Quick introduction to reverse engineering for beginners

Quick introduction to reverse engineering for beginners

Quick introduction to reverse engineering for beginners


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mov ecx, [esp+10h+var_10]<br />

mov edx, [esp+10h+sz]<br />

loc_D6: ; CODE XREF: f(int,int *,int *,int *)+B2<br />

mov esi, [esp+10h+ar2]<br />

lea esi, [esi+edi*4] ; is ar2+i*4 16-byte aligned?<br />

test esi, 0Fh<br />

jz short loc_109 ; yes!<br />

mov ebx, [esp+10h+ar1]<br />

mov esi, [esp+10h+ar2]<br />

loc_ED: ; CODE XREF: f(int,int *,int *,int *)+105<br />

movdqu xmm1, xmmword ptr [ebx+edi*4]<br />

movdqu xmm0, xmmword ptr [esi+edi*4] ; ar2+i*4 is not 16-byte aligned, so<br />

load it <strong>to</strong> xmm0<br />

paddd xmm1, xmm0<br />

movdqa xmmword ptr [eax+edi*4], xmm1<br />

add edi, 4<br />

cmp edi, ecx<br />

jb short loc_ED<br />

jmp short loc_127<br />

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

loc_109: ; CODE XREF: f(int,int *,int *,int *)+E3<br />

mov ebx, [esp+10h+ar1]<br />

mov esi, [esp+10h+ar2]<br />

loc_111: ; CODE XREF: f(int,int *,int *,int *)+125<br />

movdqu xmm0, xmmword ptr [ebx+edi*4]<br />

paddd xmm0, xmmword ptr [esi+edi*4]<br />

movdqa xmmword ptr [eax+edi*4], xmm0<br />

add edi, 4<br />

cmp edi, ecx<br />

jb short loc_111<br />

loc_127: ; CODE XREF: f(int,int *,int *,int *)+107<br />

; f(int,int *,int *,int *)+164<br />

cmp ecx, edx<br />

jnb short loc_15B<br />

mov esi, [esp+10h+ar1]<br />

mov edi, [esp+10h+ar2]<br />

loc_133: ; CODE XREF: f(int,int *,int *,int *)+13F<br />

mov ebx, [esi+ecx*4]<br />

add ebx, [edi+ecx*4]<br />

mov [eax+ecx*4], ebx<br />

inc ecx<br />

cmp ecx, edx<br />

jb short loc_133<br />

jmp short loc_15B<br />

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

loc_143: ; CODE XREF: f(int,int *,int *,int *)+17<br />

; f(int,int *,int *,int *)+3A ...<br />


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