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Wednesday<br />

March 6 Oral Sessions<br />

Session 45 CROI <strong>2013</strong><br />

248 Phenotypic Differences Between Transmitted/Founder<br />

and Chronic Env Proteins Revealed by Quantitative,<br />

High-Throughput Receptor Affinity Profiling<br />

Kelechi Chikere* 1 , N Webb 1 , T Chou 1 , P Gorry 2 , and B Lee 1<br />

1 Univ of California, Los Angeles, US and 2 Burnet Inst, Melbourne, Australia<br />

249 Transmitted/Founder Infectious Molecular Clones<br />

of Divergent SIV smm Strains Are Infectious and<br />

Replication Competent in vivo<br />

D Ma 1 , H Li 2 , C Xu 1 , B Keele 3 , J Estes 3 , J Lifson 3 , I Pandrea 1 , G Shaw 2 ,<br />

B Hahn 2 , and Cristian Apetrei* 1<br />

1 Ctr for Vaccine Res, Univ of Pittsburgh, PA, US;; 2 Univ of Pennsylvania<br />

Perelman Sch of Med, Philadelphia, US;; and 3 Frederick Natl Lab, MD, US<br />

250 The Number and Genetic Relatedness of<br />

Transmitted/Founder Virus Impact Clinical<br />

Outcome in Vaginal R5 SHIV SF162P3N Transmission<br />

Lily Tsai* 1 , I Tasovski 2 , AR Leda 1 , M Chin 2 , and C Cheng-Mayer 1<br />

1 Aaron Diamond AIDS Res Ctr, New York, NY, US and 2 Temple Univ Sch of<br />

Med, Philadelphia, PA, US<br />

b Wednesday, 1:30-2:30 pm; B308<br />

Session 46–Themed Discussion<br />

(see Session 127 on Tuesday for corresponding Poster Abstracts)<br />

Emergence and Persistence of HPV-associated<br />

Malignancies in the ART Era<br />

Discussants:<br />

Elizabeth Chiao , Baylor Coll of Med, Houston, TX, US<br />

Cynthia Firnhaber, Univ of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa<br />

730 AIDS-defining Cancers in Switzerland 1985-2011:<br />

Separating the Effects of Age and Period<br />

F Schoni-Affolter1 , L Elzi2 , R Weber3 , A Calmy4 , A Bregenzer5 ,<br />

M Cavassini6 , H Furrer7 , G Clifford8 , M Egger1 , Olivia Keiser* 1 ,<br />

and Swiss HIV Cohort Study<br />

1 2 3 Univ of Bern, Switzerland;; Univ Hosp Basel, Switzerland;; Univ Hosp<br />

Zurich, Switzerland;; 4Geneva Univ Hosp, Switzerland;; 5Cantonal Hosp St<br />

Gallen, Switzerland;; 6Univ Hosp Lausanne, Switzerland;; 7Univ Hosp Bern,<br />

Switzerland;; and 8Intl Agency for Res on Cancer<br />

731 Incidence of AIDS-defining and Non-AIDS-defining<br />

Cancers following Expansion of ART: Botswana<br />

2003-2008<br />

Scott Dryden-Peterson* 1,2,3 , H Medhin4 , G Seage2 , M Pusoentsi4 , S El-Halabi4 ,<br />

T Rebbeck5 , G Suneja5 , M Mmalane3 , M Essex2,3 , and S Lockman1,2,3 1 2 Brigham and Women�s Hosp, Boston, MA, US;; Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth,<br />

Boston, MA, US;; 3Botswana Harvard AIDS Inst Partnership, Gaborone;;<br />

4 5 Botswana Ministry of Hlth, Gaborone;; and Univ of Pennsylvania,<br />

Philadelphia, US<br />

732 Frequent Detection of Human Papillomavirus before<br />

and after Initiation of ART among HIV + Women:<br />

Uganda<br />

Anne Rositch* 1 , P Gravitt1,2 , A Tobian1,3 , K Newell4 , T Quinn3,5 ,<br />

D Serwadda6 , P Ssebbowa6 , V Kiggundu6 , R Gray1,6 , and S Reynolds3,5 1Johns Hopkins Univ Bloomberg Sch of Publ Hlth, Baltimore, MD, US;;<br />

2 3 Perdana Univ Grad Sch of Med, Serdang, Malaysia;; Johns Hopkins Univ<br />

Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD, US;; 4Frederick Natl Lab for Cancer Res, MD, US;;<br />

5 6 NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; and Rakai Hlth Sci Prgm, Entebbe, Uganda<br />

