The Epistle To The Hebrews - Executable Outlines

The Epistle To The Hebrews - Executable Outlines

The Epistle To The Hebrews - Executable Outlines


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Mark A. Copeland<br />

f. “Escaped the edge of the sword”<br />

1) David, fleeing King Saul - 1 Sam 23:19-29<br />

2) Elijah, fleeing Jezebel - 1 Kin 19:8-10<br />

3) Elisha, whom the King of Israel wanted murdered - 2 Kin 6:31-32<br />

h. “Out of weakness were made strong”<br />

1) Samson, after his hair was cut - Judg 16:29-30<br />

2) Hezekiah, who was given fifteen years of life - Isa 38:1-8<br />

i. “Became valiant in battle, turned to flight the armies of aliens”<br />

1) David, in defeating Goliath - 1 Sam 17:50<br />

2) Jehoshaphat, in defeating Edom - 2 Chr 20:1-30<br />

3) Hezekiah, whose faith led to the slaughter of 185,000 Assyrian soldiers- 2 Kin<br />

19:1-36<br />

2. Also through faith...<br />

a. “Women received their dead raised to life again”<br />

1) <strong>The</strong> widow of Zarephath, via Elijah - 1 Kin 17:17-24<br />

2) <strong>The</strong> Shunamite woman, via Elisha - 2 Kin 4:8-37<br />

b. “Others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, to obtain a better resurrection”<br />

1) Eleazar, in the Maccabean period (between the Testaments) - 2 Macc 6:30<br />

2) Also, seven brothers and their mother tortured by Antiochus Epiphanes<br />

- 2 Macc 7:9-36<br />

-- Such events would have been well known by the Hebrew readers<br />

c. “Others had trials of mockings, scourgings, chains and imprisonment”<br />

1) Micaiah, the prophet - 1 Kin 22:24-28<br />

2) Jeremiah, the prophet - Jer 20:1-3; 37:11-21; 38:1-13<br />

d. Some were:<br />

1) “Stoned” - Zechariah, son of Jehoida the priest - 2 Chr 24:20-22<br />

2) “Sawn in two” - the prophet Isaiah, according to tradition<br />

3) “Tempted” - Daniel, as a youth - Dan 1:8-21<br />

4) “Slain with the sword” - Uriah the prophet - Jer 26:20-23<br />

e. Some wandered about:<br />

1) “In sheepskins and goatskins” - Elijah - 2 Kin 1:8<br />

2) “Being destitute, afflicted, tormented” - Elijah - 2 Kin 17:2-6; 18:9-10<br />


1. Certainly not the praise of the world! - He 11:38<br />

a. Many had to wander in deserts and mountains, live in dens and caves (Elijah)<br />

b. But in truth, the world is not worthy of them!<br />

2. <strong>The</strong>y did obtain a good testimony... - He 11:39a<br />

a. As stated regarding the elders in He 11:2<br />

b. As stated regarding Enoch - He 11:5<br />

3. Yet they did not obtain “the promise” during their lifetime - He 11:39b-40<br />

a. <strong>The</strong>y did receive some of the promises, such as the promised land - cf. He 11:33<br />

b. But they did not receive “the” promise<br />

1) <strong>The</strong>y did not live to see the coming of the promised Deliverer (Christ)<br />

2) Nor did they experience the “perfection” which Christ now offers<br />

a) <strong>The</strong> Law could not make them “perfect” - cf. He 9:9-10; 10:1-4<br />

b) But Christ can! - cf. He 9:11-14; 10:11-14<br />

4. What they did not receive during their lifetime, they did with the coming of Christ!<br />

a. For Christ died to redeem them as well as us! - He 9:15<br />

Sermons From <strong>Hebrews</strong> 93

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