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Monday<br />

March 4 Oral Sessions<br />

Session 8 CROI <strong>2013</strong><br />

11:00 28 Hormonal Contraception and Risk of HIV:<br />

An Analysis of Data from the Microbicides<br />

Development Programme Trial<br />

Angela Crook* 1 , H Rees 2 , G Ramjee 3 , A Kamali 4 , S Kapiga 5 ,<br />

M Chisembele 6 , M Gafos 1 , A Nunn 1 , R Hayes 7 , and S McCormack 1<br />

1 MRC Clin Trials Unit, London, UK;; 2 Univ of the Witwatersrand,<br />

Johannesburg, South Africa;; 3 MRC HIV Prevention Res Unit,<br />

Durban, South Africa;; 4 MRC/UVRI Uganda Res Unit, Entebbe;;<br />

5 Mwanza Intervention Trials Unit, Tanzania;; 6 Univ Teaching Hosp,<br />

Lusaka, Zambia;; and 7 London Sch of Hygiene and Tropical Med, UK<br />

11:15 29 Is Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate<br />

Likely to Increase Infectivity in HIV-1 +<br />

Women Receiving ART?<br />

Summer Day* 1 , S Graham 1,2 , L Masese 1,2 , B Richardson 1,3 ,<br />

J Kiarie 2 , W Jaoko 2 , B Estambale 2 , V Chohan 1,3 , J Overbaugh 3 ,<br />

and S McClelland 1,2<br />

1 Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; 2 Inst of Tropical and Infectious<br />

Diseases, Univ of Nairobi, Kenya;; and 3 Fred Hutchison Cancer Res<br />

Ctr, Seattle, WA, US<br />

11:30 30 Community-level Reductions in Estimated HIV<br />

Incidence: HIV Prevention Trials Network 043,<br />

Project Accept<br />

Thomas Coates* 1 , S Eshleman 2 , S Chariyalertsak 3 , A Chingono 4 ,<br />

G Gray 5 , J Mbwambo 6 , L Richter 7 , D Donnell 8 , E Piwowar-Manning 2 ,<br />

M Kulich 9 , and the HPTN 043 Project Accept Study Team<br />

1 Univ of California, Los Angeles, US;; 2 Johns Hopkins Univ Sch<br />

of Med, Baltimore, MD, US;; 3 Chiang Mai Univ, Thailand;; 4 Univ<br />

of Zimbabwe, Harare;; 5 Univ of the Witwatersrand, Soweto, South<br />

Africa;; 6 Muhimbili Univ, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania;; 7 Human Sci Res<br />

Council, Vulindlela, South Africa;; 8 Statistical Ctr for HIV/AIDS Res<br />

and Prevention, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Res Ctr, Seattle, WA, US;;<br />

and 9 Charles Univ, Prague, Czech Repulic<br />

11:45 31 Which HIV Testing and Counseling Model<br />

Works Best in African Outpatient Departments?<br />

Results from the Strengthening HIV Test Access<br />

and Treatment Uptake Study<br />

AD McNaghten* 1 , A Schilsky Mneimneh 2 , T Farirai 3 , N Wamai 4 ,<br />

M Ntiro 5 , J Sabatier 2 , N Makhunga-Ramfolo 6 , S Mwanasalli 7 ,<br />

A Awor 4 , J Moore 2 , and Project STATUS Study Team<br />

1 Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA, US;; 2 CDC, Atlanta, GA, US;; 3 CDC,<br />

Pretoria, South Africa;; 4 CDC, Entebbe, Uganda;; 5 Ministry of Hlth<br />

and Social Welfare, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania;; 6 Univ Res Co, LLC,<br />

Pretoria, South Africa;; and 7 CDC, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania<br />

