The Epistle To The Hebrews - Executable Outlines

The Epistle To The Hebrews - Executable Outlines

The Epistle To The Hebrews - Executable Outlines


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A Call <strong>To</strong> Be Content<br />

<strong>Hebrews</strong> 13:5-6<br />

1. In this final chapter of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Epistle</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Hebrews</strong>, we have noticed exhortations...<br />

a. <strong>To</strong> let brotherly love continue - He 13:1<br />

b. <strong>To</strong> show love toward strangers - He 13:2<br />

c. <strong>To</strong> remember those in prison and others who are mistreated - He 13:3<br />

d. <strong>To</strong> hold marriage in honor, abstaining from fornication and adultery - He 13:4<br />

2. We now find a warning against covetousness - He 13:5a<br />

a. <strong>The</strong> previous verse was a warning against “the lust of the flesh” (immorality)<br />

b. Here we have a warning against “the lust of the eyes” (materialism)<br />

-- Both of which are contrary to the love of the Father - cf. 1 Jn 2:15-17<br />

3. Covetousness, a strong desire for material things, is strongly condemned in the Bible...<br />

a. Jesus said it defiles a man, and that we should beware of it - Mk 7:21-23; Lk 12:15<br />

b. Paul taught that covetousness...<br />

1) Will keep one out of the kingdom of God - 1 Co 6:9-10<br />

2) Like fornication, should not even be named among us - Ep 5:3<br />

3) Is nothing less than idolatry - Ep 5:5; Co 3:5<br />

4. <strong>The</strong> antidote to covetousness is contentment - He 13:5b-6<br />

a. If we are content, then we won’t be covetous<br />

b. Contentment is therefore an important virtue for Christians to develop...<br />

1) But what is “contentment”?<br />

2) What is the key to being content?<br />

Mark A. Copeland<br />

[In this lesson, “A Call <strong>To</strong> Be Content”, we shall seek to answer these questions, using the text of our<br />

lesson (He 13:5-6) and other scriptures that deal with the subject of contentment...]<br />



1. <strong>The</strong> English word “content” means “desiring no more than what one has”<br />

2. <strong>The</strong> Greek word is arkeo {ar-keh’-o}, which means “to be satisfied”<br />

-- When one is content, they are satisfied with what they have; with no desire for more,<br />

covetousness no longer becomes a problem!<br />


1. From the pen of uninspired men...<br />

a. “He is richest who is content with the least.” (Socrates)<br />

b. “He is well paid that is well satisfied.” (William Shakespeare)<br />

c. “He who is content can never be ruined.” (Chinese Proverb)<br />

d. “He who wants little always have enough.” (Johann Georg Zimmerman)<br />

e. “If you are not satisfied with a little, you will not be satisfied with much.” (Unknown)<br />

Sermons From <strong>Hebrews</strong> 117

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