Prefixes, Suffixes, and Combining Forms - Department of Education ...

Prefixes, Suffixes, and Combining Forms - Department of Education ...

Prefixes, Suffixes, and Combining Forms - Department of Education ...


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verticill- 58<br />

-ylene<br />

verticill- combining form NL, fr. verticillus, fr. L, whorl <strong>of</strong> a<br />

spindle, dim. <strong>of</strong> vertic-, vertex whirl : whorl : verticil verticillary<br />

verticilli- combining form NL Verticillium genus<br />

: Verticillium verticilliosis<br />

vesico- combining form NL, fr. L vesica bladder : <strong>of</strong> or relating<br />

to the urinary bladder <strong>and</strong> vesicoureteral<br />

vesicul- or vesiculo- combining form NL vesicula : vesicle<br />

Vesicularia : vesicular <strong>and</strong> vesiculopapular<br />

vibro- combining form ISV, fr. L vibrare to shake, vibrate<br />

: vibration vibromassage<br />

vice- prefix ME vis-, vice-, fr. MF, fr. LL vice-, fr. L vice, abl. <strong>of</strong><br />

vicis : one that takes the place <strong>of</strong> vice-consul vice-chairman<br />

vice-principal<br />

-ville n suffix - -ville, suffix occurring in names <strong>of</strong> towns, fr.<br />

F, fr. OF, fr. ville farm, village : place or category <strong>of</strong> a specified<br />

nature squaresville<br />

viol- combining form ISV, fr. NL Viola : pansy violaniline<br />

visc- or visco- combining form ME, fr. L, fr. viscum mistletoe,<br />

birdlime 1 :viscous : viscosity viscogen viscoscope 2<br />

: viscous <strong>and</strong> viscoelastic<br />

viscer- or visceri- or viscero- combining form LL, fr. L viscera<br />

1 : visceral : viscera visceralgia visceroptosis viscerogenic<br />

2 :visceral <strong>and</strong> visceripericardial<br />

vitell- or vitello- combining form L vitellus 1 :yolk : vitellus<br />

vitellin vitellogenesis 2 :vitelline <strong>and</strong> vitellointestinal<br />

viti- combining form L, fr. vitis : vine viticulture<br />

vitr- or vitro- combining form L vitrum glass : glass : glassy<br />

vitrophyre devitrify<br />

vivi- combining form MF, fr. L, fr. vivus : alive : living<br />

vividialysis viviperfuse vivisection<br />

vomero- combining form NL vomer : vomerine <strong>and</strong><br />

vomero-palatine<br />

-vora n pl combining form NL, fr. L, neut. pl. <strong>of</strong> -vorus -vorous<br />

: ones that eat something specified Insectivora<br />

-vore n combining form - F, fr. -vore -vorous, fr. L -vorus<br />

: one that eats something specified<br />

-vorous adj combining form L -vorus, fr. vorare to devour<br />

: eating : feeding on carnivorous piscivorous<br />

-ward also -wards adj suffix -ward fr. ME, fr. OE -weard<br />

akin to OHG -wart, -wert, -ward, ON -verthr, Goth -wairths,<br />

L vertere to turn -wards fr. -wards, adv. suffix 1 :that<br />

moves, tends, faces, or is directed toward homeward<br />

shoreward 2 :that occurs or is situated in the direction<br />

<strong>of</strong> leftward<br />

-ward or -wards adv suffix -ward fr. ME, fr. OE -weard, fr.<br />

-weard, adj. suffix -wards fr. ME, fr. OE -weardes, gen. sing.<br />

neut. <strong>of</strong> -weard, adj. suffix 1 :in a specified spatial or temporal<br />

direction upward northward afterward 2<br />

: toward a specified point, position, or area trees bent<br />

earthward<br />

-way adv suffix ME, fr. way : in such a way, course, direction,<br />

or manner broadway lyraway<br />

-ways adv suffix ME -ways, -weys, fr. ways, weyes, wayes, gen.<br />

<strong>of</strong> way, wey way : in such a way, course, direction, or manner<br />

sideways barways<br />

-wise adv combining form ME, fr. OE -wsan, fr. wse manner<br />

1 a : in the manner <strong>of</strong> crabwise fanwise b :in the position<br />

or direction <strong>of</strong> endwise slantwise clockwise 2<br />

: with regard to : in respect <strong>of</strong> stylewise<br />

wolfram- or wolframo- combining form ISV wolfram<br />

: - wolframic wolframophosphate<br />

xanth- or xantho- combining form NL, fr. Gk, fr. xanthos<br />

perh. akin to OHG hasan gray 1 :yellow xanthoma xanthelasma<br />

xanthoderma 2 : xanthic acid xanthate 3<br />

: yellow or yellowish <strong>and</strong> ammoniacal in names <strong>of</strong> salts <strong>of</strong><br />