12:00 32 Condom Efficacy by Consistency of Use<br />

among MSM: US<br />

Dawn Smith*, J Herbst, X Zhang, and C Rose<br />

CDC, Atlanta, GA, US<br />

k Monday, 10 am-12:15 pm; Ballroom 1-2<br />

Session 9–Oral Abstracts<br />

Advances in Hepatitis Therapy<br />

Moderators:<br />

Juergen Rockstroh, Univ of Bonn, Germany<br />

Kimberly Workowski, Emory Univ Sch of Med, Atlanta, GA, US<br />

10:00 33 Protective Effect of Hepatitis B Virus-active cART<br />

against Primary Hepatitis B Virus Infection<br />

M Heuft, G van den Berk, T Smissaert, W Blok, R Regez, L Dijksman,<br />

and Kees Brinkman*<br />

Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gasthuis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands<br />

10:15 34 Increased Plasma and Intracellular Ribavirin<br />

Concentrations Associated with Telaprevir Use<br />

Kyle Hammond* 1 , L Jimmerson 1 , C MacBrayne 1 , M Ray 1 ,<br />

L Bushman 1 , J Burton 1 , F Baouchi-Mokrane 2 , G Everson 1 ,<br />

P Anderson 1 , and J Kiser 1<br />

1 Univ of Colorado Denver, Aurora, US and 2 Denver Hlth Med Ctr,<br />

CO, US<br />

10:30 35 Pharmacokinetic Interactions of Darunavir/<br />

ritonavir, Efavirenz, and Tenofovir with the<br />

Hepatitis C Virus Protease Inhibitor Faldaprevir<br />

in Healthy Volunteers<br />

J Sabo 1 , Jens Kort* 1 , M Haschke 2 , C Ballow 3 , B Girlich 4 , U Feifel 5 ,<br />

B Lang 6 , M Schobelock 1 , and M Elgadi 7<br />

1 Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc, Ridgefield, CT,<br />

US;; 2 Univ Hosp Basel, Switzerland;; 3 Buffalo Clin Res Ctr, NY,<br />

US;; 4 Boehringer Ingelheim Schweiz GmbH, Basel, Switzerland;;<br />

5 Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals GmbH & Co KG,<br />

Ingelheim, Germany;; 6 Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals<br />

GmbH & Co KG, Biberach, Germany;; and 7 Boehringer Ingelheim<br />

Canada Ltd, Burlington<br />

4 � 20th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections<br />

10:45 36 High Early Virological Response with<br />

Telaprevir-Pegylated-Interferon-Ribavirin<br />

in Treatment-experienced Hepatitis C Virus<br />

Genotype 1/HIV Co-infected Patients:<br />

ANRS HC26 TelapreVIH Study<br />

Laurent Cotte* 1 , J Braun 2 , C Lascoux-Combe 3,4 , C Vincent 2 ,<br />

S Pol 3,5 , M-A Valentin 3,6 , K Lacombe 3 , D Nau 7 , J-P Aboulker 2 ,<br />

J-M Molina 3,4 , and ANRS HC26 Study Group<br />

1 INSERM U1052, Hospices Civils de Lyon, France;; 2 INSERM<br />

SC10-US019, Villejuif, France;; 3 Assistance Publ Hosp de Paris,<br />

France;; 4 Univ Paris VII Denis Diderot, Paris, France;; 5 Univ Paris<br />

Descartes, Paris, France;; 6 INSERM UMR-S 943, Paris, France;;<br />

and 7 Hosp Pellegrin, Bordeaux, France<br />

11:00 37 ANRS-HC27 BocepreVIH Interim Analysis:<br />

High Early Virologic Response with Boceprevir<br />

+ Pegylated Interferon + Ribivirin in Hepatitis<br />

C Virus/HIV Co-infected Patients with Previous<br />

Failure to Pegylated Interferon + Ribivirin<br />

Isabelle Poizot-Martin* 1 , E Bellissant 2 , L Piroth 3 , A Renault 2 ,<br />

Y Quertainmont 4 , E Rosenthal 5 , L Alric 6 , D Guyader 2 , M Bourliere 7 ,<br />

