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Poster Listings<br />

Session 75 CROI <strong>2013</strong><br />

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Lyle McKinnon* 1,2 , B Nyanga1 , P Izulla1 , J Kwatampora1 , M Kimani1 ,<br />

N Mugo3 , J Smith4 , O Anzala1,5 , J Kimani1,6 , and R Kaul1,2 1 2 3 Univ of Nairobi, Kenya;; Univ of Toronto, Canada;; Kenyatta Natl Hosp,<br />

Nairobi, Kenya;; 4Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US;; 5Kenyan AIDS<br />

Vaccine Initiative, Nairobi;; and 6Univ of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada<br />

350� ���������������������������������������������������������<br />

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Jessica Prodger* 1 , R Gray2 , G Kigozi3 , F Nalugoda3 , RM Galiwango3 ,<br />

T Hirbod4 , M Wawer2 , D Serwadda3 , R Kaul1 , and Rakai Genital<br />

Immunology Res Group<br />

1 2 Univ of Toronto, Canada;; Johns Hopkins Univ Bloomberg Sch of<br />

Publ Hlth, Baltimore, MD, US;; 3Rakai Hlth Sci Prgm, Uganda;; and<br />

4Karolinska Inst, Stockholm, Sweden<br />

c Wednesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 76–Poster Abstracts<br />

Neutralizing Antibodies and How to Stimulate Them<br />

351� ������������������������������������������������������<br />

Response during Primary Infection<br />

Christoph Carter* 1 , G Wagner1 , G Hightower1 , L Hepler1 , G Caballero2 ,<br />

S Little1 , S Kosakovsky Pond1 , P Phung3 , D Richman1,2 , and D Smith1,2 1 2 Univ of California, San Diego, La Jolla, US;; VA Hlthcare System, San<br />

Diego, CA, US;; and 3Monogram Biosci Inc, South San Francisco, CA, US<br />

352� �������������������������������������������������������������<br />

Present in a Cohort of Long-term Non-progressors<br />

Nuria Gonzalez* 1 , K McKee2 , E Yuste3 , J Mascola2 , and J Alcami1 1 2 Inst de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain;; NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; and<br />

3Hosp Clin, Barcelona, Spain<br />

353 HIV-1 Cross-Clade Neutralization Evolution in Elite<br />

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Carolina Ferreira* 1,2 , A Merino-Mansilla1,2 , A Llano2,3 , I Perez4 ,<br />

I Crespo5 , L Llinas5 , F Garcia2,4 , J Gatell2,4 , E Yuste1,2 ,<br />

and V Sanchez-Merino1,2 1Inst dInvestigacions Biomed August Pi i Sunyer, Barcelona, Spain;;<br />

2 3 HIVACAT, Barcelona, Spain;; IrsiCaixa AIDS Res Inst, Hosp Germans<br />

Trias i Pujol, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain;; 4Hosp Clin, Barcelona, Spain;;<br />

and 5Ctr Esther Koplowitz, IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Spain<br />

354 Adaptation of HIV-1 Envelope Glycoproteins to Selective<br />

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Melanie Bouvin* 1 , M Morgand1 , A Moreau1 , P Jestin2 , L Meyer2 ,<br />

F Barin1 , and M Braibant1 1 2 INSERM U966, Univ Francois Rabelais, Tours, France and CESP<br />

INSERM U1018, Univ Paris Sud, Hosp de Bicetre, Le Kremlin-Bicetre,<br />

France<br />

355� �������������������������������������������������������<br />

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Nina Lin* 1,2 , C Becerril1 , S Moyo3 , J Makhema3 , R Musonda3 , M Essex3,4 ,<br />

S Lockman2,3,4,5 , D Kuritzkes2,5 , and M Sagar2,5 1 2 Massachusetts Gen Hosp, Boston, US;; Harvard Med Sch, Boston, MA,<br />

