Gold First Wordlist English / German / French / Italian - Pearson ...

Gold First Wordlist English / German / French / Italian - Pearson ...

Gold First Wordlist English / German / French / Italian - Pearson ...


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<strong>Gold</strong> <strong>First</strong> - <strong>Wordlist</strong> <strong>English</strong> / <strong>German</strong> / <strong>French</strong> / <strong>Italian</strong><br />

Version April 2012<br />

Page Act. Headword Part of Speech Pronunciation <strong>German</strong> <strong>French</strong> <strong>Italian</strong> Example Sentence<br />

9 4 experience v ikˈspɪəriəns verspüren, erfahren éprouver subire If you experience any fever or dizziness, contact your<br />

doctor.<br />

9 4 track n træk Musikstück morceau brano There are ten great tracks on their new album.<br />

9 4 cassette n kəˈset Kassette cassette cassetta My parents used to listen to music on cassettes.<br />

9 4 lack n læk Fehlen, Abwesenheit manque mancanza There is a lack of information available about climate<br />

change.<br />

9 4 visible adj ˈvɪzəbəl sichtbar visible visibile The outline of the mountains was clearly visible<br />

through the window.<br />

9 4 overlap v ˌəʊvəˈlæp sich überschneiden coïncider sovrapporre Youngsters are finding that their music taste overlaps<br />

with their parents'.<br />

9 4 rebellious adj rɪˈbeljəs rebellisch rebelle ribelle All teenagers are rebellious in some way.<br />

10 1 overtime n ˈəʊvətaɪm Überstunden heures supplémentaires straordinario We're working overtime to get the job finished.<br />

10 1 editor n ˈedətə Redakteur/in rédacteur/trice redattore The music editor is on sick leave this week.<br />

10 1 sick leave n ˈsɪk liːv Urlaub wegen Krankheit congé de maladie essere in malattia I'm going on leave this afternoon, I'll be back next<br />

week.<br />

10 3 appear v əˈpɪə scheinen, scheinbar etw. tun paraître sembrar essere It appears to be time for us to go.<br />

10 3 appear v əˈpɪə auftreten apparaître apparire She has already appeared in a number of films.<br />

10 3 think about v θɪnk əˈbaʊt überlegen, über etw. nachdenken penser à pensare a I think about my ex-boyfriend a lot.<br />

10 3 think v θɪnk glauben, denken penser pensare, credere I think you're being unfair.<br />

10 3 depend on somebody phrasal v dɪˈpend ɒn ˌsʌmbɒdi auf jemanden angewiesen sein dépendre de qn. dipendere da qu I'm depending on him to organise everything.<br />

10 3 depend on phrasal v dɪˈpend ɒn abhängen von dépendre de dipendere da Choosing the right bike depends on what you want to<br />

use it for.<br />

10 3 taste v teɪst schmecken avoir un goût sapere di This cake tastes delicious, well done!<br />

10 3 taste v teɪst kosten von, probieren goûter assaggiare Joe's tasting the soup.<br />

11 1 take off phrasal v teɪk ˈɒf Schwung bekommen, abheben décoller decollare Mary was a bit jealous when Jack's career started<br />

taking off.<br />

11 1 take after phrasal v teɪk ˈaːftə jmd. ähnlich sein tenir de assomigliare a qu Jenni really takes after her mother.<br />

11 1 take up phrasal v teɪk ˈʌp anfangen mit etw. se mettre à cominciare Roger took up painting for a while, but soon lost<br />

interest.<br />

11 1 take over phrasal v teɪk ˈəʊvə übernehmen (Aufgabe) prendre le relais de qn. assumersi Tom took over after the band's manager left.<br />

11 1 take back phrasal v teɪk ˈbæk zurücknehmen retirer ritirare You'd better take back that unkind remark.<br />

11 4 be familiar with adj phrase biː fəˈmɪliə wɪð vertraut sein mit connaître avere dimistichezza con qc Are you familiar with this type of machine?<br />

11 7 promote v prəˈməʊt Werbung machen für faire de la publicité pour fare pubblicità per Is this a good way for artists to promote their music?<br />

11 7 drum up phrasal v drʌm ˈʌp die Werbetrommel rühren, susciter battere la grancassa/fare grande The organisation is using the event to drum up new<br />

Interesse wecken für<br />

pubblicità di qc<br />

business.<br />

11 7 session n ˈseʃən Sitzung, Session session session (musica) Josh Freese is a very successful session drummer<br />

based in Los Angeles.<br />

11 7 unique adj juːˈniːk einzigartig unique unico Every person's fingerprints are unique.<br />

11 7 sell out phrasal v sel ˈaʊt restlos verkaufen, ausverkaufen tout vendre esaurirsi Sorry, tickets for tomorrow's show have sold out.<br />

11 7 available adj əˈveɪləbəl erhältlich, verfügbar disponible disponibile Tickets are available from the box office.<br />

11 7 snare drum n ˈsneə drʌm kleine Trommel, Snare caisse claire tamburo A fan was allowed to take one of Josh Freese's a<br />

snare drums home.<br />

11 7 release v rɪˈliːs veröffentlichen, herausbringen faire sortir pubblicazione The new game will be released online in February.<br />

12 1 varied adj ˈveərid abwechslungsreich varié vario My music tastes are quite varied.<br />

12 1 personal adj ˈpɜːsənəl persönlich personnel personale <strong>Italian</strong> food is my personal favourite.<br />

12 1 recommendation n ˌrekəmenˈdeɪʃən Empfehlung recommandation raccomandazione I often discover bands through personal<br />

recommendations.<br />

12 3 stuff n stʌf Zeug, Sache truc(s) roba I've got some sticky stuff on my shoe.<br />

12 3 be into something prep phrase biː ˈɪntə ˌsʌmθɪŋ etw. mögen, auf etw. stehen aimer qc. piacere qc I'm into the same music as my friends.<br />

12 3 mainly adv ˈmeɪnli hauptsächlich surtout soprattutto The workforce at the hospital is mainly made up of<br />

women.<br />

12 3 share v ʃeə teilen, austauschen partager condividere The three of us shared a taxi home.<br />

12 3 share files n phrase ʃeə faɪlz Dateien austauschen partager des fichiers scambiare file I don't buy much new music - I just share my friends'<br />

files<br />

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