Gold First Wordlist English / German / French / Italian - Pearson ...

Gold First Wordlist English / German / French / Italian - Pearson ...

Gold First Wordlist English / German / French / Italian - Pearson ...


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<strong>Gold</strong> <strong>First</strong> - <strong>Wordlist</strong> <strong>English</strong> / <strong>German</strong> / <strong>French</strong> / <strong>Italian</strong><br />

Version April 2012<br />

Page Act. Headword Part of Speech Pronunciation <strong>German</strong> <strong>French</strong> <strong>Italian</strong> Example Sentence<br />

68 1 lose your nerve n phrase luːz jə ˈnɜːv die Nerven/den Mut verlieren perdre son sang-froid sfiduciarsi, scoraggiarsi, perdere<br />

la calma<br />

I wanted to ask him the question, but I lost my nerve.<br />

68 1 remind v rɪˈmaɪnd (jmd.) erinnern rappeler à qn de faire qc ricordare qu Remind me to buy some milk tonight.<br />

68 1 hide v haɪd verbergen cacher nascondere She laughed to hide her nervousness.<br />

68 1 kill v kɪl umbringen, hier auch: schmerzen tuer ammazzare It kills me to see him working so hard.<br />

68 1 wear a look v weə ə ˈlʊk einen Gesichtsausdruck haben expression faciale / air avere una espressione del volto His face wore a welcoming smile.<br />

68 1 strained adj streɪnd angespannt tendu teso Nina's voice sounded strained.<br />

68 1 be taken aback phrasal v biː teɪkən əˈbæk bestürzt, verblüfft sein être déconcerté costernato Emma was taken aback by his honesty.<br />

68 1 tone n təʊn Tonfall ton inflessione Her tone was sharp with anger.<br />

68 1 hallway n ˈhɔːlweɪ Flur, Korridor couloir corridoio She followed her mother into the hallway.<br />

68 1 small talk n ˈsmɔːl tɔːk oberflächliche Unterhaltung faire la conversation small talk We stood around making small talk.<br />

68 1 resume v rɪˈzjuːm wieder aufnehmen reprendre riprendere She hopes to resume work after the baby is born.<br />

68 1 unbidden adv ʌnˈbɪdn ungebeten, unaufgefordert sans le vouloir non richiesto, spontaneamente The thought came to her unbidden.<br />

68 1 arrangement n əˈreɪndʒmənt Vorbereitung préparatifs preparativi Have you made all your travel arrangements?<br />

68 1 bustle n ˈbʌsəl Geschäftigkeit agitation viavai There was a lot of bustle and talk.<br />

68 1 dread n dred Furcht, Grauen terreur timore, orrore The prospect of flying filled me with dread.<br />

68 1 unfamiliar adj ˌʌnfəˈmɪliə unbekannt, fremd, unvertraut inconnu, étranger estraneo, sconosciuto She stood on the deck to gaze at the unfamiliar<br />

surroundings.<br />

68 1 bright adj braɪt heiter, fröhlich vif, vive sereno, allegro Her voice was bright and cheerful.<br />

69 3 adjust v əˈdʒʌst anpassen s'adapter adattare It took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust to the<br />

darkness.<br />

69 3 departure n dɪˈpɑːtʃə Abreise départ partenza I saw Simon shortly before his departure for Russia.<br />

69 3 get over something phrasal v get ˈəʊvə ˌsʌmθɪŋ über etwas hinwegkommen se remettre de superare qc She never got over the death of her son.<br />

69 3 emotion n ɪˈməʊʃən Emotion, Gefühl émotion emozione, sentimento Her voice was full of emotion.<br />

70 5 clubbing n ˈklʌbɪŋ in Nachtclubs ausgehen aller en boîte andare a ballare/al nightclub She usually goes out clubbing at the weekend.<br />

70 5 blind as a bat adj ˈblaɪnd əz ə ˌbæt blind wie ein Maulwurf myope comme une taupe quasi cieco/non essere capace di I'm blind as a bat without my glasses.<br />

vedere bene<br />

71 3 luxurious adj lʌgˈzjʊəriəs luxuriös, Luxus- luxueux lussuoso, di lusso We stayed in a luxurious hotel.<br />

71 2/audio eco-friendly adj ˈɪːkəʊˌfrendli umweltfreundlich écologique non inquinante I only buy eco-friendly products.<br />

71 2/audio weird adj wɪəd seltsam étrange strano A really weird thing happened last night.<br />

72 1 monastery n ˈmɒnəstri Kloster monastère monastero The monastery has a magnificent library.<br />

72 1 breathtaking adj ˈbreθˌteɪkɪŋ atemberaubend stupéfiant che mozza il fiato The view from my bedroom window was absolutely<br />

breathtaking.<br />

72 1 magnificent adj mægˈnɪfəsənt wundervoll magnifique meraviglioso She looked magnificent in a long red dress.<br />

72 1 mysterious adj mɪˈstɪəriəs geheimnisvoll mystérieux misterioso Benson later disappeared in mysterious<br />

circumstances.<br />

72 1 peaceful adj ˈpiːsfəl friedlich, ruhig paisible, calme calmo, pacifico We had a peaceful afternoon without the children.<br />

72 1 remote adj rɪˈməʊt entlegen, abgelegen lointain isolato, fuori mano She lives in a remote border town.<br />

72 1 spiritual adj ˈspɪrətʃuəl spirituell spirituel,le spirituale Painting helps fill a spiritual need for beauty.<br />

72 3 imaginary adj ɪˈmædʒənəri imaginär imaginaire immaginario As she listened, she played an imaginary piano on<br />

her knees.<br />

72 3 paradise n ˈpærədaɪs Paradies paradis paradiso The hotel felt like paradise after two weeks of<br />

camping.<br />

72 3 utopia n juːˈtəʊpiə Utopia utopie utopia To outsiders it seemed to be a mountaintop utopia.<br />

73 1 source of income n ˌsɔːs əv ˈɪŋkʌm Einkommensquelle source de revenu fonte di guadagno His job was his only source of income.<br />

73 7 domestic adj dəˈmestɪk Inlands- (hier: -flug) intérieur national (volo) nazionale You can get a domestic flight to the north of the<br />

country.<br />

73 7 direct adj dəˈrekt direkt direct,e diretto Which is the most direct route to London?<br />

73 7 season ticket n ˈsiːzen ˌtɪkət Saisonkarte abonnement saisonnier biglietto stagionale He bought a season ticket for his train journey to<br />

work.<br />

73 7 return ticket adj rɪˈtɜːn Rückfahrkarte billet aller-retour biglietto di andata e ritorno They didn’t buy return tickets.<br />

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