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sikalische Medizin Akademischer Bericht 2004 - Rheumaklinik ...

sikalische Medizin Akademischer Bericht 2004 - Rheumaklinik ...

sikalische Medizin Akademischer Bericht 2004 - Rheumaklinik ...


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41. Mannion AF, Dvorak J, Junge A, Müntener M, Porchet F, and Grob D. Do retrospectively recorded “global ratings of outcome”<br />

reflect prospective changes in pain and self-rated disability? International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (Spine<br />

Week), Porto, Portugal. 30.5.-5.6.<strong>2004</strong>.<br />

42. Mannion AF, Dvorak J, Junge A, Porchet F, and Grob D. Do retrospective ratings of „global outcome“ reflect prospective chan-<br />

ges in pain and self-rated disability after spine surgery? Jahreskongress der schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie<br />

(SGO), Montreux, Switzerland. Swiss Medical Forum 4(Suppl 20):S41, <strong>2004</strong>.<br />

43. Mannion AF, Dvorak J, Müntener M, Porchet F, and Grob D. Do the early post-operative results after spinal surgery predict the<br />

longer-term outcome? 2nd Day of Clinical Research, University Hospital Zurich. 26-27.3.<strong>2004</strong>.<br />

44. Mannion AF, Elfering A, Staerkle R, Junge A, Grob D, Semmer NK, Jacobshagen N, Dvorak J, and Boos N. A prospective ex-<br />

amination of Deyo's six core measures for assessing outcome in LBP research. Jahreskongress der schweizerischen Gesell-<br />

schaft für Orthopädie (SGO), Montreux, Switzerland. Swiss Medical Forum 4(Suppl 20):S75, <strong>2004</strong>.<br />

45. Mannion AF, Junge A, Fairbank JCT, Dvorak J, and Grob D. Reliability, validity and "minimal detectable score change" of a<br />

German version of the Oswestry Low Back Disability Questionnaire. 2nd Day of Clinical Research, University Hospital Zurich.<br />

26-27.3.<strong>2004</strong>.<br />

46. Mannion AF, Junge A, Fairbank JCT, Dvorak J, and Grob D. Reliability, validity and „minimally detectable score change“ of a<br />

German version of the Oswestry Low Back Disability Questionnaire. Spine Society of Europe (Spine Week), Porto, Portugal.<br />

30.5.-5.6.<strong>2004</strong>.<br />

47. Meyer K, Uebelhart D, Klipstein A. Six-month follow-up of a randomised controlled pilot study of a work rehabilitation pro-<br />

gramme. Ann Rheum Dis EULAR Abstract Book:246/THU0471, <strong>2004</strong><br />

48. Pulkovski N, Sprott H, Huber E, Michel BA. Diagnostischer Ultraschall als Biofeedback-Instrument für segmentale Stabilisie-<br />

rungs-Übungen bei Rückenschmerz-Patienten. Fisio Active, PP02, <strong>2004</strong><br />

49. Pulkovski N, Sprott H, Huber E, Michel BA. Use of diagnostic ultrasound as biofeedback in patients with low back pain briefed<br />

with segmental stability exercises. Swiss Med Wkly 134(142):S17, <strong>2004</strong><br />

50. Rai S, Grob D, Liebig M, Dvorak J, and Mannion AF. A comparison of the centroid, Cobb, and posterior tangent methods for the<br />

radiographic analysis of global and intersegmental ranges of flexion of the lumbar spine. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen<br />

Gesellschaft für Orthopädie (SGO), Montreux, Schweiz. Swiss Medical Forum 4(Suppl 20):S73, <strong>2004</strong>.<br />

51. Schenk P, Klipstein A, Spillmann S, Läubli Th. Welche Basisfunktionen bestimmen die maximale Hebefähigkeit? Gesellschaft<br />

für Arbeitswissenschaften GfA, Zurich, Switzerland, 24-26 march <strong>2004</strong>.<br />

52. Schenk P, Klipstein A, Spillmann S, Läubli Th. The role of back muscle endurance, maximum force, balance and trunk rotation<br />

regarding lifting capacity. Int. symposium on Neuromuscular assessment in the elderly worker (NEW), Torino, Italy, 20-21 febru-<br />

ary <strong>2004</strong>.<br />

53. Swanenburg J, Stauffacher M, Baschung P, Uebelhart D. Sturzprophylaxe bei älteren Patienten mit Osteoporose. Lugano fisio<br />

Congress Book 1, <strong>2004</strong><br />

54. Ueno S, Schenk P, Klipstein A, Krueger H, Läubli T. On the muscle activity during a one hour tapping task. Fifth int. conference<br />

of work related musculoskeletal disorders PREMUS, July 11-15,<strong>2004</strong>, Zurich.<br />

11.2.9 Sonstiges<br />

Letters<br />

1. Sprott H, Glatzel M, Michel BA: Treatment of myositis with etanercept (Enbrelâ) a recombinant human soluble fusion protein of<br />

TNF-a type II receptor and IgG1. Rheum 43:524-526, <strong>2004</strong>.<br />


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