10.07.2015 Aufrufe

Becker Centronic EasyControl EC541 II Anleitung - auf enobi.de

Becker Centronic EasyControl EC541 II Anleitung - auf enobi.de

Becker Centronic EasyControl EC541 II Anleitung - auf enobi.de


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Assembly and Operating InstructionsWall hol<strong>de</strong>rWall hol<strong>de</strong>rm o u n t i n gplateInstalling the wall mountUnlocking• Before installing in the position required,check that the transmitterand receiver are functioning properly.• Fix the mount to the wall with the twoscrews provi<strong>de</strong>d.Changing the battery234.114.2CleaningClean the <strong>de</strong>vice with a damp cloth only. Do not use a cleansing agent since thiscould damage the plastic.14

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