US;; 3Botswana-Harvard AIDS Inst Partnership, Gaborone;; 4Harvard Sch<br />

of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; and 5���������������������������������� MA, US<br />

356� �������������������������������������������������������<br />

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John Moore* 1 , R Sanders1,2 , R Derking2 , R Depetris1 , A Cupo1 , P Klasse1 ,<br />

R King3 , J-P Julien4 , I Wilson4 , and A Ward4 1 2 Weill Cornell Med Coll, New York, NY, US;; Academic Med Ctr,<br />

Amsterdam, The Netherlands;; 3Intl AIDS Vaccine Initiative, New York,<br />

NY, US;; and 4 359� �����������������������������������������������<br />

during Suppressive Therapy<br />

Viktor Dahl*<br />

The Scripps Res Inst, La Jolla, CA, US<br />

1 , M Gisslen2 , J Peterson3 , W Shao4 , S Spudich5 ,<br />

R Price3 , and S Palmer1 1 2 Karolinska Inst, Stockholm, Sweden;; Sahlgrenska Academy at Univ of<br />

Gothenburg, Sweden;; 3Univ of California, San Francisco, US;; 4Advanced Biomed Computing Ctr, SAIC-Frederick Inc, Frederick Natl Lab for<br />

Cancer Res, MD, US;; and 5Yale Univ, New Haven, CT, US<br />

360 Wild-type Viremia >50 Copies/mL Arising on cART: Identical<br />

Viral Sequences Imply Expansion of a Clonal Source<br />

Elizabeth Anderson* 1 , J Spindler1 , V Boltz1 , W Shao2 , T Uldrick3 ,<br />

C Rhem4 , M Kearney1 , J Mellors5 , J Coffin6 , and F Maldarelli1 1HIV Drug Resistance Prgm, NCI-Frederick Natl Lab, MD, US;;<br />

2Advanced Biomed Computing Ctr, SAIC-Frederick, Inc, NCI-Frederick<br />

Natl Lab, MD, US;; 3HIV & AIDS Malignancy Branch, NCI, Bethesda,<br />

MD, US;; 4Lab of Immunoregulation, NIAID, Bethesda, MD, US;; 5Univ of<br />

Pittsburgh, PA, US;; and 6 361<br />

Tufts Univ, Boston, MA, US<br />

Lack of Viral Compartmentalization in Naïve and Memory<br />

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Gabriela Khoury* 1 , A Solomon1 , L Josefsson2 , F Wightman1 ,<br />

S Palmer2 , P Cameron1,3 , and S Lewin1,3 1 2 Monash Univ and Burnet Inst, Melbourne, Australia;; Swedish Inst for<br />

Infectious Disease Control and Karolinska Inst, Solna;; and 3Alfred Hosp,<br />

Melbourne, Australia<br />

362 Deep Sequencing Analysis of RT-SHIV Viremia in a Nonhuman<br />

Primate Model of HIV-1 Therapy: Emergence of<br />

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Robert Kauffman* 1,2 , A Villalobos2,3 , J Higgins1 , R Schinazi2,3 ,<br />

and T North1,2,3 1 2 Univ of California, Davis, US;; Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA, US;;<br />

and 3VAMC, Decatur, GA, US<br />

c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 78–Poster Abstracts<br />

Viral DNA Dynamics<br />

363� ������������������������������������������������<br />

RNA in Patients on Long-term Suppressive ART<br />

Guillaume Besson* 1 , E Anderson2 , M Kearney2 , J Coffin3 ,<br />

T Tanzosh2 , C Rehm4 , F Maldarelli2 , and J Mellors1 1 2 3 Univ of Pittsburgh, PA, US;; NCI-Frederick, MD, US;; Tufts Univ,<br />

Boston, MA, US;; and 4NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US<br />

364 Initial Therapy with Raltegravir Increases Clearance of<br />

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Matthew Strain* 1 , S Rought1 , S Lada1 , T Luong2 , C Woelk1 ,<br />

