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Sample Papers for 188G.<br />

'That MTeml tHouMnda of utiiiftora and moni-<br />

hera who havo DOT«r seeu<br />

T h e Teniic88«o Baptist,<br />

Just let one thousand pastors try it, and report<br />

the result to ns.<br />

If the pastor should declino let some brother ob-<br />

tain leave after .the service to read the subjoc.1,<br />

and rates and odor to forwanl subscriptlona free.<br />

Show the abevo to your pastor, and if he will<br />

not read it to his congregations after service or<br />

canvass with It, then will yon not do so?<br />

Wo want one thousand active canvassors during<br />

the month of January.<br />


•OLVME.<br />

ST J. R. aUAVKS.<br />

This first valumo contains the six following Donomlnational<br />

Sermons:<br />

1. The Act of Baptiim.<br />

a. Thm SyiiDibolUiia orBaptlsn.<br />

A. Tke M M U M of mmrUam t* ItolvitU**.<br />

«. Tk« ilMMHir » Chnreh Ordlauiev.<br />

Wkal to II to Ba« OHak Oaw*r«lii|yr<br />

C*auH)l«Kce I W'liat la It t<br />

Bond for a oopy for year Ubrarioa. Prio«, 76 eta.<br />

Addreaa BapUat Baok vr*na« HempUi^ Tenn.<br />

Bond to Grave* and MahaOy tor sample paffes of<br />

tb9 mw mvitlo book, Prayer and Praiso.<br />

V -r r<br />

1 ^'jj-'ir,'J, L ^ J r<br />


THATiT iiAirBaDiapx.ATaoBSOADaao»TiiBTauTH.">.i>t,<br />

UKAVKM « MAUAfFV . . . . I>tibli»bera<br />

aniTORiiL ckiKi-s.<br />

J. H.UHAVIi».LL..n. . • • tCdltor ana I'roprUtor<br />

'rilEllK will bo no pap.ir next wook. No lypon<br />

A will be sot (luring Christmas and Now Year<br />

hslidays. I on't foi tfot it.<br />

A friend oso» that every active<br />

friend of thU papor and its editor make an elfort<br />

during Clirlstmaa week to gel A list of >4ii lisorlborH<br />

as a New Year's present lo tho editor. Who cannot<br />

secure at liiast ono? And a thousand doing Oach but<br />

tliis little, would make our heart glad, and give<br />

this pajwr a grand start for 1880.<br />


FOlt 188«.<br />

Bo many now names havu boon onrollod who<br />

wixh to commonoo, aud so many of tho old class<br />

voto to re-commence tho course, and as none ob-<br />

ject we acccilo to thoir wishes, and republish tho<br />

"coarse" given for Septombcrand October last, for<br />

January and February, 1880. .<br />

OLD TKSTAMKMT. For January, Genoslij, two<br />

flhapoi's daily, Conant's tranalution with notes.<br />

NRW TIBTAUBNT. John's gospel, ono ohapter<br />

dally. Matthew's gostM)], one ohaptor dally. Em-<br />

phatic Diaglott with notos and rofbrencos. A<br />

literal word-fbr-word translation in small typo.<br />


TKXT-BOOKI. Christian Dootrlnos (Pendletou),<br />

ono ohapter dally. The Work of Ohrlst Devdoped<br />

in Beven Diapensatlons (Graves), fue ohapter dalljr^<br />

Queatious by tho ola«» will bo answered bf<br />

ttie editor.<br />

The iast five dayt» of February lo bo spent In ro'*<br />

viewing what has Insen reml during tho courso,<br />

Tho text-lMoks can be obtatuml at tho Baptist<br />

llooic House, Momphis. Tenn., at publiahora' price.<br />

the Moond oldest Baptist |>apcr iu Aiuorict, may<br />

HOK. J. JIAUUAI.. Ml«l«i.'j)l.l, I<br />


A«WOOIATB8.<br />

Fur your devotioHai readings morning and<br />

evonings adopt th« Psalms iu course, lly reading<br />

MB and beooiuo iwnonally acquainted with its real A.J KK08T, 1>.I). . . . . H«oritmeiilo, C»l. two I'salnis daily, jou will iu iho courao of on«<br />

