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V ictims and witnesses protection:<br />

Some preliminary thoughts<br />

By Jesmul Hasan*, Bangladesh<br />

Avictim means a person who has, directly or indirectly, suffered harm, physical or mental,<br />

or to his/her property, as a result of commission of any offence/crime punishable under<br />

the law of the State. Victims do not include individuals only it may include<br />

organizations. A witness is the person before whose eyes the offence takes place or who has<br />

information or knowledge of the offence and is ready to testify about it before any court or<br />

investigating authority.<br />

Victims and witness protection for administration of justice<br />

Providing protection to victims and witnesses of a crime is important for ensuring administration<br />

of justice. Administration of justice means upholding of 'right' and punishment of 'wrong'. A<br />

victim is a person whose right is violated by a wrong committed by an offender. Both victims<br />

and witnesses play important role in administration of justice. Upholding the rights of victims is<br />

done by trial and adjudication of the offence. But what happens when the trial goes on and final<br />

adjudication takes time? During this period, providing protection to victims and witnesses is<br />

important. A victim has already been wronged once for which trial of a case takes place.<br />

However, before that, if there is apprehension that victim might be wronged again during trial,<br />

extending protection to him/her is part of the total process of administration of justice.<br />

According to the definition provided by Salmond, administration of justice means maintenance<br />

of right within a political community by means of force of the State. What does it mean by<br />

maintenance of right of a person whose right has already been violated? It means returning to the<br />

victim his/her right either directly or providing him/her compensation or punishment of wrong<br />

done against him/her. During the process, the victims and witnesses may be in the face of further<br />

vengeance from the wrongdoer. That is why providing protection to them is important for<br />

ensuring administration of justice.<br />

In modern States, justice is administered by courts according to law. If the law of the land does<br />

not provide protection to victims and witnesses, courts do not have options to ensure protection<br />

to victims and witnesses. Here comes the issue of protecting victims and witnesses for de facto<br />

rule of law.<br />

Victims and witness protection for rule of law<br />

According to A.V. Dicey, rule of law means (1) absence of arbitrary power i.e. no man is above<br />

law; (2) equality before law i.e. every man is subject to law and jurisdiction of courts; (3)<br />

individual liberties. If the law of the country does not provide protection to victims and<br />

witnesses, that law cannot ensure individual liberties as an element of rule of law. If the<br />

perpetrator or offender of a crime remains beyond the hands of law and/or jurisdiction of courts<br />

150<br />

Report 2005

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