733 HPV Genotype Impacts T Cell Activation and<br />

Cervical Cellular Infiltrates Irrespective of Lesion<br />

Grade in ART-suppressed Human Papillomavirus/<br />

HIV-1 Co-infected Women<br />

Emmanouil Papasavvas* 1 , D Glencross2,3 , N Mayisela4 , T Omar2 ,<br />

A-L Williamson5,6 , M Siminya4 , X Yin1 , Q Liu1 , C Firnhaber2,4 ,<br />

and L Montaner1 1 2 The Wistar Inst, Philadelphia, PA, US;; Univ of the Witwatersrand,<br />

Johannesburg, South Africa;; 3Natl Hlth Lab Svc, Johannesburg, South<br />

Africa;; 4Right to Care, Johannesburg, South Africa;; 5Univ of Cape Town,<br />

South Africa;; and 6Natl Hlth Lab Svc, Cape Town, South Africa<br />

734 Human Papillomavirus, Cervical Neoplasia, and<br />

Invasive Cancer in Women with HIV-2 Infection in<br />

the ART Era: Senegal, West Africa<br />

S Hawes1 , Q Feng1 , S Ba2 , M Toure1,2 , M-P Sy2 , F Traore2 , R Smith1 , N Kiviat1 ,<br />

PS Sow1,2 , Geoffrey Gottlieb* 1 , and UW-Dakar HIV-2 Study Group<br />

1 2 Univ of Washington, Seattle, US and Ctr Hosp Univ de Fann, Univ Cheikh<br />

Anta Diop de Dakar, Senegal<br />

735 Anal Human Papillomavirus Infection in HIV +<br />

Patients: Prevalence, Incidence, and Predictors<br />

of High-risk Human Papillomavirus Infection<br />

Alberto Borghetti* 1 , P Cattani2 , G Maria3 , M Sanguinetti2 ,<br />

S D’Onghia2 , R Santangelo2 , S Marchetti2 , R Cauda1 , A De Luca1,4 ,<br />

and S Di Giambenedetto1 1Inst of Clin Infectious Diseases, Catholic Univ of Sacred Heart, Rome,<br />

Italy;; 2Inst of Microbiology, Catholic Univ of Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy;;<br />

3Inst of Clin and Surgical Therapy, Catholic Univ of Sacred Heart, Rome,<br />

Italy;; and 4Siena Univ Hosp, Italy<br />

20 � 20th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections<br />

736 The Effect of Protease Inhibitors on the Incidence of<br />

HIV-associated Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Anus<br />

Pamela Mbang* 1 , M Kowalkowski 2 , and E Chiao 1,2<br />

1 Baylor Coll of Med, Houston, TX, US and 2 Houston Hlth Svcs Res and Devt<br />

Ctr of Excellence, Michael E DeBakey VAMC, TX, US<br />

737 Prevalence and Genotypes of Human Papillomavirus at<br />

Penile and Perianal Sites among HIV + and HIV – MSM<br />

Han-Zhu Qian* 1 , Y Hu 2 , L Yin 1 , Y Ruan 2 , Y Shao 2 , and S Vermund 1<br />

1 Vanderbilt Univ, Nashville, TN, US and 2 Natl Ctr for STD/AIDS Control<br />

and Prevention of China CDC, Beijing<br />

b Wednesday, 1:30-2:30 pm; B313<br />

Session 47–Themed Discussion<br />

(see Session 149 on Tuesday for corresponding Poster Abstracts)<br />

Mechanisms of Immune Reconstitution<br />

Discussants:<br />

Brigitte Autran, Univ Pierre and Marie Curie, Pitie-Salpetriere Hosp,<br />

Paris, France (invited)<br />

Robert Colebunders, Inst of Tropical Med Antwerp, Belgium<br />

859 Early ART after Cryptococcal Meningitis Increases<br />

Cerebrospinal Fluid Macrophage Activation and<br />

Aberrant Th2 Responses in a Multisite Randomized Trial<br />

James Scriven* 1,2 , J Rhein 3,4 , K Huppler Hullsiek 4 , M von Hohenberg 4 ,<br />