morita aa a<br />

BlbUcal Exttoaltor<br />

KKV W M . NOKTON, - . . KUlglAUd.<br />

HKV. J. T. OAKI.KY. llruilurMiti H OrtMO IUMMISS Tenii.<br />

I'ROK. U. W JOUNSWN, i,Uli., ( olllcrrUlo, T«nu.<br />

I AH. 8. MAHAKKY • RiuluMia Maiiik««<br />

year read tho rsitlina nearly throe times. They are<br />

tho Ciir iHtian's prayer and pralso booit; and no<br />

iiiinister can t>o te fauiillar with them.<br />

and an QiUcient stimulator o( ovary Oliriati«i: graco<br />

and roligious activity, tbo pubiigijem offer namplo<br />

papera for a low moutlts at tiie following rates:—<br />

Wo will send tho p»t>er four months for 50 ct«.,<br />

nr free for a club of 5 four months sub«cril>ora at<br />

60 Ota., each.<br />

V mlltor •lioiilrt l>« •'Tl;o onii of Controversy," ho mistakes tho au-<br />

writteo , to (.IravM A MahniTy.<br />

ciftio. Dr. Bond.<br />

tinuod until complotcd.<br />

niHilnKulaliluc I>rlu4th of faltii aud praoUoe, logicAl raading jhurob.<br />

ajovvul. If our readers TIHII Momphis this week<br />

i. That no wmblance of eoclralaatloal authority can<br />

Dr. Froat in the Series that CIOHIMI last inomli<br />

hf<br />

• xerclaetl Rave by a Uwal church.<br />

or noxl wook, call and soo thcso raro Jewels. And<br />

ahowod what "Christian porfoction" was not,—the ». T'>»t each loeal church aluiie la Inveated with allecolailR«tlc«l<br />

power—power lo elect cud commlmlon and depoae no where can yon obtain hotter bargain) in Jewelry<br />

mitteachingt of those who profess "Sinless :i>orfo .Ins appeal, hetween now and Septombor the<br />

first, enough to pay ono month's board for each<br />

l.'hrisl'H kin!,'(l«ni uvoi was or over could ho in tho kingdom ombraces all tho time from his ascension thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents, trusting In<br />

hoartsofsaintHor.innors. I'auI .IOOHJn one plaoo.say unUl his return,—tho Itegcneration. (Matt. xix. 28.) (iod and our brethren, wo will say to thom, "Come<br />

thai Iho kin^.lonvof (.o.l i« riKhloousne^s and peace This period is analagous to the oaring time of the back and lliiish your courso." Ut every ftlond of<br />

ministoriai education who reads this decide If he<br />

and Joy in tho Holy Spirit; but this U manifestly corn, blado or stalk, and, in Daniel's prophecy, is<br />

or she will holp this e»„8e u.is year, 1885-6, and<br />

an oliptlcal sontenco f,.r tho />„,/.. of t. o kingdom',<br />

Iho time between the cutting out of the stono from<br />

inform us /low much, and forward apart of U be-<br />

— its aim and the natural ro.sull ol itN rulo. Wo<br />

tho mountain and its smiting tho ^roat imaifo fore Ihfc tirwi of Sortombcr next. Bro. Fuiiar we<br />

all know<br />

grapo tho<br />

that tho appio is uol tho troo nor tho<br />

vine that pro.lu,o« It. The third Na-<br />

Dan. ii. 41.)<br />

Durinii the blado, or stalk, period of tho corn, as<br />

aro satisliod, will start Iho new year with bis'old<br />

jroiMwiiion; 1. c., to be ono of twenty te pay the<br />

ward and washing of one young minister, —thlN<br />

rx)lcon, in tho folo Kivoi. ai IIIH .'oronation, said for I havo said, there was nothing, to the inoxporienced icon dollars and llfty cents, six dollars and sevent".<br />

tUooaroflho foroi^M. diplomatn, "The empire i« oyo, that looked like an car of corn, yet during this ceiiis each. We holicvo ono brother in California<br />

