Gold First Wordlist English / German / French / Italian - Pearson ...

Gold First Wordlist English / German / French / Italian - Pearson ...

Gold First Wordlist English / German / French / Italian - Pearson ...


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<strong>Gold</strong> <strong>First</strong> - <strong>Wordlist</strong> <strong>English</strong> / <strong>German</strong> / <strong>French</strong> / <strong>Italian</strong><br />

Version April 2012<br />

Page Act. Headword Part of Speech Pronunciation <strong>German</strong> <strong>French</strong> <strong>Italian</strong> Example Sentence<br />

62 6 access n ˈæksəs Zugang accès accesso Access to the papers is restricted to senior<br />

management<br />

62 6 accessible adj əkˈsesəbəl zugänglich, offen, erreichbar accessible accessibile We need a health service that is accessible to<br />

everyone.<br />

62 6 anxiety n æŋˈzaɪəti Angst, Ängstlichkeit grandes inquiétudes angoscia, timore, paura There is considerable anxiety among staff about job<br />

losses.<br />

62 6 romance n rəʊˈmæns Romanze romance romanza Michelle married him after a whirlwind romance.<br />

62 6 romantic adj rəʊˈmæntɪk romantisch romantique romantico Tom is very romantic and always sends her red roses<br />

on her birthday.<br />

62 6 succeed n səkˈses Erfolg haben réussir avere successo The experiment was a big success.<br />

62 6 successful adj səkˈsesfəl erfolgreich réussi di successo The operation was successful.<br />

62 6 choose v tʃuːz wählen, aussuchen choisir scegliere It took us ages to choose a new carpet.<br />

62 6 choice n tʃɔɪs Wahl choix scelta You have a choice of hotel or self-catering<br />

accommodation.<br />

62 6 entertain v ˌentəˈteɪn unterhalten divertir divertirsi She entertained the children with stories, songs and<br />

drama.<br />

62 6 entertainment n ˌentəˈteɪnmənt Unterhaltung divertissement divertimento The town provides a wide choice of entertainment.<br />

62 6 grow v grəʊ wachsen, zunehmen augmenter crescere Sales of new cars grew by 10 percent last year.<br />

62 6 growth n grəʊθ Wachstum croissance crescita There has been a rapid growth of world population.<br />

62 6 produce v prəˈdjuːs produzieren produire produrre Costner produced and directed the film.<br />

62 6 separate v ˈsepərət trennen se séparer separare At this point the satellite separates from its launcher.<br />

62 6 separation n ˌsepəˈreɪʃən Trennung séparation separazione This is the zone of separation between the warring<br />

factions.<br />

62 6 supply v səˈplaɪ liefern, bereitstellen fournir mettere a disposizione Paint for the project was supplied by the city.<br />

62 6 supply n səˈplaɪ Vorrat, Angebot, Lieferung réserves scorta I've only got a week's supply of tablets left.<br />

63 2 shoot v ʃuːt drehen (Film) tourner girare The movie was shot in New Zealand.<br />

63 2 distribute v dɪˈstrɪbjuːt verteilen distribuer distribuire The man is distributing leaflets to passers-by.<br />

63 2 vastly adv ˈvɑːstli in hohem Maße considérablement in alto grado, grandemente This book is vastly superior to his last one.<br />

63 2 tighten one's grip on v phrase ˈtaɪtn jə grɪp ɒn besseren Zugriff bekommen auf resserrer sa prise sur ottenere un migliore accesso per The military have tightened their grip on the capital.<br />

63 2 sell-out n ˌselaʊt ausverkauft sein complet esaurito The concert was expected to be a sell-out.<br />

63 2 at the expense of n æt ðiː ɪkˈspens əv auf Kosten von aux dépens de a scapito di The growth in short breaks is at the expense of longer<br />

package holidays.<br />

63 2 near miss n nɪə mɪs Beinahe-Fehlschlag presque un échec quasi un fiasco Several of his films have been near misses.<br />

63 2 box office n ˈbɒks ˌɒfɪs Abendkasse caisse cassa Collect your tickets at the box office.<br />

63 2 media-hyped v ˈmiːdiəˌhaɪpt von den Medien hochgespielt du matraquage publicitaire gonfiato dai media Many people only go to see the media-hyped<br />

blockbusters.<br />

63 2 handy adj ˈhændi praktisch pratique pratico It's very handy having a light above your desk.<br />

63 2 alphabetically adv ˌælfəˈbetɪkli alphabetisch par ordre alphabétique alfabetico All the iTunes files are arranged alphabetically.<br />

63 2 conservative adj kənˈsɜːvətɪv konservativ conservateur conservatore, tradizionale He has a conservative attitude to education.<br />

63 2 cancel v ˈkænsəl annullieren annuler annullare Our flight was cancelled.<br />

63 2 approve v əˈpruːv gutheißen apprécier approvare I don’t approve of cosmetic surgery.<br />

63 2 demand n dɪˈmɑːnd Nachfrage demande domanda, richiesta There is a huge demand for new housing.<br />

63 2 option n ˈɒpʃən Optionen choix opzioni There are a number of options available.<br />

63 2 raise your game v phrase ˌreɪz jə ˈgeɪm sich mehr anstrengen, mehr passer à la vitesse supérieure sforzarsi ancora più, essere in full So the media industry must raise its game now.<br />

Einsatz bringen<br />

immersion<br />

63 2 guarantee v ˌgærənˈti garantieren garantir garantire I guarantee you'll love this film.<br />

63 2 delight v dɪˈlaɪt erfreuen faire plaisir à far piacere a Her fabulous recipes will delight anyone who loves<br />

chocolate.<br />

63 2 format n ˈfɔːmæt Format format format, formato You can see the film in a wide variety of formats.<br />

63 2 offering n ˈɒfərɪŋ Darbietung album, offre, proposition rappresentazione This is the latest offering from Nanci Griffith.<br />

63 2 climate n ˈklaɪmət Klima climat clima Small businesses are finding it hard to survive in the<br />

present economic climate.<br />

63 2 consumer n kənˈsjuːmə Verbraucher consommateur/trice consumatore (trice) Consumers will soon be paying higher air fares.<br />

64 1 project v prəˈdʒekt Projekt projet progetto They project films onto the wall in that restaurant.<br />

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