Crashed his car twice?? Might take the other members out with

him by accident.

Where do you get your inspiration for

music? “Starting out playing Pizzastock gigs knowing that

the message they portray [and] that I was contributing to it was

very inspirational and kept me going for performing,” (Ben).

“Performing is very fun [on its own], but my father also inspires

me. He used to be a successful musician in his own band and

it’s like I’m following in his footsteps,” (Harry). “Self expression,

getting things out of my head, and getting to connect with people,

either who come to watch or who I am performing with. [Knowing]

I can resonate with other people,” (Amara). “Cause I enjoy doing it.

It brings me joy, and it gives me hope that we may be successful

one day. I love playing the drums,” (Lindy). “Our songwriting

process is unique, it is mostly based on vibes, not necessarily

inspired by specifics.”

What kind of audience do you want to

attract to your performances? “Friends. We go

to shows and we see a whole group of friends in the audience.”

“Cozy Throne started with us inviting friends to hear us play, we

would want all our performances to have friends surrounding us.”

What do you see in your band’s future? Any

more singles or albums planned? “Lots of

riches. Fame, fortune, the Grammy’s,” (Amara). “I hope to be

so successful one day I could grow my own celery,” (Ben) (If any

of you readers are big celery lovers, Ben is your kinda guy). “I

walk around like I own a million dollars. I feel very positive about

our future.” An album is currently being recorded and is set to

[hopefully] be released this summer. Those who are familiar with

Cozy Throne are in store for a different vibe, the album thus far

“portrays our personalities much better.” “What we have so far fits

really well together,” (Lindy).

by cori wintle-newell

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