Gold First Wordlist English / German / French / Italian - Pearson ...

Gold First Wordlist English / German / French / Italian - Pearson ...

Gold First Wordlist English / German / French / Italian - Pearson ...


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<strong>Gold</strong> <strong>First</strong> - <strong>Wordlist</strong> <strong>English</strong> / <strong>German</strong> / <strong>French</strong> / <strong>Italian</strong><br />

Version April 2012<br />

Page Act. Headword Part of Speech Pronunciation <strong>German</strong> <strong>French</strong> <strong>Italian</strong> Example Sentence<br />

111 2 continent n ˈkɒntənənt Kontinent continent continente He has climbed all the highest mountains on the<br />

world's seven continents.<br />

111 2 double life n ˌdʌbəl ˈlaɪf Doppelleben double vie doppia vita Marje had no idea that her husband was leading a<br />

double life.<br />

111 2 intense adj ɪnˈtens stark, hoch intense forte, grande Young people today are under intense pressure to<br />

succeed.<br />

111 2 oxygen n ˈɒksɪdʒən Sauerstoff oxygène ossigeno He had to get used to low oxygen levels high up on<br />

the mountain.<br />

111 2 drag v dræg ziehen faire traîner, tirer tirare Inge managed to drag the table into the kitchen.<br />

111 2 driveway n ˈdraɪvweɪ Einfahrt, Auffahrt allée ingresso, rampa d'accesso They walked up the driveway to the big house.<br />

111 2 litter v ˈlɪtə verstreut herumliegen joncher essere sparso Clothes littered the floor.<br />

111 2 adventure n ədˈventʃə Abenteuer aventure avventura We’re going on an adventure tomorrow.<br />

111 2 gear n gɪə Ausrüstung matériel equipaggiamento We'll need some camping gear.<br />

111 2 racer n ˈreɪsə Rennfahrer coureur, pilote corridore automobilista They have been professional racers for years.<br />

111 2 decade n ˈdekeɪd Jahrzehnt décade decennio Things have changed a lot on the last decade.<br />

111 2 reception n rɪˈsepʃən Empfang réception accoglienza His ideas met with a hostile reception.<br />

111 2 solo adj ˈsəʊləʊ Solo-, allein solo, seul solo He is the youngest solo sailor to sail around the<br />

world.<br />

111 2 sailor n ˈseɪlə Segler voilier We were both experienced sailors.<br />

111 2 globe n gləʊb Erde globe terra He sailed around the globe.<br />

111 2 controversy n ˈkɒntrəvɜːsi Streitigkeiten controverse polemica The judge's decision provoked controversy.<br />

111 2 pre-schooler n ˌpriːˈskuːlə Vorschulkind enfant à l'age préscolaire bambino in età prescolare My little brother will be a pre-schooler next year!<br />

111 2 neighbourhood n ˈneɪbəhʊd Nachbarschaft quartier, voisinage vicinato Be quiet! You'll wake up the whole neighbourhood.<br />

111 2 tricycle n ˈtraɪsɪkəl Dreirad tricycle triciclo He used to win neighbourhood tricycle events.<br />

111 2 diagnose somebody v phrase ˈdaɪəgnəʊz ˌsʌmbɒdi etwas bei jmd. diagnostizieren diagnostiquer qc chez qn diagnosticare qu She was diagnosed with breast cancer.<br />

with<br />

wɪð<br />

111 2 disorder n dɪsˈɔːdə Erkrankung troubles, maladie malattia He suffers from a rare disorder of the liver.<br />

111 2 painful adj ˈpeɪnfəl schmerzhaft douloureux doloroso Is you arm very painful?<br />

111 2 immobility n ˌɪməˈbɪləti Bewegungslosigkeit immobilité immobilità The months of immobility seem to have encouraged<br />

him to make adventure sports into a lifestyle.<br />

111 2 hyper- prefix ˈhaɪpə über- hyper- iper- Jordan doesn't have Paul's hyper-competitive gene.<br />

111 2 gene n dʒiːn Gen gène gene Information is transferred by genes in much the same<br />

way as it is by words.<br />

111 2 summit n ˈsʌmət Gipfel sommet cima Many people have now reached the summit of Mount<br />

Everest.<br />

111 2 mouth v maʊð ein Wort mit den Lippen formen articuler silencieusement articolare una parola con le<br />

labbra<br />

She silently mouthed the words 'Good luck'.<br />

111 2 vague adj veɪg vage vague vago Julia was vague about where she had been and what<br />

she had been doing.<br />

111 2 driven adj ˈdrɪvən ehrgeizig, getrieben obsédé ambizioso He claims he is not a driven workaholic.<br />

111 2 philosophy n fəˈlɒsəfi Philosophie philosophie filosofia The company explained their management<br />

philosophy.<br />

111 3 sour v saʊə vergällen, verbittern gâter avvelenare, guastare An unhappy childhood has soured her view of life.<br />

111 3 deadly adj ˈdedli lebensgefährlich périlleux pericolosissimo He climbed one of the world's deadliest mountains.<br />

111 3 background n ˈbækgraʊnd Herkunft, Vorgeschichte origines provenienza, antecedente You have to understand his background.<br />

111 3 wilderness n ˈwɪldənəs Wildnis région déserte, contrée sauvage regione selvaggio They entered a wilderness race.<br />

111 3 calling n ˈkɔːlɪŋ Berufung vocation vocazione Paul finally felt like he had found his true calling.<br />

111 3 justification n ˌdʒʌstəfəˈkeɪʃən Rechtfertigung justification giustificazione There is no justification for holding her in jail.<br />

112 5 broke adj brəʊk pleite fauché essere al verde I'm fed up with being broke all the time.<br />

113 2 educate v ˈedjʊkeɪt unterrichten enseigner insegnare I have always wanted to educate young children.<br />

113 2 educational adj ˌedjʊˈkeɪʃənəl Bildungs- de l'enseignement educativo The educational development of children is very<br />

important.<br />

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