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ITEMS.<br />

TlioaKh yoa Couffb<br />

In Iho iutiiuaciea and friontlihli» of<br />

those fifty years, I hare found that the<br />

Till Your Heart Aches puroul, sweetest and noblest of my<br />

friends were those who kept nearoet<br />

Wh«n Ui» 'Lira HSBTOIilKO" Kant IndU Itrmto<br />

Jesus.<br />

«ilr u »t tmiHl. One Iwltln will wiuiy Ihe niOul .Vfit-<br />

Ue»i lh«l Jill. a. JAMKH' llwpwiitl.mi ;t In.lla<br />

II»m|< win piwIUvrlr curt CU Iiulli u •» 'in. i<br />

aiid »m hiippy to JO icll you elm I Tim • „ !ile«»cd in the eyes cf (»o —<br />

liKHnlT A I.J-.M.IU<br />

KENTUCKY ll'Init ' ."ai eating _ and x.riiiiui - logellHir. „ — >. t-laawa dl'lda.! lii-,o amall MMr.l.iru<br />

nluipsoir* KUiri., Wiwhlotfton O, . la ^ of Horehouml Tar the 8|>cedicst re- •Ui I I ja thai each (radet rx-ltea every da _ .. _<br />

Ktoralive of the voice in cases of |w| niLITAR\<br />

11 I I JA Mr Y sapertntendrnt. I OoremnMmtadapUd to the-riiararter of each individual<br />

• • cadet ». AfacoUrwhoaaaoclatewllhtbecadrta. 7 A ayiteni oruillltsry<br />

Ajk your .Iniyrl.l f,.r l>r II J»MKS (•j.,in..l.l.<br />

IlKllcH, niiil If ihi-v fail v. SW1.1 1.- ... .llriH 1 l»'4.:,(( hoarseness. It also euros coiiKhs ami INSTITUTE. diaclplln* whl*-h develope the IkkIv a»il linnarta le«»ona of aiilborliv ami<br />

proiaplutedleaee. Addraaa Cal.1t. O. AI.I.K!!, r«rmd»t«, Ky.<br />

(wr Itijltli-ur thr l«jii(.., f„r ««.r.f>. I'lll. ao.l iii,ii<br />

nicnt Itt.vn oafh t'imilKH'K ,V i n l-t i.n. i.,r, sort! throai rapidly and ooinplctclr<br />

ICSi lu 8tr«!l. I'hll..li.|pliin. fa j.lti 36 !2o r >n S'>!d by all Dnigj^isU si 2;ic., ."A: A .nrecurt to, THROAT and LUNO DISEASES.<br />

and $1<br />

Colds, Coughs, HoDfseness, Soro Throat,<br />

Loss of VoH ice. Influenza. oi^ TKmai<br />

KIND WORDS FOR 1886. Glro»'. Malphur «a*p healaaod So. rnmbles yield instantly to tt« ma&irii ami »oothing Inflacncc.<br />

OcraMuiCaniIt«Mu-rrklllaOi>raa.B9nlotia,2i(o i'or L.aryngitl8, Bronchitis, Quinsy, Asthma,<br />

I'UICK !th;i>l « Kli.<br />

Hiir« Hilr «nd WhUkw CT»-r.Uek a Brown.axx and Consumption, i. li. nk lean^s Tar winr<br />

Uai>: it Ujc rcmce snrr relief,<br />

n^'a Toolhiaeae Oran oui* 11: StljiBl*, Sck l! has curcil l-un^ where all other retncdteft<br />

Th» prli of Klli.l VVonli for ls.s«itive •jHti^c. l or Singers and S^akera the Tak<br />

ity on national, domestic and individ- \Vi!»»« NO IUl.m ta an ahanlute neceaaily Nothinghau<br />