poaco." Ilo cortainly did not moan that tho French<br />

govcrnmoHt was oiihor litorally or ngnratively<br />

pofico, but that its aiuiH woul.l ho to swinro poaco<br />

|)eriod, after tho form of an oar and tho green, imperfect<br />

and scatiored grains of corn apjwared, uo<br />

one (juestioncd that il was indoetl corn; so in this<br />

will engage to Hupimrt one. And'wo believe the<br />

young ladies' missionary Hodotios IH Tennossea<br />

will onfnigo to support another, and that the societies<br />

in Dyorstmrg and Uipley will heart the list<br />

With all nations. Nono bnl commentators of the ago few can be found to deny that tho kingdom, in And we fcre morally certain that the general oon-<br />

Saored Scriptures would havo otherwise iinder- ono of its phases, is in oiistenco. The k ruela of triimtions will supiwrt anoUier. If we are rlirht<br />

stood th« very el.ptioal oxpres.sion !<br />

in this wo can 8iin|>ort four instead of throe for the<br />

corn are fast multiplying iu the eat; and tho signs<br />

coming year, iSSfMi, Shall wo not do It? It<br />

•f Its fullness and maturity aro manifold, and evi-<br />

may bo a hard year, but lisloa to the nromlso*<br />

I regret to say that one of our own recent aud dent to every Scrlpturally intelligent observer. " Irust in the Ixml aud do gooil, and veflly thoti<br />

value.l commontatoi-H of tho Now Testament thus<br />

brielly e.vplalns tho scopo of ihis parablo: "Tho<br />

kingdom Of God in Iho HOUI and in tho world, a life<br />

and a growth not dopomlont on human power,<br />

gradual, progressive and coinulofe in iig dovolon-'<br />

mont."* '<br />


Analagous to iho throe noted stages in tho growth<br />

sha t ,0 fed." Who will tcust In tho *nd<br />

Tho third period In tho progressive growth of<br />

load oil in this grand work? i<br />

the kingdom, rcprosonted by the first appearance<br />

If wo can only bo instrumoatal this yeai- lu<br />

of the groon ear on the stalk, and tho scattering raising tho means to supiwrt four young ministers<br />

kernola of uuripo corn upon il, to tho KULI, OOKN at Jackson and Carson wo shall fool th»t we ar«<br />

IN Tiiic KAH, represents all the time in the history not living lu vain; and tho brother or sister<br />

who gives fon or fivo or ono dollar will ndt Uva<br />

of tho kingdom from the return of Christ, whon<br />

wholly In vain.<br />

commences tho llogeneratlon, until the close ot tho<br />

liOt us hoar from every friend of ministerial eda-<br />

milleunial age.<br />

cation during this month, that wo may let the<br />

of B sood of corn, vi/,., 1. hVoin the appearance of (1) At tho commencement of this period Christ brothron know If thoy can i-oturn In September<br />

tho blado to that of Iho stalk. 2. From the stalk to will return with all his now glorified saints, Any amounts In the mails that havo not reached<br />

us will be addc' to tho Soptombor fund.<br />

J. It. GRAVES.<br />

lILMtU KUNI>.<br />

Bro E 11 Fuller nit)|.cs»;s to Iw ono or ofumtoglveiw flo.<br />

Mississippi.-. K B Kuiler.O 7ft: rieasttnl^blll eiiureh<br />

DoHolo coiinly, 0 7n. Total, 18 60,<br />

Kontuoky.- W L Trioo,« 7fl.<br />

Toxas. —Mrs Llaxlo Chaaoy, 18 00.<br />

,, , . , UKNltttAL rONl).<br />

Cash on hand 1st H«|ituinbur, |4i W,<br />

Jtuoolvod siiiee BoptomiMir tsi to Uaio,<br />

WRKKLY UXl>UllT,<br />

07.<br />

Mrs B A Watson, aonncssou, 1 OOj A Baptist. MidillA. ^ ^<br />

burg, Tenn., 8 ooi fc Itollor, Tonuosiwo. a

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