cobalt xanthocobaltic chloride<br />

xen- or xeno- combining form LL, fr. Gk, fr. xenos 1 :guest<br />

: foreigner xenomania 2 a : strange : foreign Xenurus b<br />

: intrusive xenolith c :- xenogenesis<br />

-xene n combining form - F -xène, fr. Gk -xenos stranger, fr.<br />

xenos 1 :substance rarely associated with such a mineral<br />

anthracoxene 2 :intrusive mineral <strong>of</strong> such a character<br />

leucoxene cacoxene<br />

-xenous adj combining form Gk -xenos stranger, fr. xenos<br />

: host lipoxenous<br />

-xeny n combining form - Gk -xen os + E -y : such a host<br />

relationship lipoxeny<br />

xer- or xero- combining form LL, fr. Gk xr-, xro-, fr. xros<br />

1 a : dry : arid xeric b :dry place xerophilous 2 :using<br />

a dry process in the making <strong>of</strong> such a product xerography<br />

xeroprinting<br />

xiph- or xiphi- or xipho- combining form NL, fr. Gk, fr. xiphos<br />

1:swordlike : sword-shaped xiphophyllous xiphiplastron<br />

2:xiphoid <strong>and</strong> xiphocostal<br />

xyl- or xylo- combining form L, fr. Gk, fr. xylon perh. akin to<br />

Lith ulas pillar, post, OE sl 1 a : wood : woody xylophone<br />

xyloma b : xylem 2 a : xylene xylic xyloquinone<br />

b :xylose xylonic acid xyloketose<br />

-xylon n combining form NL, fr. Gk xylon more at - 1<br />

: one having such wood in generic names<br />

Haematoxylon 2 :one living in such a relation to wood<br />

Hypoxylon 3 :wood laurinoxylon<br />

-xylum n combining form NL, fr. Gk xylon more at -<br />

: one having such wood in generic names<br />

Erythroxylum Zanthoxylum<br />

-y also -ey adj suffix, usu -ier usu -iest ME, fr. OE -ig akin to<br />

OHG -g -y, ON -igr, Goth -eigs, -igs, L -icus, Gk -ikos, Skt -ika<br />

1 a : characterized by : full <strong>of</strong> in adjectives formed from<br />

nouns blossomy dirty in many words formed from a base<br />

word having final postconsonantal mute e <strong>and</strong> with omission<br />

<strong>of</strong> the e miry mirey spiny spiney accompanied by<br />

doubling <strong>of</strong> the final consonant <strong>of</strong> the base word immediately<br />

after a short stressed vowel leggy muddy in the form<br />

-ey regularly after a final y clayey or vowel other than postconsonantal<br />

mute e mosquitoey gluey sometimes with a<br />

change <strong>of</strong> y to i skiey or where -y would duplicate another<br />

word holey b :having the character <strong>of</strong> : composed <strong>of</strong> in<br />

adjectives formed from nouns icy watery lacy waxy<br />

ranty c :characteristic <strong>of</strong>, resembling, or suggesting someone<br />

or something indicated : having some <strong>of</strong> the qualities <strong>of</strong><br />

: that is like or like that <strong>of</strong> in adjectives formed from nouns<br />

homey wintry folksy garbagy winy <strong>of</strong>ten with a disparaging<br />

connotation gadgety milquetoasty schoolteachery<br />

rabbity Hollywoody bedroomy barny stagy d<br />

: devoted to : addicted to : enthusiastic over in adjectives<br />

formed from nouns horsy outdoorsy ismy 2 a : tending<br />

or inclined to in adjectives formed from verbs clingy<br />

sleepy chatty criey b :giving occasion for specified<br />

action teary yummy usu. in adjectives formed from<br />

verbs munchy picnicky c :performing specified action<br />

or being in a specified mode <strong>of</strong> existence : - in adjectives<br />

formed from verbs twinkly curly 3 a : somewhat<br />

: rather : - in adjectives formed from adjectives purply<br />

suedy woodeny b : having such characteristics to a<br />

marked degree Scotchy Dutchy or in an affected or superficial<br />

way Frenchy in adjectives formed from adjectives<br />

-y n suffix, pl -ies ME -ie, fr. OF, fr. L -ia, fr. Gk -ia, -eia 1<br />

: state : condition : quality chiefly in combining forms<br />

derived from French, Latin, or Greek -algy -<strong>and</strong>ry<br />

-cracy -sophy -tomy 2 :activity, place <strong>of</strong> business, or<br />

goods dealt with ch<strong>and</strong>lery coopery laundry executry<br />

3:whole body or group soldiery<br />

-y n suffix, pl -ies ME -ie, fr. AF, fr. L -ium : instance <strong>of</strong> a<br />

specified action expiry entreaty inquiry<br />

-yl n combining form - Gk hyl wood, matter first used in G<br />

benzoyl, lit., fundamental material <strong>of</strong> benzoic acid, fr. benz- +<br />

Gk hyl : chemical radical: as a :univalent radical ethyl<br />

pyridyl hydroxyl b : radical containing oxygen carbonyl<br />

chromyl including a few radicals <strong>of</strong> organic acids<br />

acetyl glycyl succinyl compare -<br />

-ylene n suffix - -yl + -ene 1 : unsaturated hydrocarbon<br />

piperylene compare - 2 :bivalent radical phenylene<br />


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