30.01.2020 Aufrufe





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Testing the Waters

Hello my name is Ava. I am 15 going on 16 and this text will

be all about my experiences being vegetarian for the past four


23rd of September 06:10

Today is the day I start the vegetarian experiment.

I was really nervous yesterday because

for one I normally eat a lot of meat and

two back home in Canada not many people

are vegetarian or vegan. I’ve done something

where I became pescatarian for half a

month, but that didn’t last very long due to

my dad’s amazing food and cooking skills.

Now that I’m away from home it should be

easier for me to follow through with this challenge

because I have more say in what I eat

and what I don’t eat. Bye for now.

That was my first entry about this experiment.

Now I know it may sound crazy and

you may ask “why is she doing this” I asked

that to myself multiple times during these

months, but I am so incredibly happy that I

tried this out because I have found a new

diet that works for me and keeps me energized,

and above all healthy.

Before I started this experiment I was having

troubles with being out of breath, having

my chest hurt really bad and being

dizzy every morning, and during the day

I would feel very out of breath and nauseous.

I had contacted my doctor back

home about it because I knew something

felt off about my mornings, when she replied

I was extremely scared. She told me

that these could be early signs of diabetes.

As you can imagine, me being an ex-


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