Solving Stochastic Differential Equations with Maple

Solving Stochastic Differential Equations with Maple

Solving Stochastic Differential Equations with Maple


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<strong>Solving</strong> <strong>Stochastic</strong> <strong>Differential</strong> <strong>Equations</strong> <strong>with</strong><br />

<strong>Maple</strong><br />

Sasha Cyganowski<br />

Introduction<br />

The effects of intrinsic noise <strong>with</strong>in physical phenomena is<br />

ignored when mathematical models of their behavior are constructed<br />

using deterministic differential equations. Such equations<br />

describe what is occurring on average to the system.<br />

However, more information is often required to obtain a full<br />

picture of the behavior of the model, especially when nonlinearities<br />

are involved. In these circumstances a stochastic<br />

model is used. <strong>Stochastic</strong> <strong>Differential</strong> <strong>Equations</strong> (SDEs) include<br />

a random term which describes the intrinsic noise, or<br />

randomness, <strong>with</strong>in dynamical systems. SDEs have found<br />

many applications in areas such as Chemistry, Physics, and<br />

Mathematical Biology. A general, one-dimensional SDE takes<br />

the form<br />

dX t = a(t; X t)dt + b(t; X t)dW t; (1)<br />

where a(t; X t) is the drift coefficient and b(t; X t) is the diffusion<br />

coefficient. W t is a Wiener process which represents<br />

intrinsic noise in the dynamical system, and is often referred<br />

to as white noise. The subscript t denotes time-dependence.<br />

The drift coefficient models the dominant action of the system<br />

whilst the diffusion coefficient represents randomness<br />

along the dominant curve.<br />

The Wiener process is the simplest random or stochastic<br />

process which provides an adequate model for Brownian motion.<br />

Details of the Wiener process can be found in Kloeden<br />

and Platen [3]. This random “function” is of significance as<br />

it is the starting point of stochastic calculus. Now, the Wiener<br />

process is not of bounded variation, thus if we write equation<br />

(1) as an integral equation of the form<br />

Xt(w) = Xt0 (w) +<br />

+<br />

Z t<br />

t0<br />

Z t<br />

t0<br />

a[s; X s(w)] ds<br />

b[s; X s(w)] dW s(w); (2)<br />

the second integral is not defined by the rules of classical calculus.<br />

This problem was overcome in the early 1950s when<br />

Ito formulated his definition of the Ito integral, for which the<br />

second integral is defined. Ito stochastic calculus exhibits<br />

many peculiarities and does not conform to the rules of classical<br />

calculus, so care must be taken when constructing methods<br />

to solve SDEs. Efficient methods are now available and<br />

can be found in Kloeden and Platen [3].<br />

School of Computing and Mathematics, Deakin University, Geelong,<br />

Vic 3217, Australia. sash@deakin.edu.au<br />

The author has developed a <strong>Maple</strong> package, called “stochastic”,<br />

containing routines which return explicit solutions to<br />

those SDEs known to have such solutions. This paper will<br />

concentrate on these particular routines. The package also<br />

contains routines which construct efficient, high order stochastic<br />

numerical schemes. Readers wishing to approximate solutions<br />

to SDEs via numerical methods will benefit from reading<br />

Cyganowski [1].<br />

Explicit Solutions to SDEs through <strong>Maple</strong><br />

In the subsections below, specific forms of SDEs that are<br />

known to have explicit solutions will be introduced and procedures<br />

from the “stochastic” package will be provided which<br />

automate the solving of such SDEs. General solutions are<br />

simply given, as found from Kloeden and Platen [3]. Firstly,<br />

linear SDEs will be considered followed by non-linear SDEs<br />

that are reducible to linear form.<br />


Linear SDEs are explicitly solvable, exhibiting the general<br />

form<br />

dX t =(a(t)X t + c(t))dt +(b(t)X t + d(t))dW t; (3)<br />

<strong>with</strong> general solution<br />

where<br />

X t = t;t0 (X t0 +<br />

t;t0<br />

+<br />

= exp(<br />

Z t<br />

t0<br />

Z t<br />

t0<br />

Z t<br />

t0<br />

,1<br />

s;t0<br />

(c(s) , b(s)d(s)) ds<br />

,1<br />

s;t0 d(s) dW s); (4)<br />

(a(s) , 1<br />

2 b2 (s)) ds +<br />

Z t<br />

t0<br />

b(s) dW s) (5)<br />

is the fundamental solution. A suitable <strong>Maple</strong> procedure for<br />

solving such SDEs is given below.<br />


<strong>Stochastic</strong> DEs <strong>with</strong> <strong>Maple</strong><br />