Till' l.fOKiiiia will twdM l.lMlly liiii,r..v-ivl. aii.l »lll<br />

Inrludc llm« KradfM.<br />

ual piofrress, tvrouKhl through ilic<br />

ever Keen red which will immediate relief,<br />

and tt will po&uivi'iy ct»re Thr"*! trcmbica. IH>n*T Dclay.<br />

I- KxpUnKtlonn and (juoKtlonn ultliotit auNui'ri. r.-r<br />

Uie eld».r M-hutam.<br />

orjianij'.atioii, mini-iricH and nilssioiis<br />

Stop that Bsd Cold! Stop that Cough I<br />

"S- Qiit^ilonii and Atiawpr^, for lnti.rTi>.H(1aif m-hxlai* of ihc Christian Church, in icnowl- wno^e Thrrsat arc arre, hard and drv,<br />

S. I.fnion Story and giK.«iion and An»«pr». (..i ib.. ed(;c, virtue, order, (reetloin anil w»llrral5irr the » e»?e(l nf a nn^le doat of Dn I H<br />

yirtinKM! K-hiilara.<br />

Mrl.a*.s' * 1 AH W 1 I Nf, lUi M. at>d tn jrive aJI dmihtmc<br />

Tllfiw iMwina will havr all the othor imua. dt avrtd tne fi.oo,<br />

Sfnil-Monlhly — Slnffl-. copy, f.0 r. ill. , . li!i.< .,( un<br />

or more, fwh ii cfnis.<br />

aKue, rheumaijsm, nervous debility r ihjt Ain.iunt »M p'lstAcr st:im|>». ! will af*«m one docen.<br />

I..»rpf l"»tiir i.n Uu h t rtpijin sia ijni- % t;un. h aa the ac cent<br />

Tin Quarterly —Contaln.'nK (hr l.-»«.«rh<br />

qnartn of the year. wliJi nthor lii.|p« f.>r toivrhcr. knd or premature decay, will find in Sim-<br />

, • • ll.no<br />

Kliulard, jM-r annum, ID cenla.<br />

mons Liver Uogulator, prepared by J.<br />

«»r a I r>itM-« . -t • • c oo<br />

Afivr usJn* hi J n Wisr I.'*.. Bai.*. Jtt iae<br />

Lfafleta —(VintnlnInK the lenaon« only iivr<br />

•nniim, each 10 r«it«.<br />

H. Zeilin .fc Co., a vegetable siwcific<br />

Itrar (rorii r>>u<br />

•rao Chlld'a Oem- . I.ori't, Mil , Proprietor of<br />

able lor In fani clawa — (ler anniiin, ulnifl.- coiiv Ut trouble and effects an absolute and Dr. J. H. McLean's Wonderful StrengtbenInK Cordial.<br />

OUAVKM 4t<br />

'i'<br />

MAIIArrv,<br />

I'" ""T"-<br />

MoinphU,<br />

f-"' A.Mr..;.<br />

Tmin. permanent cure. It regulates the liver, 1iit>VAa Uoni.vsoM. B pi'omluint lj»er* Slahie keenci of<br />

dispels despondency and restores C"luml.-1«, (,., .taira tliat Dr. J II Mcl ean". Tar Svine<br />