A Andrade3 , D Kuritzkes4 , D Richman1 , and ACTG 5248<br />

1Univ of California, San Diego, La Jolla and VA San Diego Hlthcare<br />

System, US;; 2Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, US;; 3Johns Hopkins Univ,<br />

Baltimore, MD, US;; and 4����������������������������������� 365� ���������������������������������������������<br />

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T Cells for Eradication Strategies<br />

Kersten Koelsch* 1,2 , J Murray2,3 , K McBride1,2 , Y Xu1,2 , M Bailey1,2 ,<br />

S Emery2 , D Cooper1,2 , J Zaunders1 , A Kelleher1,2 , and PINT Study Team<br />

1 2 St Vincents Hosp, Ctr for Applied Med Res, Sydney, Australia;; The<br />

Kirby Inst for Infection and Immunity in Society, Univ of New South<br />

Wales, Sydney, Australia;; and 3Sch of Mathematics and Statistics, Univ of<br />

New South Wales, Sydney, Australia<br />

366� ����������������������������������������������<br />

drug cART in Rhesus Macaques<br />

T North1,2 , Andradi Villalobos* 1 , J Deere2 , J Higgins2 , P Chatterjee1,3 ,<br />

S-J Tao1,3 , J Kohler1,3 , P Luciw1,3 , and R Schinazi1,3 1Emory Univ Sch of Med and Emory Univ Ctr for AIDS Res, Atlanta, GA,<br />

US;; 2Univ of California, Davis, US;; and 3Atlanta VAMC, Decatur, GA, US<br />

c Monday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 77–Poster Abstracts<br />

HIV Compartmentalization and Evolution on Therapy<br />

357 Prevalence and Patterns of Residual Viremia in HIV +<br />

Patients on Long-term Suppressive ART<br />

Sharon Riddler* 1 , E Aga 2 , R Bosch 2 , M Bedison 1 , B Bastow 3 , J Eron 4 ,<br />

R Gandhi 5 , J Mellors 1 , and A5276s Protocol Team<br />

1 Univ of Pittsburgh, PA, US;; 2 Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;;<br />

3 Social & Scientific Systems Inc, Silver Spring, MD, US;; 4 Univ of North<br />

Carolina at Chapel Hill, US;; and 5 Massachusetts Gen Hosp, Boston, US<br />

358 In-depth Phylogenetic Analyses of HIV-1 Evolution during<br />

Long-term Suppressive Therapy<br />

Lina Josefsson* 1 , N Faria 2 , S Eriksson 1 , E Sinclair 3 , W Shao 4 ,<br />

P Hunt 3 , M Somsouk 3 , S Deeks 3 , F Hecht 3 , and S Palmer 1<br />

1 Karolinska Inst and Swedish Inst for Infectious Disease Control, Solna;;<br />

2 Rega Inst, Katholieke Univ Leuven, Belgium;; 3 Univ of California, San<br />

Francisco, US;; and 4 Advanced Biomed Computing Ctr, SAIC-Frederick<br />

Inc, NCI-Frederick, MD, US<br />

32 � 20th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections<br />

c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 79–Poster Abstracts<br />

Infected Cell Dynamics on Therapy<br />

+ + 367� ��������������������������<br />

T Cells in HIV Naïve Patients<br />

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Silvia Nozza* 1 , D De Battista1 , L Galli1 , A Galli1 , M Ripa1,2 , L Della<br />

Torre1 , S Chiappetta1,2 , G Tambussi1 , M Malnati1 , and A Lazzarin1,2 1 2 San Raffaele Sci Inst, Milan, Italy and Univ Vita Salute, San Raffaele Sci<br />

Inst, Milan, Italy<br />

368� ������������������������������������������������<br />

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T-Lymphocyte Responses<br />

Liang Shan* 1 , C Durand1 , R Siliciano1,2 , and J Siliciano1 1 2 Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD, US and Howard<br />

Hughes Med Inst, Baltimore, MD, US

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