> linear:=proc(a:algebraic,b:algebraic)<br />

> local temp1,alpha,beta,gamma,delta,fundsoln,<br />

> fundsoln2,soln,default1,default2,default3;<br />

> if diff(a,x,x) 0<br />

> or diff(b,x,x) 0 then<br />

> ERROR(`SDE not linear, try a reducible<br />

> procedure`)<br />

> else<br />

> alpha := diff(a,x);<br />

> alpha := subs(t = s,alpha);<br />

> beta := diff(b,x);<br />

> beta := subs(t = s,beta);<br />

> if diff(beta,s) = 0 then<br />

> temp1 := beta*W;<br />

> else temp1 := Int(beta,W = 0 .. t);<br />

> fi;<br />

> gamma := coeff(a,x,0);<br />

> gamma := subs(t = s,gamma);<br />

> delta := coeff(b,x,0);<br />

> delta := subs(t = s,delta);<br />

> fundsoln := exp(int(alpha-1/2*(beta**2),<br />

> s = 0 .. t)+temp1);<br />

> fundsoln2 := subs(t = s,fundsoln);<br />

> if beta = 0 then<br />

> soln := fundsoln*(X[0]+<br />

> int(1/fundsoln2*<br />

> (gamma-beta*delta),s = 0 .. t)<br />

> +Int(1/fundsoln2*delta,W = 0 .. t))<br />

> else soln := fundsoln*(X[0]+<br />

> Int(1/fundsoln2*<br />

> (gamma-beta*delta),s = 0 .. t)<br />

> +Int(1/fundsoln2*delta,W = 0 .. t))<br />

> fi;<br />

> default1 := Int(0,W = 0 .. t) = 0;<br />

> default2 := Int(0,W = 0 .. s) = 0;<br />

> default3 := Int(0,s = 0 .. t) = 0;<br />

> soln := X[t] = subs(default1,default2,<br />

> default3,soln)<br />

> fi<br />

> end:<br />

To invoke such a procedure we use the following command.<br />

linear(a(t,x),b(t,x));<br />

Figure 1 Syntax for procedure “linear”.<br />

In Figure 1, a(t; x) and b(t; x) denote the drift and diffusion<br />

coefficients of the SDE, respectively. Note that both arguments<br />

must be given in the variables x and t. This syntax<br />

will be required for all the procedures in this paper.<br />


SDEs are in this category if they have the general form<br />

dX t =( b(X t)h + 1<br />

<strong>with</strong> general solution<br />

2<br />

X t = h ,1 (exp t h(X0) + exp t<br />

2 b(X t)b 0 (X t))dt + b(X t)dW t; (6)<br />

Z t<br />

0<br />

exp , s dW s); (7)<br />

where<br />

h =<br />

Z x ds<br />

b(s)<br />

: (8)<br />

A suitable <strong>Maple</strong> procedure for solving such SDEs is given<br />

below.<br />

> reducible:=proc(a:algebraic,b:algebraic)<br />

> local beta,temp1,h,alpha,soln,soln1;<br />

> h := int(1/b,x);<br />

> temp1 := alpha*b*h+1/2*b*<br />

> simplify(diff(b,x));<br />

> temp1 = a;<br />

> alpha := simplify(solve(",alpha));<br />

> beta := alpha*h;<br />

> if diff(alpha,x) = 0 then<br />

> if alpha=0 then<br />

> soln:=h=subs(x=X[0],h)+W;<br />

> X[t]=simplify(solve(soln,x));<br />

> else<br />

> soln1 := h = exp(alpha*t)*<br />

> subs(x = X[0],h)<br />

> +exp(alpha*t)*Int(exp(-alpha*s),<br />

> W = 0 .. t);<br />

> X[t] = solve(soln1,x);<br />

> fi<br />

> elif diff(beta,x) = 0 then<br />

> X[t] = simplify(solve(h=beta*t+W+<br />

> subs(x=X[0],h),x));<br />

> else ERROR(`non-linear SDE not reducible`)<br />

> fi<br />

> end:<br />



The <strong>Maple</strong> procedure “explicit” is given below, which is a<br />

combination of procedures “linear” and “reducible”. This<br />

procedure determines whether an SDE is reducible or linear,<br />

and solves it accordingly. If the SDE does not fall into one<br />

of the above categories, the user is returned <strong>with</strong> an error<br />

message.<br />

> explicit:=proc(a:algebraic,b:algebraic)<br />

> if diff(a,x,x) = 0 and diff(b,x,x) = 0 then<br />

> linear(a,b)<br />

> else<br />

> reducible(a,b)<br />

> fi<br />

> end:<br />

The procedure “explicit” is more user-friendly than “linear”<br />

or “reducible” as it is not necessary for the user to predetermine<br />

which category the SDE belongs to.<br />

Applications<br />

(I) Consider the SDE<br />

dX t = dt +2<br />

p XtdW t: (9)<br />

Here we see how the procedure “explicit” can be used to find<br />

the explicit solution of equation (9).

