30.01.2020 Aufrufe





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change student so far away from home, I

took that harder than I may have if I were

with my family in Canada. I obviously asked

her what I could do to prevent these

symptoms from worsening and hopefully

avoid diabetes all together. Her answer

was a change in diet.

I have always been very active and I ate

relatively good, but that would not stop me

from consuming a full bag of chips in under

twenty minutes by myself. I did some

more research because I couldn’t possibly

understand why my diet needed to change

because I was normally really active, thin

and healthy in my daily life with the food

I ate regularly. Everyone normally links

diabetes with being overweight and if I am

being honest I did too for a while, but what

I found while doing research on my diet

is that being overweight only plays into a

small part of diabetes. The main cause of

it is an unhealthy diet. That shocked me,

so I looked more into the healthiest diet

regimen that I could follow, the top result,

becoming vegan or vegetarian. I spent

so many hours researching these diets I

even found a really good documentary on

the subject called “The Game Changers”. I

found that documentary extremely helpful in

my decision to change my lifestyle and diet.

That is how I came up with the idea to go vegetarian

till the end of this semester to “test

the waters” of a new diet I also thought it

would be an interesting topic to write about.

I told my doctor back home what my plans

were and she told me that it was a great direction

to go for my health, and after one

week I noticed my symptoms were less severe

and I could bike to school easier without

being out of breath and having to take

breaks. After the third week my symptoms

were completely gone and I felt way more

energized and after the first month it became

routine to order off of the vegetarian

menu in restaurants and to make sure I did

not eat unhealthy, fatty foods. Overall, after

these months, I would say that this experiment

was a success and I will continue with

my vegetarian diet.


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