G Linder 4 , M Rolfes 4 , D Williams 3,4 , D Meya 3,4,5 , G Meintjes 2 , D Boulware 4 ,<br />

and Cryptococcal Optimal ART Timing Trial<br />

1 Liverpool Sch of Tropical Med, UK;; 2 Univ of Cape Town, South<br />

Africa;; 3 Infectious Disease Inst, Kampala, Uganda;; 4 Univ of Minnesota,<br />

Minneapolis, US;; and 5 Makerere Univ, Kampala, Uganda<br />

860 Impact of TB-associated Immune Reconstitution<br />

Inflammatory Syndrome on T Cell Activation and<br />

Reconstitution in Highly Immunosuppressed HIV/TB<br />

Co-infected Patients Starting ART<br />

V Haridas 1 , P Pean 2 , L Jasenosky 1 , Y Madec 3 , D Laureillard 4 , L Borand 2 ,<br />

O Marcy 5 , T Sok 5 , X Blanc 6 , and Anne Goldfeld* 1,5<br />

1 Prgm in Cellular and Molecular Med, Children�s Hosp, Boston, MA, US;;<br />

2 Inst Pasteur du Cambodge, Phnom Penh, Cambodia;; 3 Inst Pasteur, Paris,<br />

France;; 4 ANRS, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam;; 5 Cambodian Hlth Committee,<br />

Phnom Penh;; and 6 Bicetre Hosp Assistance Publ-Hosp de Paris, France<br />

861 Ex vivo Interferon Gamma Release Assay Responses<br />

to Cryptococcal Capsule Antigen Predict Outcomes<br />

of Death or Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory<br />

Syndrome after Cryptococcal Meningitis<br />

Darin Wiesner* 1 , A Akamps 2 , J Rhein 1,3 , D Williams 1,3 , D Meya 1,2,3 ,<br />

P Bohjanen 1 , K Nielsen 1 , D Boulware 1 , and Cryptococcal Optimal ART<br />

Timing Trial<br />

1 Univ of Minnesota, Minneapolis, US;; 2 Makerere Univ, Kampala, Uganda;;<br />

and 3 Infectious Disease Inst, Kampala, Uganda<br />

862 Biomarkers of CD4 + T Cell Activation in HIV +<br />

Patients Developing Mycobacterium tuberculosisassociated<br />

Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory<br />

Syndrome<br />

Lisa Chakrabarti* 1 , C Boucherie 2 , F Bugault 1 , M-C Cumont 1 ,<br />

C Roussillon 2 , G Breton 3 , O Patey 4 , L Richert 2 , G Chene 2,5 , O Lortholary 6 ,<br />

and ANRS 129 BKVIR-CYTOK Substudy Group<br />

1 Inst Pasteur, Paris, France;; 2 INSERM U897, Univ Bordeaux, France;;<br />

3 Hosp de La Pitie-Salpetriere, Paris, France;; 4 Hosp Villeneuve St-Georges,<br />

France;; 5 CHU de Bordeaux, France;; and 6 Univ Paris Descartes, Hosp<br />

Necker Enfants Malades, APHP, Paris, France<br />

b Wednesday, 1:30-2:30 pm; Ballroom 3-4<br />

Session 48–Themed Discussion<br />

(see Session 198 on Tuesday for corresponding Poster Abstracts)<br />

Adherence and Retention in RLS<br />

Discussants:<br />

David Bangsberg, Massachusetts Gen Ctr for Global Hlth, Boston, US<br />

Wafaa El-Sadr, Columbia Univ, Harlem Hosp Ctr, New York, NY, US<br />

1101 Validating Measures of Distance to HIV Clinic in<br />

Rural Uganda and Its Impact on Clinic Attendance<br />

Mark Siedner* 1 , A Lankowski 1 , A Tsai 1,2 , C Muzoora 3 , P Hunt 4 ,<br />

J Martin 4 , J Haberer 1 , and D Bangsberg 1,5<br />

1 Massachusetts Gen Hosp Ctr for Global Hlth, Boston, US;; 2 Massachusetts<br />

Gen Hosp, Boston, US;; 3 Mbarara Univ of Sci and Tech, Uganda;; 4 Univ<br />

of California, San Francisco, US;; and 5 Ragon Inst of MGH, MIT, and<br />

Harvard Med Sch, Boston, US<br />

1102 Site and Program Determinants of Patient Retention<br />

in HIV Care: Nigeria<br />

Chinenye Ugoji* 1 , R Ake-Uzoigwe 1 , MY Ladele 1 , C Akolo 1 , G Mendy 1 ,<br />

P Dakum 1 , M Charurat 2 , D Onotu 3 , O Nwanyanwu 3 , and W Blattner 2<br />

1 Inst of Human Virology Nigeria, Abuja;; 2 Inst of Human Virology, Univ of<br />

Maryland, Baltimore, US;; and 3 Ctr for Disease Control, Nigeria

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