explicit(1,2*sqrt(x));<br />

X t =2<br />

(II) Consider the SDE<br />

p X0W + W 2 + X0<br />

dX t =lnX tdt + X tdW t: (10)<br />

In this example the SDE is reported to have no known<br />

explicit solution.<br />

> explicit(ln(x),x);<br />

Error, (in reducible) non-linear SDE not reducible<br />

Conclusion<br />

<strong>Stochastic</strong> calculus has been introduced in this paper through<br />

the computer algebra system <strong>Maple</strong>. Procedures were presented<br />

and used to find solutions to SDEs. It should be noted<br />

that the methods provided here for solving SDEs are suitable<br />

for real-valued, one-dimensional SDEs <strong>with</strong> real-valued,<br />

one-dimensional Wiener processes.<br />

Symbolic computation in stochastic analysis has been investigated<br />

by Kendall [2] and Valkeila [6], while <strong>Maple</strong> code<br />

suitable for use in stochastic numerics has been developed<br />

by Cyganowski [1] and Kloeden and Scott [5]. Previously<br />

<strong>Maple</strong> had not been used in stochastic calculus for finding<br />

explicit solutions to SDEs.<br />

The procedures in this paper are part of the <strong>Maple</strong> package<br />

“stochastic” which has been developed by the author<br />

and recently accepted into <strong>Maple</strong>'s share library. It will become<br />

publicly available when the next electronic update of<br />

the share library occurs. Those who are interested in acquiring<br />

the package now are welcome to contact the author for<br />

a free copy, complete <strong>with</strong> help files and installation instructions.<br />

Alternatively, the package can be obtained via the Internet<br />

at http://www.cm.deakin.edu.au/~sash/maple.html.<br />

Other functions contained in the “stochastic” package include<br />

procedures which construct strong stochastic numerical<br />

schemes up to order 2, weak stochastic numerical schemes<br />

up to order 3, as well as procedures which check for commutative<br />

noise of the first and second kind, and a procedure<br />

which converts SDEs <strong>with</strong> white noise into colored noise<br />

form. Additional procedures are included <strong>with</strong>in the package<br />

so that users can easily construct numerical schemes other<br />

than those already available.<br />

Future extensions to this package will include a set of<br />

procedures which plot approximate solutions to SDEs. The<br />

input required for these “graphical” procedures will be easily<br />

obtainable as it will be the output from the “algebraic”<br />

procedures discussed in this paper.<br />

References<br />

<strong>Stochastic</strong> DEs <strong>with</strong> <strong>Maple</strong><br />

[1] Cyganowski, S.O., A MAPLE Package for <strong>Stochastic</strong><br />

<strong>Differential</strong> <strong>Equations</strong>, Computational Techniques<br />

and Applications: CTAC95, editors A. Easton, R. May,<br />

World Scientific, (to appear).<br />

[2] Kendall, W.S., Computer algebra and stochastic calculus,<br />

Notices Amer. Math. Soc., 37, 1990, 1254–1256.<br />

[3] Kloeden, P.E. and Platen, E., Numerical Solution<br />

of <strong>Stochastic</strong> <strong>Differential</strong> <strong>Equations</strong>, Springer-Verlag,<br />

1992.<br />

[4] Kloeden, P.E., Platen, E. and Schurz, H., Numerical Solution<br />

of <strong>Stochastic</strong> <strong>Differential</strong> <strong>Equations</strong> through Computer<br />

Experiments, Springer-Verlag, 1993.<br />

[5] Kloeden, P.E. and Scott, W.D., Construction of <strong>Stochastic</strong><br />

Numerical Schemes through <strong>Maple</strong>, <strong>Maple</strong> Technical<br />

Newsletter, 10, 1993, 60–65.<br />

[6] Valkeila, E., Computer algebra and stochastic analysis,<br />

some possibilities, CWI Quarterly, 4, 1991, 229–238.<br />


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