30.08.2023 Aufrufe

Dynamic Colour Signal Imaging Part 2 - Video clips of examination

Visual guidance of PNC insertion and position check with micromovements to estimation of proximity to target nerve. Clip can be downloaded (mp4 file)

Visual guidance of PNC insertion and position check with micromovements to estimation of proximity to target nerve.
Clip can be downloaded (mp4 file)

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<strong>Dynamic</strong> <strong>Colour</strong> <strong>Signal</strong> <strong>Imaging</strong><br />

Visual guidance <strong>of</strong> PNC insertion and position check with micromovements<br />

to estimation <strong>of</strong> proximity to target nerve<br />

A novel method development for Ultrasound-guided Regional Anesthesia<br />

Vido <strong>clips</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>examination</strong><br />

from the Vulpius Klinik, Bad Rappenau (2023)<br />

Departements <strong>of</strong> Anaesthesiology (1), and Hand Surgery (2)<br />

R. Breitkreutz (1), J.J. Brühl (1), H.-M. Ramme (1), F. Unglaub (2)

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