J-M Molina 8 , and ANRS-HC27 BOCEPREVIH Study Group<br />

1 Hosp Ste Marguerite, Marseille, France;; 2 Hosp de Pontchaillou,<br />

Rennes, France;; 3 Hosp du Bocage, Dijon, France;; 4 Hosp de<br />

Kremlin-Bicetre, Paris, France;; 5 Hosp de LArchet, Nice, France;;<br />

6 Hosp de Purpan, Toulouse, France;; 7 Hosp St-Joseph, Marseille,<br />

France;; and 8 Hosp St-Louis, Paris, France<br />

11:15 38 12 Weeks of ABT-450/Ritonavir, Non-nucleoside<br />

Inhibitor and Ribavirin Achieved SVR24 in<br />

>90% of Treatment-naïve Hepatitis C Virus GT1<br />

Patients and 47% of Prior Non-responders<br />

Eric Lawitz* 1 , D Cohen 2 , F Poordad 1 , K Kowdley 3 , G Everson 4 ,<br />

B Freilich 5 , D Jensen 6 , M Heckaman 2 , T Pilot-Matias 2 , and B Bernstein 2<br />

1 Alamo Med Res, San Antonio, TX, US;; 2 Abbott, Abbott Park, IL, US;;<br />

3 Digestive Disease Inst, Virginia Mason Med Ctr, Seattle, WA, US;;<br />

4 Univ of Colorado Denver and Univ of Colorado Hosp, Aurora, US;;<br />

5 Kansas City Gastroenterology and Hepatology, MO, US;; and 6 Ctr<br />

for Liver Diseases, Univ of Chicago Med Ctr, IL, US<br />

11:30 39 Risk of Virologic Relapse in Hepatitis C Virus<br />

GT1-infected Subjects after 8, 12, and 24 Weeks<br />

of ABT-450/r+ABT-267+ABT-333+Ribavirin:<br />

Identifying Optimal Treatment Duration<br />

Martin King*, W Xie, L Larsen, D Cohen, T Podsadecki,<br />

and B Bernstein<br />

AbbVie, North Chicago, IL, US<br />

11:45 40LB STARTVerso 4: High Rates of Early Virologic<br />

Response in Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 1/HIV<br />

Co-infected Patients Treated with Faldaprevir +<br />

Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin<br />

Douglas Dieterich* 1 , V Soriano 2 , M Nelson 3 , J Rockstroh 4 ,<br />

K Arasteh 5 , S Bhagani 6 , A Talal 7 , C Tural 8 , R Vinisko 9 , and J Kort 9<br />

1 Mt Sinai Sch of Med, New York, NY, US;; 2 Hosp Carlos III, Madrid,<br />

Spain;; 3 Chelsea and Westminster Hosp, London, UK;; 4 Univ of Bonn,<br />

Germany;; 5 EPIMED, Vivantes Auguste-Viktoria Hosp, Berlin,<br />

Germany;; 6 Royal Free Hosp, London, UK;; 7 State Univ of New York,<br />

Buffalo, US;; 8 Hosp Univ Germans Trias i Pujol, Barcelona, Spain;;<br />

and 9 Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc, Ridgefield, CT, US<br />

12:00 41LB ELECTRON: 100% Suppression of Viral Load<br />

through 4 Weeks Post-treatment for Sofosbuvir<br />

+ Ledipasvir (GS-5885) + Ribavirin for 12 Weeks<br />

in Treatment-naïve and -experienced Hepatitis C<br />

Virus GT1 Patients<br />

Edward Gane* 1 , R Hyland 2 , X Ding 2 , P Pang 2 ,<br />

J McHutchison 2 , W Symonds 2 , and C Stedman 3<br />

1 Auckland Clin Studies, New Zealand;; 2 Gilead Sci, Foster City, CA,<br />

US;; and 3 Christchurch Hosp, New Zealand

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