IiHK II ilni U Ihe h. M rem..!* he 1, »er oAc.l for touirhl and<br />

SggP COMrAJfY's RELIABLE. health.<br />

cnlda. S.i s he would ti.'t l.c wilh.uit It if It i-..»t |io a tinttlc.<br />

If vou are ( ..stive, Ililiroia.nr amiitid with t.iver orKidney<br />

Celled to Uke, What cau^ witl con<br />

llnued that constant irriUtlon and<br />

backing cough, they could nnither ei-<br />

I lain not prevent. Providence throw<br />

Ihe remedy in my way. My wife wHii<br />

«aflferlng from prolapitus uteri, «nd tho<br />

,.rofes8oret the theory and practice of<br />

ijiedicine In th« University of Naohville<br />

l>r. Winston, was her piiysician, «nd be<br />

prescribed for her this ftlenticai Brace<br />

which speedily rollevttin.<br />

Ueciemtior 21,1S6.<br />

1)11 J. 11. Ghavks : — Dour Sir, I<br />

usoil the Brsce sunt by yourseifduring<br />

iny lato canvasH of tho State. It was<br />

of very great service to ine; andl<br />

feel very well satisfied that if I bad<br />

(V)ininencctl its use a week earlier that<br />

my voii;o would not havo been aft'ected<br />

at all. Tht! first time I uned il I ad-<br />

IrenRctl a large crowil ol people In ilie<br />

open air, and I found that my voice<br />

waH very inucu strengthened; and al<br />

ilio f.loHo of a two hours' siwof.li .i was<br />

free from iny usual feeling of v/earl<br />

ncss anil exhaustion. Very respiot<br />

fully Ja8. IJ. PoKTun.<br />

AOEOIMIIA KVAJfBI.ia-ir.<br />

Uaving given tho Banning Drue a fall<br />

trial, I checrfuliy bear my ieeiimony to<br />

its value. I can perform my labor with<br />

fif^ |)er cent more ease aud coralort tluir<br />

before; I would not be without it fo<br />

twicf. Its price. T. 0. Botjuw.<br />

Handay.«chooI Erangeihit<br />

AklanU, Oa.<br />

ror Honx^baeh BI(«laK.<br />

1 have travsled aoroas tbe Htat dobuity, from ing such things uiufer the hoad of<br />

•early twonty yeia. and iho ilddXxpS' wuiuM i-ufli asiMw UM giTou .iven ma me gi^eai gr..( reiisf. niusx<br />

" hnnibuggory." ory." llocoontly, tho hoavy<br />

In riding hotM-bao, no one haa any «)on-<br />

tience of more than one thousand muilieoption of lt« worm. 1 balieva it to be all and fatlgurii; ig efibrta of tiio coatoniiiaf,<br />

loia and public ^"cakerB upon whom I you claim, 1 wonld not b« wlthont It. quite brokodown for tho first month,<br />

Watauga, Tann. T. K. H, H OMTSIL<br />

have fitted ihe ^raoe wii^inTuiahle<br />

1 oonoludod to try tlio rojootod Braco,<br />

moceaa, I am prepared to tetiify of|lta j Tlie TeallBsaHr or * VbrlaUiiM Wommm aud t do not hoiltato to testify to tho<br />

real nerita. mihoui it, I am aathdled I robliahed liar tbo Boaaflt invBluable worth of this Braoe. I can<br />

>booid havo boon laid aside fmm publio Ber reliow4liiiler«r«. ondure at loaaithree timoa thonniount<br />

^l eaking ei^teen yeAna^. Byaiinf<br />

oflabor tbftt I did befora witiiout fa-<br />

U, I have (alW reoovored a loai Toict,<br />

tigue. My voloehaaimproredatotrorv<br />

jjtil an Ueawd with oaooi naoomaioa<br />

step of lnaret8«d ellbrt, nod phjral-<br />

ru«ei Mi «a4iinuiee. Withoat It, two i ifltad. Tha most of than ara t—<br />

o«l itrength hsi been moat efAolvntiy<br />

OK thm lerinooQ ezbanat ana glTo me I<br />

roaflwed.lwottldnot taka ton tlmei<br />

jft'f vS'; I'lji<br />

• ' ! X'si<br />

the priooof my Bmce now and bo<<br />

polled ( diiponae with it. I moat i<br />

dially niootoinend thia Brao* to tb«<br />

who may, pbyaioally or othoryrlw<br />

nowd iU G. A. Loyroir, DJJ.<br />

DoKon, Ga. J<br />

Baknihds Braos.— m m one of Uie<br />

greatest of (ihysioal bieuinBui Ut a<br />

publio simkeroi'tlugor. Thetwtioaony<br />

of mauy ininletere ai ta iti past<br />

bonoflt would iurprlae thoae who<br />

know nothing of it •<br />

B. U. Foao. LL. D.<br />

Editor Christian Repository.<br />

Through Meiisra. Flower ^ Wilaon<br />

of Komton Blatioit, Ohlon ount7,<br />

fonu., I procured ouuof your Irapror-<br />

out<br />

gonoral businosa in a day, wm<br />

far greater oaso, than I have btm<br />

able to do in a long timo. I find r,ho<br />

Braco lo be truly tho very meohanlcai<br />

holt) I need. IL 0. Lowa?f.<br />

liorn Lako, MIm., May 10,1877.<br />


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