2011 - Europe Direct Iasi

2011 - Europe Direct Iasi

2011 - Europe Direct Iasi


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EUROINVENT <strong>2011</strong><br />

thermal treatment), favoring appearance of a large<br />

magnetoresistance effect. The magnetic behavior of the Zn-Co<br />

thin films is determined by their morphology produced during<br />

the electrodeposition, and modified as a consequence of the<br />

subsequent thermal treatment. The coercivities of the samples<br />

increase after thermal treatment at 350 o C. We have found by<br />

torsion magnetometer measurements that magnetic anisotropy<br />

easy axis is out of plane for as-deposited films and there is an<br />

antiferromagnetic type of interaction between grains.<br />

Magnetoresistance (MR) measurements were carried out in dc<br />

magnetic field by means of current in plane device configuration.<br />

We obtained the magnetoresistance values comprised between<br />

5% and 35% for the samples after thermal treatment. The large<br />

magnetoresistance effect obtained for the Zn-Co thin films after<br />

thermal treatment makes them useful for technological<br />

applications in the domain of magnetoresistive sensors with good<br />

corrosion resistance.<br />

R.25.<br />

Title Microwave assisted synthesis of blue luminophors<br />

Gheorghiţă Zbancioc, Costel Moldoveanu, Vasilichia Bejan and<br />

Authors<br />

Ionel Mangalagiu<br />

Institution Al.I. Cuza University, Faculty of Chemistry<br />

Recent studies show that pyrrolopyridazine (PP) derivatives<br />

represent such a class, being a ‘pure’ blue-emitting moiety.<br />

Microwave irradiation has become an increasingly valuable tool<br />

in organic chemistry, since it offers a versatile and facile<br />

pathway in a large variety of syntheses. Solid phase reactions<br />

have the great advantage of using no organic solvents (‘solventfree’),<br />

such reactions being more environmentally friendly and<br />

generate less side products. The application of microwave<br />

irradiation under solvent-free conditions enables organic<br />

reactions to occur expeditiously at ambient pressure, providing<br />

unique chemical processes with special attributes such as higher<br />

Description<br />

yields, shorter reaction time, milder conditions and the associated<br />

ease of manipulation.<br />

The aim of this work was to synthesise new fluorescent PPs, to<br />

study the relationship between optical properties and structure<br />

(the effect of substituents and conjugation), and to develop a new<br />

environmentally friendly method for preparation of these<br />

derivatives using MW technologies (in liquid and solid phase).<br />

Application<br />

Synthesis of highly fluorescent derivatives with extended πconjugation<br />

stirs strong interestbecause of their applications as<br />

sensors and biosensors, electroluminescent materials, lasers and<br />

other optoelectronic devices.<br />

Innovative Researches<br />


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